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Compassion Is The Bridge - Meet Relationship Expert Dr. Heather Browne

As a relationship expert, Dr. Heather Browne has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in psychotherapy. She is a TedX and keynote speaker, a published in hundreds of journals, has an active TikTok channel, has been featured on ABC-7 news, was the relationship expert on KDOC Daybreak OC, and is published in Inc., Toronto Sun, Thriving Family Magazine, Light + Life, BRAINZ, Scary Mommy, and Psychology Today. She is a regular guest blogger for both Links for Shrinks and for Marriage Friendly Therapists.

Can you provide an overview of your website and the services you offer at your practice?

My website shares all the areas where I provide services as well as shared numerous published articles, podcast recordings, newsletter, blog, and numerous free gifts to support readers.

Services that I offer:

  • 1:1, couple, family in psychotherapy

  • 1:1, couple in relationship coaching

  • Zoom workshops on various requested topics: people pleasing, negative mental chatter, self care, grief, and communication.

  • 6 week conscious communication workshop for couples.

  • 6 week group communication workshop for individuals.

  • Newsletter.

  • Blog.

  • Upcoming book and membership.

What areas of expertise do you specialize in, and how do you approach patient care?

My specialties are communication, connection, relationship, and intimacy. I am a faith-based therapist. I also specialize in grief and loss.

The website includes various resources and articles. How do you decide on the topics covered, and what value do you aim to provide to visitors through these resources?

I regularly ask clients and followers to share the topics that they would like more information on. I then write articles, blogs, emails, create PDF’s and videos to help with this. I feel it is important to provide resources to anyone who contacts me, so I try to share websites, book suggestions, and other clinician’s information if I am not the best fit for people. I am also known in the community and have several doctors and pastors who contact me for resources,

How do you ensure a positive and supportive experience for your patients, both online and in-person?

I work intimately with my clients so it is a conversation that is approached in every session. My clients know that I continually am striving to learn and improve so I welcome feedback and awarenesses. We also evaluate growth, improvement, goals regularly. Are there any upcoming developments or innovations in your practice that you're excited to share?

As the world learns more about psilocybin, I think this will be a fascinating exploration and change in our medical model in same ways. How do you engage with the community, both locally and online, to promote health and wellness?

I am active in social media offering free information, resources, and contacts. I offer workshops, on line programs, as well as individual and couples work. All of this is to support the community with support and healing. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

Writing my book Speaking With the Heart that is currently in publishing. It is 27 years of couples work all brought together to help couples see a new, deeper, and kinder way to hear, share, connect, and love.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

That we had many more resources for those who are struggling. They simply aren’t enough places and funds to help care for all those in need, especially the homeless. Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today. Living with a paranoid schizophrenic mother gave me a unique and powerful awareness that no one has the same reality, though we believe we do. Utilizing this revolutionary awareness has allowed me to transform communication within self and within all other types of relationship. This is the hidden key to acceptance. And this is my mission to share. I realized this when I was 12. There were police helicopters flying over our house and my mom thought they were coming to get her. Mom father tried to talk her out of her psychosis telling her she was crazy and it was all in her head. But what he was saying wasn’t helping. So I asked myself, “what does she need?”. She needed to feel safe. I threw my blanket over her head and held her until she felt safe to come out from beneath the blanket. Her eyes said “you believe me”. I didn’t. I didn’t believe her reality but I did believe she believed her reality. That is the key. Working toward where can we connect and help, not toward diminishing, disowning, and shame.

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