Written by: Kshama Singhi, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

After a breakup, things can feel really tough. It's like your whole world changes suddenly, and you're not sure what's next. It might seem scary, like there's no happy future ahead. And for many of us, we worry we'll be alone forever.

Healing after a breakup is really important. Otherwise, we might bring old feelings into our next relationship. Unless you want to keep repeating the same problems with different partners, it's important to heal and learn from what happened.
7 tips to help your healing
1. Don't just blame them
It's easy to say it's all their fault. But think about what you could've done better too. Maybe if you didn't value yourself enough, you ended up with someone who treated you badly. So, what can you do differently next time?
2. Forgive
Whether it was mostly their fault or yours, forgiving is crucial. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting what happened, but it's about freeing ourselves from being controlled by those painful memories. It helps us focus on our own well-being instead of holding onto bitterness or wanting revenge. Forgiving is a gift to ourselves, leading us towards healing and peace.
3. Feel the pain, don’t ignore it
It's important to recognize and deal with our emotions. Sometimes we try to avoid pain by turning to things like substances or distractions, but that only delays healing. Facing our pain helps us understand it better, grieve, and let go of our emotions.
4. Learn from it
Every breakup teaches us important lessons about ourselves and what we want in a partner. By thinking about what went wrong, we can see where we need to make changes. For example, if we always ignore warning signs or compromise our values in relationships, we can work on being more aware and assertive.
5. Let go of revenge
Holding onto thoughts of revenge only brings more negativity and suffering. Letting go creates room for forgiveness, compassion, and peace in our hearts, which are vital for moving forward and building healthier relationships.
6. Rewrite your story
Breakups hurt because our plans for the future change suddenly. But instead of focusing on what's ending, think about how you can create a new story for yourself. You have a blank canvas to fill with whatever you want. Isn't that exciting?
If you haven’t already, have a look at my free ebook on ‘Letting Go of the Picture Perfect’
7. Be patient with yourself
Healing takes time, and it's okay to go at your own pace. Don't compare yourself to others. Being patient means understanding that healing happens gradually, and it's okay to take small steps forward.
How do you know if you're healing?
You don't feel bitter anymore.
You can talk about the breakup without getting too upset.
You're focused on your own life, not your ex's.
You're okay with being single instead of rushing into relationships.
You genuinely wish your ex well.

Kshama Singhi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kshama Singhi, a certified Empowerment Coach accredited by Jay Shetty, has been on a mission since 2020. Her passion lies in guiding women through powerful transformations. Kshama's own journey, marked by a pivotal divorce, ignited a fire within her to empower others. She firmly believes that the foundation of our lives lies in the relationship we have with ourselves. Today, fuelled by this newfound purpose, she's unwavering in her commitment to help women emerge as the architects of their own empowered destinies.