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Hitting the Snooze Button Is Actually Good for You!

Written by: Diane Forster, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you do it right, you can turn a bad habit of hitting the snooze button into a powerful new mindset hack and manifestation tool.

High achievers and go-getters will tell you to turn off the alarm and hop right out of bed and get your day going. And that’s great!

But what if there was a better way to get out of bed every day? A way that allowed you to tap into the genius in-between states of the Alpha and Theta Brainwaves so that your subconscious mind could produce even better results for you in your life?

Let me share with you a technique I call “3-Hit Snoozing.” The manifestations and results showing up in my life blew me away since I started doing this. So, I had to share them.

1. The first thing you need to do is spend an extra 30 minutes in bed. It sounds torturous, doesn’t it?! Either set your alarm 30 minutes earlier than usual, or make sure you have allowed enough time to stay there.

2. When your alarm goes off in the morning, hit the snooze button once. Before you fall back asleep, start listing in your mind all the things that you are grateful for — the bed, the pillows, the blankets, your warm body, your loved ones, your health, your home, etc. List those things in your mind as you fall back asleep.

3. In nine minutes, when the alarm goes off, hit the snooze button again. This time, as you lay down and prepare to fall back asleep, think about your big dreams and goals. Think about what you want your life to be like a year from now, two years, five years, ten years, or wherever you’d like to go. Imagine having, being, and doing all of those things you dream about as you fall back asleep again.

4. When the alarm goes off, hit the snooze button one last time. As you prepare for your final nine minutes of sleep, think about your day TODAY. Set intentions for what you WANT to happen on this day — how you want to feel, what does this day look like, a great cup of coffee, an amazing run, an invigorating shower, an easy commute to work, fabulous meals with wonderful people, signing that big deal you’ve been working on for months and all of it. Fall asleep to those thoughts one more time.

5. When the alarm goes off for the final time, turn it off, get out of your bed, and start your day.

This accomplish several things:

  • It’s a great alternative for people who struggle to meditate.

  • You have now found a way to use your precious sleep time in a very productive way.

  • Your frequency raises in that “feel good” state, bringing you more things to feel good about.

  • You’ve just given your subconscious mind the programming, and now it knows its job — to bring you everything you asked for —magic!

Start using “3-Hit Snoozing,” and let me know how it’s working for you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Diane Forster, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Diane Forster is an award-winning life coach and intentional living expert. After several life events that led to an attempted suicide, Diane reinvented her life and found her true calling. Now, she helps others transform their lives to live with passion and purpose. As a mindset and manifestation master, she has helped thousands clear away limiting beliefs and feelings of low self-worth to instead bring their ideas to actualization and create the life of their dreams. Diane's TV Show and podcast, "I HAVE TODAY with Diane Forster" offers practical, actionable steps that you can do today. She is also an award-winning inventor, author of 6 books, and has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, QVC, ESPN Radio, KHTS Radio, and several other TV, radio, podcasts, and magazines. Her mission: Transform 1 billion lives.

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