Written by: Lisa Tahir, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Lisa Tahir, LCSW, personally and professionally became frustrated with lengthy assessment and treatment processes in therapy that involved years of rehashing troubling and traumatic memories. Rehashing the past only produced gnawing feelings of disempowerment. With a desire to address her own core wounding, she sought alternative healing methods and turned to meditation.

During meditation she received a message: research Chiron and expand upon the “wounded healer” mythology. Tahir was invited to familiarize herself with all aspects related to this archetype, especially the notion of individual core wounding and, finally, to add to the narrative of healing by sharing her journey with Chiron. In writing The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness, Tahir’s work plays an important role in expanding prevailing methodologies known to date, and advancing individuals into the future of healing.
Personal Responsibility for Our Happiness
Endorsed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, The Chiron Effect is the first book written by a therapist to empower both individuals and practitioners to identify 12 main areas of core wounding, which are directly related to the placement of Chiron in their birth chart. It is this placement of Chiron in the birth chart that causes people to repeat painful unconscious patterns. It is by taking personal responsibility for our own happiness and starting to tell a new story of the life we intend to live that we begin to heal and feel confident.
Shifting Our Thought Patterns
In early psychoanalytic literature, Freud was the first to name cyclical patterns in people’s lives that were recurring and painful. The “Repetition Compulsion” has been written about in various ways since it was coined by Freud in 1914. Erik Erikson who fathered the stages of Psychosocial Development, wrote that, “some people make the same mistakes over and over.” Object Relations Theory teaches that object relations early in life may be unconsciously repeated. And Attachment Theorists believe that early development patterns form schemas of relationships that are repeated. None of them has ever made the astrological connection to repetitive patterns.
The mythological story of Chiron represents an invitation to journey inward to bring greater understanding, healing, and power into one’s life. Most everyone has an aspect of life in which they seem to repeat the same frustrating patterns and then wonder how to change. When one is wounded, innate animalistic instincts for self-protection kick in as a means for survival. This is a natural and necessary coping strategy, at first. But many dwell far too long in that space, therefore, separating themselves from their source of inner wisdom and intuition.
We are a mini Solar System
The Chiron Effect is a term Tahir developed to describe the magnetic pull, or orbit, that individuals have around specific areas of wounding and vulnerability. The problems that readers experience typically cluster around particular core issues and themes. An orbit is a pattern that one has grown accustomed to living within, thus becoming a set frequency. Effect is defined as a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. Therefore, when an individual changes their orbit, they change their frequency. Humans are beings of habituation – orbit surrounding, as well as being orbit-surrounded by like people, places, and things.
The Chiron Effect first offers readers a way of decoding the underlying factors influencing the magnetic pull (orbit) that keeps the reader in the same pattern and frequency of their identified problems. Secondly, through a process of empathy and self-forgiveness, the reader is invited into a “depth-process” of healing to shift their current frequency.
Tahir encourages readers to take a look at themselves through the perspective of Chiron: everyone has wounds. Everyone has experienced loss, disappointment, sadness, depression, or a taking away of, or a letting go of what was meaningful. Everyone has felt pain – whether it is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or any combination thereof.
It is the reader’s human condition to experience wounding during their earthly plane of existence. It is the reader’s celestial condition to embody healing during their earthly plane of existence. As spiritual beings having a human experience, the dissemination of healing is administered in each of three dimensions comprising the “self” – the body, soul, and spirit.
Empathy and Self-Forgiveness
By identifying the placement of Chiron in one’s natal chart, readers can hone in on the specific areas of vulnerability that they are susceptible to, thus revealing the specific recurring issues, themes, and problems that result in persistent painful challenges. Tahir offers practical “take away” steps and affirmations at the end of each chapter that have been meditated over and infused with Reiki Healing Energy for the reader’s benefit.
Tahir states, “I use astrology as the diagnostic tool to identify core wounding, but the prescription and remediation involves a combination of psychology, spirituality, and personal responsibility.” The reader can use this information for themselves, for their loved ones, or in their professional practice.
The purpose of The Chiron Effect is twofold: The first purpose is to reveal the unconscious patterns sourced in the reader’s core wounding. The second purpose is to learn how to heal those places through empathy and self-forgiveness. In this process, there is the intention that the reader will resolve much of their own suffering, end self-sabotage and, finally, be free to create and allow their lives to unfold in a new way.
To learn more about accessing your Chiron placement and order Tahir's book, go here.

Lisa Tahir, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Lisa Tahir, is an inspirational podcast host of All Things Therapy, where she seeks to "Change Consciousness One Conversation at a Time.' Her book, "The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness," has been acclaimed and endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Tahir draws her strength through combining the psychological with the spiritual, and as a licensed therapist seeks to help others in visualizing and creating their very best lives no matter what has been true in the past.