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Health And Nudging

Written by: Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


An apple a day… beLIEfs about food.

Ever wondered where your information about health and food comes from? Is it all correct?

Growing up in a bakery, I heard tons of statements about bread, food in general, and what I should eat or not eat! Typically “Austrian food” was apple strudel, meat, and offal as these were the foods consumed most in “wartime” (yes, my parents are war and post-war children, happy to have any food)! After I found out what offal actually is, I stopped eating it.

The more I become aware of what beauty and health are according to other people and the media, the more I question whether what a billion-dollar industry wants to tell me about my body and my health IS actually healthy.

When I began recovering after an eating disorder and a colon issue a couple of years ago, I created my own nutrition plan by questioning all beliefs (including scientific studies and resources). I learned about health, a healthy lifestyle, and food. Everything about “bad cholesterol”, “bad chocolate”, “good veggies” and, and, and…

Isn’t it interesting that there are studies about the health benefits and threats for many foodstuffs? What’s the real status of the food we have beliefs about?

There isn’t one!

Perhaps some will now ask now themselves, “Does our belief about this food shape our health?”

If so, let’s disrupt it by asking our bodies!

Body intelligence method

How can we make healthy decisions every day?

Due to my personal health challenges, I created a method called “body intelligence”.

Imagine you can “connect” yourself with the foodstuffs you love to eat right now! Does it feel good when the body connects with the food, or do you get aches and pains?

Our bodies are talking to us 24/7, and yet we do not listen.

Food makes you happy or not! “Is the food I am currently eating good for me?” Many eat food out of familiarity, habit, or because “it's in at the moment”. Whether it's good for the body or not is often overlooked, and food-related illnesses result.

What if ...

What if we ask our body if a certain food is good for it?

“Dear body, would you eat or drink this food/drink?” How does it feel when you ask YOUR body if it would like to eat or drink something?

Does this bite, this sip, make you happy?

Listen to your body intelligence.



We have every single moment the potential to choose healthy: in nutrition, sport, thoughts…and yet our “inner swine” seems many times more powerful than we are!

What if…

we choose only once per day healthier than yesterday? That would mean that we choose in a year 365 days healthier than the day before! Sounds good for me!

What could be a healthy choice?

My question for you:

Which “healthy food information” did you get since childhood, which ain't that healthy at all?

Choose for you and your body in a healthy way! You will thank yourself in a higher age.

Let’s connect on Instagram:

Soon my new website will be launched:

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website! You can buy my book here! Read more from Bernadette!


Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources, and many other business areas, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over more than 30 years. Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as a holistic trainer in health, nutrition, and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further development of NLP, as well as, ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-)membering our own body intelligence. Successfully Master’s degree in health management with a focus on public health. International Ph.D. & research in health communication with a focus on psycholinguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics. International bestselling publisher and author of numerous books in different languages. Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London. 2021 opening my own research center for intuitive science in Austria.

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