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Her Superpower is The Power of Choice — An Interview with Life Coach Patricia Renovato

For over a decade, Patricia kept ignoring the growing sensation that there was more she could do to serve the world. It was daunting to think about changing her life in a dramatic way without direction. After spending some time searching for the answer, Patricia found her calling as a Life Coach. This became the vehicle for her to facilitate the transformation of people who felt stuck in their life; not knowing how to begin a new journey. Patricia dedicates her time to connecting people with their true passion so they can live a passionate and purposeful life. Patricia’s innate ability to see people’s potential, beyond their purview, inspires clients to work through the inner blocks that are preventing them from living their dream.

Patricia Renevato
Patricia Renovato

You’re a life coach. What’s the 1 issue clients want your help with?

A lot of my clients are looking to make a change. They are feeling unfulfilled but don’t know how or what to change. As we start working together, we discover deeper emotions that need to be examined before defining the vector for change. We often learn that there are beliefs that have been passed on by family and society that contradicts the client’s values. And then there’s fear. Because we all experience fear in different ways, it also shows up in various forms in someone’s life. We are complex beings filled with layers of sensitivities and interpretations. My job is fascinating. I help clients dissect their minds and reprogram their behavior, so they can connect back to their purpose and live a passionate, fulfilling life.

What is the one thing that you want people to know?

You are always in control. You always have choices. No matter the circumstance, you are always in control of your experience. You get to decide how something will impact you. Embracing this wisdom changed my life. I used to carry a list of excuses of why things weren’t the way that I wanted, as if I had to be submissive to life. Once I realized that I was in control and that I had always been in control, my purview of possibilities widened. I started to see opportunities everywhere. I realized that I had been the one setting the limits and not the circumstances around me.

What motivates you?

I grew up in a traditional household where my Mom kept the house, and my Dad provided our financial means. My Mom chose to be a stay-at-home mom and serve her family. Although she felt great joy in being available for her family, she was never given the option of a different lifestyle. She was taught that doing anything for herself was selfish and that the best role she could ever play was that of a mother who gave herself fully to the family. As I transitioned to adulthood and had the opportunity to go to college, I started to contemplate my Mom’s life. We are both women on different trajectories defined by our moment in history. My Mom never got to experience the freedom to dream because, at an early age, her life had already been defined for her. Once I had this intense realization, I became committed to helping women expel the idea that their opportunities are limited. I want to offer women a space where they can dream and map out the actions to realize those dreams.

I have two daughters, and they are my legacy. I want them to be inspired by how I choose to live my life. I’m the living example that you can pursue all of your dreams at any time. There are no rules. The only limits are the ones you set for yourself. We only have this life to live, and I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live it to the fullest.

Follow Patricia on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit her website for more info!

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