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Healing To Wholeness – 5 Ways To Begin Your Journey Today

Written by: Cynthia Omekam, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The first step of healing is realizing & accepting that healing is a journey and not a destination. It’s a continuous process that we must wholeheartedly commit to. When we are in a state of healing the key is opening our hearts & minds to the process of learning, unlearning & learning again. It's about self-compassion, self-love, self-care, self-acceptance, self-empowerment & self-confidence. As you can see, ultimately, to be in a space of healing means accepting, loving, embracing & nurturing self. All of which can only be achieved by taking that first step & committing to doing the inner work.

So beginning our healing journey means making that commitment to ourselves to do whatever is necessary to break through the blocks & weights that have been holding us back from showing up in our true power. No matter how ruff & scary it may get. The concept is simple yet the process can be challenging. But in no way does that mean impossible. Whether you choose to take this journey alone or with some level of support from family, friends, counselors and/or coaches, just remember the goal is to nurture the reconnection with your authentic self in order to return to a state of wholeness.


Simply put, wholeness is the harmonious alignment between mind, body & spirit. So in order to return to a state of wholeness we must focus on the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual levels of our existence. This is the only way to establish that balance & true fulfillment that we all desire in our lives. So ultimately, the key is to heal, develop & integrate all four of these aspects within ourselves.

4 Aspects of Wholeness

Just to give you a more in depth view of what this looks like let’s briefly explore each element:

1. Physical (Physical Body): This is our ability to survive & thrive in the material world. Making sure that we are taking good care of our bodies with emphasis on our health. By remaining intentional about things like our nutrition, strength, flexibility, endurance, cardiac wellness & immunity. Nurturing this aspect yields a high-quality life that's comfortable & enjoyable.

2. Mental (Thoughts, Attitudes, Beliefs & Values): Nurturing our intellect & developing our ability to think and reason cultivates clarity, optimism & discernment. Our minds are so important because this is how we gather knowledge & wisdom from our experiences and the world around us. Which makes it a vital part of our transformational healing journeys.

3. Emotional: This is our source of meaningfully connecting & relating to the world around us. Allowing us to experience life at a deeper level emotionally & find fulfillment in our relationships. Nurturing this aspect leads to emotional intelligence which is key to cultivating healthy interpersonal skills.

4. Spiritual (Inner Essence/Soul): Spiritual wellness cultivates a deep purpose within our lives. Nurturing connectivity, allowing us to experience a sense of oneness & belonging. Which leads us to the discovery of our true power, inner peace & divine inner guidance.

And as we do the work necessary to heal what needs healing & develop what needs nurturing, we then naturally reach a state of alignment. But as we all know, life is always throwing something new at us, so as you can imagine from time to time we all fall out of alignment. But this is why I began with the point that healing is a journey rather than a destination. So below are some ways you can begin nurturing this alignment daily:

5 Ways To Nurture Wholeness:

1. Solitude

Start spending more time alone. Solitude is such a powerful practice! Honestly it’s the road to self-mastery because it’s where the outside chatter is nonexistent & you can truly go deep & listen to yourself, understand your beliefs & honor your feelings, needs & desires to assess how they align with your highest good.

2. Self-Acceptance & Self-Compassion

Start doing the work necessary in order to create space for radical self-acceptance. No judgment or criticism. Rather honoring & embracing both your strengths & weaknesses from a true space of love & understanding. With self-compassion serving as your inner motivational coach, while increasing your self-worth & resilience to other stressors. Which significantly lowers stress & anxiety levels. Ultimately setting you free to live a happier & more satisfying lifestyle, despite the challenges that you may face. And this energy flows into every area of your life leading to better relationships & of course improving your physical, mental & emotional health.

3. Self-Praise

Validating that your best is always enough is key to mental, emotional & spiritual resilience. It’s so important to remind yourself that you’re doing your best & self-praise is a great way to recognize & acknowledge yourself. While also keeping you aware & connected to your true power & capabilities. So make sure to celebrate every win no matter how big or small, using every accomplishment to keep you inspired, empowered & motivated.

4. Practice Mindfulness

This is my favorite because it allows you to tackle all four dimensions as once. Through disconnecting to reconnect by unplugging & spending more time doing things like: praying, yoga, journaling, dancing, exercising, meditating, using mantras/affirmations, connecting w/ nature, volunteering, cooking & of course spending time with loved ones. It’s all about intentional living, making the most of the present & cultivating joy.

5. Practice Gratitude

Not only is this very humbling & calming but it's also the key to attracting more abundance. This can be done daily or weekly & you can choose to practice out loud, through mental self-reflection or journaling. But the whole point is to take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come & to be grateful for all the blessings & miracles (seen & unseen). Truly immersing yourself so deep in your own accomplishments & blessings that you see nothing else, using this energy to affirm all that is & all that awaits you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Cynthia Omekam, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cynthia Omekam, the owner of Holistic Liberation LLC, is a Certified Holistic Life Coach & an Accredited Spiritual Healer with a BS & MA in Psychology. She is dedicated to supporting others as they break free from stress & anxiety and begin living more peaceful, balanced, and fulfilling lifestyles. She specializes in stress management, establishing inner peace, mindful living & spirituality. When she is not working Cynthia loves adrenaline-pumping adventures & anything that leads her closer to her higher self.

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