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Have You Manifested What You Want In Life?

Written by: Debbie Gill, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


"What you think about, you bring about."

"Words are powerful; choose wise ones."

"Energy flows where attention goes."

We've all heard these affirmations, but do we believe them? Better yet, do we know they are true?

Pause and assess where you are in life; do you have what you desire in all areas? If you are honest, the answer is no. And, if you're like most people, there's an imbalance in the pillars of your life. You may have more invested in your Health and Fitness than your Love and Relationships, or more in your Career, than your Personal and Spiritual Growth.

So how do you manifest to balance these Pillars of Life?

The first and most essential beginning to this, and any process, is to "clear the clutter" and ground yourself in the present moment. Your energy, or state of being, must emit positive vibrations if you desire positive outcomes, and it's vital to know what you want to manifest.

The trouble is, most people know more of what they don't want than what they do want. And they wonder why they keep getting more of it!

As a wordsmith, I know the power words have, and yet, I hear so many people use them in a negative light. How often do people respond to your "Thank you" with a "No, problem?" They don't know they are sending me a problem and grounding it into their subconscious because the universe does not hear a negative. All it hears is "problem." I tell them they can keep their problem; I don't want it.

You may have a manifestation checklist, and you've checked all the boxes, but the words you use every day prevent your creations from coming to fruition. Think about that truth.

Other words that may prevent the law of attraction from working in your life are: try, probably, blame, deserve, and entitled.

Many years ago, I knew I had to reprogram my thinking, thereby changing my vocabulary. It was simple but not easy. Every time I said the word "try," I snapped a rubber band on my wrist. Sooner, rather than later, I stopped using the word—my wrist was red and painful.

When I chose positive words, I realized I was consciously choosing them. Many people are on autopilot even though they have a meditation practice, set their intentions, have positive affirmations, visualize, journal, and do everything you must do to manifest their desires.

If you are doing what is necessary for the law of attraction to work in your life, but you're not receiving it, examine what words you use during your day. Do they empower or disempower you? You can even record them for the best purview.

Start choosing empowering words to replace any that weigh you down, preventing you from manifesting your dreams as quickly as you desire. The heavier you weigh psychically, the longer you have to wait physically. So, remember, weight equals wait.

Wouldn't NOW be a good time to start?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Debbie Gill, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Debbie Gill is the founder of Go Within Spiritual Coaching and Go Within Yoga. She integrates her knowledge and experience as a spiritual coach and yoga teacher with the wisdom of Caroline Myss, a Medical Intuitive and five-time New York Times bestselling author, Anodea Judith, an expert on the Chakra System, somatic therapy, and yoga, and Lion Goodman, creator of the Clear Beliefs® Process. As a Certified Clear Beliefs® Coach, Debbie can assist you with clearing core beliefs that hold you back from becoming your true self and living your true purpose through the Clear Beliefs Process® (CBP). The CBP is a set of tools and techniques that frees you from past limitations so you can freely choose your beliefs and live an empowered and more fulfilling life. Debbie is the author of, Struck by Lightning: My Journey from the Shadow to the Light, where she chronicles her life’s struggles with her shadow aspects and addictions. The spiritual memoir reflects her emergence from the shadow caused by traumatic wounds to the light where truth brings awareness and healing. A grateful recovering alcoholic since June 6, 2000, she lives the 12-Steps of AA and practices its principles in her daily life, and continues her study at CMED with Myss and Judith, and Goodman.

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