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Helping People To Discover Their Inner Light And Find Peace – Interview With Nida Batool Syed

Nida Syed is the founder and CEO of Luminous Transformational Coaching practice, where she combines Psychology with a holistic approach as she believes they go hand in hand.

She uses her background in the medical field, mental health and spirituality to help her clients understand the inner workings of their minds and improve their mental health and well-being. Nida feels honoured in contributing to other people's growth, supporting and guiding them on the journey of accepting themselves.

Nida Batool Syed, Luminous Transformational Coaching

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better Hi beautiful souls, my name is Nida Batool Syed. I am a mental health therapist, Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, CAM transformational coaching specialist, EMDR/NNRT therapist, NLP and coaching master, Reiki master and now officially the Silva Graduate. I am based in Manchester and since 2020, I have been helping clients globally. I am a strong believer that psychology goes hand in hand with a holistic approach and that everybody is unique. Therefore, in my practice, I combine psychology with a holistic approach. All my clients receive tailor-made sessions based on their needs and desires.

I believe helping people is my soul's purpose as I belong to a very spiritual family. Helping people with releasing their past hurts, so they can discover their inner light and find peace is what makes me feel grateful, I can’t express in words how grateful and happy I feel when I see people finding their smiles back after a couple of sessions.

Honestly, I wish people would understand unresolved issues, or any past hurt that you keep carrying within you will eventually manifest into anxiety, stress, trauma, low self-esteem or maybe any other mental health issues and that it can even be transferred onto your children. Most of my free time goes into educating people about mental health because I notice that people are still not grasping how important it is.

What I love about mental health is that you can never know everything, and you keep learning and developing new skills. Simply because when you have multiple skills you can help more people. What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

Luminous Transformational Coaching. Luminous because the purpose is to help people with finding the light again in their lives and while doing so, they will experience transformation through our sessions so that’s why transformational and coaching because I will guide you through the process.

I help clients who deal with things such as stress, anxiety, trauma, fear, building confidence, self-esteem, grief and bereavement, moving on from a breakup, weight management with a virtual gastric band and inner child healing. Basically, with anything that is holding them back from moving on in their life. At Luminous Transformational Coaching, we help you eradicate limiting beliefs, get unstuck, remove blockages and unleash your absolute potential enabling you to take action, change your mindset, and experience a profound change in your life. Can you tell us more about your work and how you ended up where you are today?

It has been a crazy journey, as they say, the road to success is a bumpy road. I have been through a lot, but ever since I was a child, I was always interested in what someone was thinking, not about me particularly but overall. "What is going on in their mind?" I've always wondered. And when I saw someone crying, I used to cry with that person even if I did not know him/her (I still do) but what I've always been curious about was what the person was thinking. And as a child I loved helping others, I tried to help everybody. Then, I grew up and realised how complicated human beings were as well as the society, culture and education systems. I guess this was what led me to learn about Psychology. While studying for a degree in psychology, it caught my attention that 95% of the decisions that we make are made by our subconscious mind! So, then I wanted to understand the subconscious mind. I got interested in how much of an impact we can have on it, what we could do, and which method is most effective. I realized that I would be able to help people on a subconscious level and that made a lot of sense to me. This then led me to do my master’s in clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching, and a lot of other qualifications such as EMDR and recently I graduated from the silva system. I am still learning because I want to offer my clients what will work for them. Humans are unique, one method that will work for one person might be less effective for someone else. I am still learning every day as the purpose is to help my clients in experiencing transformation, find their inner strength and experience rebirth. What are your current goals for your business?

For this year I have planned to build a community through which I can help people who cannot afford therapy and maybe start offering group therapy as well, but it really depends on whom I have as an audience and if that is possible. From this month on I will start with weekly live sessions in my Facebook group Collective Therapy, every Tuesday evening, to share coping techniques for mental health and every Sunday at 7 pm I will have weekly guest speakers with whom we will talk about mental health-related topics and people in the group can ask the expert any questions they may have. Also, next month I will be launching an exclusive program which is for women only who have been through a traumatic experience. Just for the reader's information, Trauma is subjective; what you might see as a normal event could be experienced as trauma by someone else. It will be tailor-made and because it’s a new program, I will be offering it for an introductory price with payment plans available. My goal is to help humanity as much as possible. Who should work with you?

I love this question! So, I am an empath but at the same time, I can be a very strict mentor or therapist. I am non-judgemental and I am a good listener because I don’t want you to waste your money and my time. I work with anybody who is willing to commit 100% to all the sessions and is coachable because therapy is teamwork and I can only suggest and guide you, though you are the one who needs to follow the advice and do the work. Because my work is my passion, I don’t sugarcoat or would do sessions just for the sake of doing them. For me, every client is important and helping them transform their life is my goal. Therefore, anybody who wants to book sessions with me can request it during our 30-minute free virtual consultation, where you and I can decide whether I am the right therapist for you. If you are really willing to change your life, I would love to work with you.

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