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Helping Realtors And Business Owners Across The Nation – Interview With Joseph Drolshagen

Joseph Drolshagen is a leading force in mental conditioning, perception shifting and reprogramming the subconscious mind. After 3 decades of study on how our subconscious conditioning affects the way we navigate our life, Joey has created the innovative Subconscious Mindset Training™ Method. He is CEO of IFGT Life Coaching, and Founder of the SMT™ Method, and continues to be a premier coach for entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals looking to gain massive transformation in their business and their life.

Joseph Drolshagen, Master Mindset Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

I was born into struggle… I was raised in a very low income blue collar family in Detroit Michigan, and I saw my parents struggle my entire youth. I saw how they exhausted themselves, working extensive hours just to try to keep a roof over us 5 kids and food on the table.

I remember at 9 years old, thinking “something’s not right here”. I vowed at that young age not to live like my parents did.

Then, in my early 20’s I found myself repeating those same patterns my parents lived with, in my own life. I struggled financially, regardless of my income. In fact, if something came easy to me, I felt like I cheated, or did something wrong.

At 22 years old, this realization hit me that the purpose of my life was to inspire, motivate and lead millions of people to living better lives, and have been a student of the work I do today since.

I am Joseph Drolshagen, founder of IFGT Life Coaching, and the SMT Method, which is Responsible for assisting HUNDREDS of Realtors, and Small Business Owners to TRANSFORM their results.

I have spent over a decade traveling the world, as a full-time speaker, coach, and author, helping Realtors and Business Owners across the nation easily achieve growth, while maintaining a healthy life balance.

Reprogramming the Subconscious has become my life works in helping entrepreneurs to identify & shift that underlying conditioning that’s causing limitation.

When not sharing my passion through coaching, and speaking, I can be found trout fishing, motorcycling, and spending time in nature. One of my personal challenges is to step through my fears. In doing so, I recently ran off a perfectly good mountain top, strapped to a hang glider!

I have the best dog in the world, Bella. She is amazing and has literally trained herself from the time I adopted her.

Aside from my speaking and coaching, I am an ordained minister and love delivering empowering services that assist people in Aligning, Manifesting and Transforming their lives.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

IFGT Coaching/Consulting (the IFGT stands for It’s Freakin Go Time).

I assist Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Real Estate Agents to quickly and easily scale their businesses, while maintaining a healthy balance in all areas of their life, through developing unique systems of accelerating habits, in place of following someone else’s pathway. What are your current goals for your business?

Aside from continuing speaking, authoring best-seller books, and coaching, to help more people understand the power of the subconscious mind and how it determines how far we can go in life, as well as how to shift it to open up worlds of potential, I started an organization Life Ignited Institute, to certify coaches in the SMT™ programs, in order to spread the footprint of my life works. What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

I would have to answer this in a 3-fold manner…

  1. To help people develop systems of accelerating habits that quickly bring about greater results. To help them realize massive action and exhaustive effort produce minimal results, so people don’t have to miss the real important life events with their family and friends.

  2. Just as personal, to ensure nobody has to live the way I experienced my parents life, of constant struggle just trying to keep it all together...

  3. My goal of impacting millions of people’s lives, as a result of my life works.

What is your work inspired by?

I laugh when I’m asked this because my works are based on my own personal desire to stop living my life so hard. To stop struggling in everything I try to achieve and to stop missing the important things in life, in the name of having a successful business. To assist as many people as I possibly can to not repeat what I saw in my parents’ lives. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

While a VP of Sales in Corporate America, I was able to increase revenue by adding $25M to a $50M organization, in one contract. Also leading multiple organizations from bankruptcy, back into profitability, within months. Although, I would not consider these my true greatest achievements.

My deepest achievements are surrounding the almost 1000 clients that I’ve had the honor of being a part of their transformation and breakthroughs in their business, as well as their personal lives. Seeing people easily increase their business revenue, while developing healthy balance throughout their life is so rewarding to me. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

To stop teaching the necessity to take massive actions, or live underneath constant, non-ending to-do’s and extensive hours in order to be successful. Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

One of many… little background… when I have married my wife and I was pregnant 5 times. The first two, we experienced births and 24-25 weeks and experienced this helpless new born’s hooked to machines and living for hours. Then came to my son, born healthy at 32 weeks. Then experiencing two more births very similar to the first two. I tell you that because when I say my son is a miracle in my life and that I adore him, I mean it!

In saying that, on his 1st birthday, instead of being there to celebrate with him, I was in Indiana building a sales territory. I remember how much it hurt me to not be at home and how I spend the entire day unproductive and overwhelmed with sadness for not being there with him. But what I later realized is it was my subconscious conditioning that made that decision to be in Indiana. The conditioning that a man’s job is to support first and foremost. I’d give anything to get a redo on that day, but we never get to repeat a single day of our life…

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