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Helping Women Reduce Resistance To Change And Facilitate Achieving Goals

Written by: Christine Lutley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Christine Lutley

We, humans, are complex beings, with a powerful and invisible operating system to keep us alive, and no user manual. We don’t know what we don’t know, about how we work -- a lot -- hidden from view, more, or less invisible, just like our symptoms. Not only do we have an invisible illness, but our most active and busiest part is invisible, and we have invisible wounds and beliefs hidden there, too. We need to learn how to work with the invisible in us and heal what lies hidden there to heal ourselves and to get what we need and want.

 Woman teaching and coaching another woman, both looking happy

My Work

In addition to doing my original work with women suffering from chronic pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia, I work with women who have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma, and abuse. Why? I work with women like me, and I have suffered from all these things. In fact, I am convinced that ACEs, trauma, and abuse are at the root of my escalating patterns of pain and illness, anxiety, bouts of depression that escalated to major depression, and eventually, my collapse with fibromyalgia, which caused me to be work-disabled for two decades.

So, I serve women in pain from invisible chronic conditions, including fibromyalgia and a history of trauma or abuse, to heal themselves and their underlying conditions, so they can achieve their goals and create a life they love.

We, humans, are complex beings, with a powerful and invisible operating system to keep us alive, and no user manual. We don’t know what we don’t know, about how we work -- a lot -- hidden from view, more, or less invisible, just like our symptoms. Not only do we have an invisible illness, but our most active and busiest part is invisible, and we have invisible wounds and beliefs hidden there, too. We need to learn how to work with the invisible in us and heal what lies hidden there to heal ourselves and to get what we need and want.

Fibro Freedom Formula: You Healing You is the signature training and coaching program I created to help women with fibromyalgia or other unexplained chronic pain and fatigue illnesses. In my system, we humans are spiritual beings who need a four-body earth suit for us to fully experience life on Earth. This earth suit contains a physical body, mental body (conscious mind), emotional body (unconscious mind), and energy body. We don’t come with a user manual, and we come to earth with only our unconscious mind fully developed and operational. The purpose of life must be to learn and evolve because life certainty provides lots of opportunities for learning and development. The unconscious mind is extremely fast and powerful, and makes most of our decisions automatically, including operating the systems that keep us alive. Its purpose is to keep us alive and safe. To do that without our even noticing, it automatically keeps us making the same choices, doing things we have already survived. On the other hand, the conscious mind wants improved results. It wants something new and different, something it imagines as better. It doesn’t want more of the same. When those differences are pointed out, it is easy to see that these roles and preferences are at odds and will conflict with each other, unless we find a way around that. When aware of the differences, we can begin to do things differently, to prevent the two from working against each other and to make progress easier and quicker.

Conditioning & discernment

In previous articles, I’ve written that human conditioning from pre-birth until about 7 years old happens unconsciously, with no discernment, accepting everything as true. This isn’t a design flaw. Our conscious minds are not yet fully developed and online until about age 7. This is simply how very young human beings develop.

We form beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world from all that we learn in a completely receptive state as little kids, from all those around us, whenever we are awake and able to see and hear what is going on. We pick up on things we are, and are not, meant to from those who forget we are always learning from them, and who aren’t always at their best. This conditioning makes us fit in our family, tribe, community, church, and preschool as acceptable little humans. It keeps us safe little kids.

We continue to operate with all that conditioned learning and those unexamined beliefs, even as adults. Usually, while teens or young adults learning something new and wanting better results, someone brings it to our attention, suggesting that we must have limiting beliefs because our current results are not what we want. Many of the childish beliefs that were once good for us no longer work in our teen years and adulthood because they conflict with growing and grown-up experiences, needs, and wants. They are called limiting beliefs because they hold us back until we examine and replace them.

Mindset work is all about examining our conditioned beliefs and reframing them to be useful in adulthood. It is a constant learning, healing, and growing process. It is one of the main areas all coaches work with clients, including sports coaches, and that is one of the reasons that sports are so helpful in helping teens on sports teams to grow up.

My wounds, limiting beliefs, vulnerabilities, and goals

As I mentioned, I experienced ACES, trauma, and abuse and was work-disabled from fibromyalgia. Like everyone else, as a child, I unconsciously created limiting beliefs about myself, others, and the world because of my wounds. Decades later, I learned many modalities and processes to deal with my wounds and my beliefs and healed much within. Then, starting a business to help women with the same incurable and invisible illness I suffered provided me with even more opportunities for my limiting beliefs to pop up trying to convince me that I couldn’t help anyone, even though I had managed to help myself. It was a huge challenge to put myself back in public, visible again, expressing hope in a negative environment. But if no one knows what I am doing, I can’t exactly help anyone, can I?

So, I paid for ads on Facebook and was hurt to read a few comments that I didn’t know what I was talking about because fibromyalgia is incurable and to stay off their timelines. Of course, I knew what I was talking about. I lived it. Facebook put me on their timelines; we don’t get to choose whose feeds we appear on. I paid Facebook, risked, and received some abuse. I understand their pain and frustration. Still, it hurt and, honestly, I have been tempted to stop trying. I don’t want haters and they don’t need or want me. I simply want to help women who want to be helped, who value learning and coaching, and who choose me to help them. I suffered from fibromyalgia, too. I sought answers. I invested several tens of thousands of dollars to learn how humans work, and about healing and coaching processes to help other women like me, because I had already lost a fortune from being unable to work and wanted to help others to prevent that from happening to them. I make myself visible and available, in front of women to benefit those who might be interested in my service. There are several stages in the lives of women like me that I can serve -- pre-crisis, in crisis, many years into suffering from trauma or abuse, or into suffering from the chronic illnesses which might have been caused by those things.

Those who are interested in what I have to say and who resonate with what I write, say, teach, or coach simply get an opportunity to learn more about me, my experience, opinions, and offerings, and to decide whether, or not, they want to learn more from me.

A woman with glasses.

Magnetic mind coaching and the superconscious recode

I worked with some great coaches and trainers, and with a couple who were really poor fits for me. A few coaching processes have been particularly helpful to me. One is Magnetic Mind Coaching, a modality I got certified in because I found it so helpful to me and I witnessed its positive effects on hundreds of others.

There, I learned that we need to use a creative structure to prevent us from switching between the conflicting desires of our conscious and unconscious minds -- the safety of the familiar (unconscious goal) and the new, different, and better (conscious goal) to avoid the common hazard of getting and staying stuck because of the conflict between the two. Who hasn’t been frustrated by getting and staying stuck? I certainly have. No one. It happens all the time. I’ve been stuck, sick, and miserable for twenty years! It is not because we are broken, or stupid. We need to learn some workarounds. I did, I created one, my own signature program, and I found one. I now offer both.

I discovered and experienced The Superconscious Recode, a process that is a core part of Magnetic Mind Coaching after I was feeling well because of my own healing work and was already helping others to learn to heal themselves. It is a methodology to reduce or remove resistance and self-sabotage so we can more quickly and easily achieve our true desires, because our parts are no longer in opposition and we are, instead, aligned in one direction, toward one goal.

I recognized that we could use those processes to remove our resistance to believing in ourselves and for self-healing. Recognizing that we could both remove barriers and speed up the progress of healing ourselves and of achieving our life goals, I invested in being trained and certified by the creator, Chris Duncan. I use it to help clients to identify their true desires and to achieve them by reducing and eliminating unconscious resistance and self-sabotage and helping conflicted Parts accept and work toward the same desires and achieve them by taking consistent next actions. Since I am certified in Magnetic Mind Coaching and The Superconscious Recode, well-known processes strongly promoted globally by Chris Duncan, that potentially also gives me a broader range of clients, some of whom can easily afford and are willing to pay more for high-ticket coaching, thus supporting my mission programs of serving women with chronic pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia and/or a history of trauma and abuse. I see that as a win/win/win.

The focus is on creating a new future self with an identity in harmony with the current self, so the new identity doesn’t threaten the safety and survival of the old. Once we create an appropriate structural tension between the old and the desired results, we can move forward, instead of staying stuck by slipping back to our current reality. With the Superconscious Recode, we remove unconscious resistance to our goal and any conditioning or limiting beliefs in the way, so we can move forward consistently, steadily, and quickly. Changes are immediately observable and deeply felt by the client.

Working with the Superconscious creates huge shifts in the unconscious that allow immense growth and healing. It is amazing to help another human quickly see who she is and become the future identity who already has what she wants, as a conscious creator of her life, instead of as an unconscious creator, programmed by limiting beliefs that keeps her stuck, blocked from achieving her goals.

With the Superconscious giving clear directions to the unconscious, which immediately accepts all input, resistance disappears. Then, we progress to the next action along our way, until we achieve what we believe we can, already feeling as if we have it, so it can come into physical reality. Recodes can be repeated as needed. The Superconscious, all-knowing, and wise, does the treatment within the unconscious. What the Superconscious Recode adds to my own original signature healing program is speed, with perfect orders being provided by the Superconscious to the unconscious to remove its resistance to the changes we consciously choose to make, so unimpeded, we attract what we want into physical reality. To heal, we orient to a creative structure -- with the goal of making something new, a future self with our desired characteristics and abilities -- to be energetic, mobile, active, productive, clear-thinking, happy, social, fun, sexy women who are living a life we love, with partners, family, and friends we love.

The key is creating that desired reality of something new and different that is equal to, but different from what we already experience so the unconscious does not prevent us from achieving our future self because our current identity can remain safe and alive in both our current and our desired realities.

We do not need to get stuck in the rut of trying to problem-solve what is wrong with us or fix what is broken, even though problem-solving is the most popular way of approaching life. Why? Because if the desired reality is perceived to be better, the current identity could perceive that it would die, and the unconscious will not allow that. To prevent the death of our current identity, the unconscious would sabotage us from reaching our goals, and flip back and forth between our current reality, making some progress towards our goals, and slipping backward to our current identity, being stuck. Does it really matter to any of us that the diagnosis of fibromyalgia disappears? No. This isn’t about curing an illness. What matters is that we heal ourselves and get to live a life we love again. Our identity doesn’t have to change; our diagnosis of fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome, or our history of trauma, and/or abuse, don’t need to change. We need and desire to change our own future experience of living consciously in our four-body earth-suit, with a physical body we enjoy, a clear mind, experiencing the full range of human emotions, in response to the full range of human experiences, with all our life-force onboard, clear and flowing. Using the creative structure, Superconscious Recode, and other Magnetic Mind processes, change can be made quickly. I’ve experienced it and I observe it happen in others. It is said in the pages of Chris Duncan’s book You’re Not Broken and in his training materials that when we get in the right creative structure, we get to the Magnetic Mind which attracts what we want to our physical experience, as we cross the Wizard’s Gate. Transformation happens through both these breakthrough programs. I created my Fibro Freedom Formula: You Healing You program specifically to help those with fibromyalgia.

Chris Duncan created Magnetic Mind Coaching for achieving any goal or true choice, including healing. They work together beautifully.

True value of coaching

Coaching is for achieving a goal you want, for transforming you into someone new and different, but not a threat to your current self, so you can do, be, and have what you want. Ideally, working with a coach or mentor, you will get to work with someone who:

  • has achieved what you want to achieve,

  • works in an area that you and they both care about, and that they have personal experience, skill in, and tools for, assuring your needs and wants are understood, cared about, and prioritized,

  • wants you to achieve what you want, and can hold the vision of you doing it, even when you cannot,

  • has studied and learned things you are unaware of, from teachers they found, made large investments of time, energy, effort, and money in, so you don’t have to match any of their investment, but can help you learn and integrate it far more affordably and quickly,

  • will save you the cost of doing nothing by teaching and supporting you to take action to get what you want,

  • Will hold you accountable to make the right changes to improve.

I invite you to contact me to apply for a complimentary consultation call here, if you are interested in these offerings and they match your needs.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Christine Lutley Brainz Magazine

Christine Lutley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

The doctors diagnosed Christine with incurable fibromyalgia. Accepting that & their medications, she was work-disabled for 20 years. She became interested in spirituality & healing. 20 years later, on her 65th birthday, having witnessed her mother’s suffering & death with dementia, she decided she must create a new life while she still could. She focused on what she most wanted & used a spiritual 4-body healing approach. She not only healed herself but created a repeatable process to help others heal themselves, called Fibro Freedom Formula: You Healing You. Get supportive advice and learn from one who has walked in your shoes, so you can learn and be coached in peace, without any anyone telling you that you are making this up, or that fibromyalgia is incurable. The last thing you need is to be misunderstood because of this invisible illness.

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