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Have Americans Given Up On The War Against Obesity?

Written by: Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Recently, while sitting in an airport, I couldn’t help but notice how many people bustling around me were either overweight or obese. The number was both startling and sad. At the same time, it was completely in line with today’s national statistics, which notes that more than two-thirds of adults living in the United States are either overweight or obese. Are you one of them?

Having been reminded almost daily by my parents and grandparents while I was growing up that “if you have your health, you have everything,” I’ve always been very disciplined in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Certain moments were easier than others for sure, but the goal for me was always the same, “Keep fit. Eat right. Live long.” Every day, I rededicated myself to this philosophy, making my choices accordingly. But honestly, it takes a lot of doing especially given the realities of the average American diet – not the one recommended by federal guidelines but the one most Americans actually consume.

As research shows that less than 90% of Americans eat less than 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit daily and less than 2 to 3 cups of vegetables daily, it is obvious that Americans are struggling with food in relation to everyday living. Do I think this is because their desire for long and healthy lives is any less than my own? Absolutely not.

I think economics, mixed messaging, lack of education, and limited access are truly the culprits. Additionally, the fast pace and overall stressed-out manner in which Americans operate make it easier to grab a bag of chips while pumping gasoline into your tank as opposed to stopping at a local market afterward to pick up a peach to snack on. No, I don’t think Americans have given up the good fight. I believe that they just need a bit more help along the way.

That’s where innovators like Seth Goldman come in. A passion for easing the strain placed on consumers seeking healthier food options, Seth has been helping Americans in this quest through his founding of wonderful brands like Honest Tea, Beyond Burgers, and (with the help of his current partner Chef Spike Mendelsohn) PLNT Burger – a plant-based, quick-service restaurant that opened in 2019.

Today, the dynamic duo is at it again through their newest snack food alternative and brand, “eat THE change. Offering a variety of deliciously organic mushroom jerky delights and carrot chews for “everyone’s taste buds,” Seth and Chef Spike are making it easy for Americans to consume more veggies while on their way to optimum health, wellness, weight management and work.

Rich in fiber, protein, potassium, Vitamin D, and antioxidants, mushrooms are known to boost your immune system, aid in weight loss, and help fight against Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Ancient legends among Native Americans have also long believed that mushrooms aid in fertility too.

Carrots are known to promote healthy vision, balanced blood sugar levels, help regulate blood pressure, support bone health and energy production, and, not unlike mushrooms, aid in weight loss as well.

As it has become abundantly clear over the last two years that weight plays a major role in susceptibility to illness and the outcome therewith, taking advantage of products like “eat THE change” only helps Americans make the necessary changes to win the war on obesity. So why not take advantage of this by making the change and eating it too…if not for you, then for everyone else in your life who cares. There are plenty, I am certain. And if you don’t think that your health isn’t on their minds, think again. By the way, that group now includes both Seth Goldman and his partner Chef Spike Mendelsohn (otherwise, why continue on this path) as well as me (otherwise, why write this article).

You are what you eat. So eat healthily. Eat smart. And experience the best “better health” can offer. After all, you are worth it.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura J. Wellington is the Founder of Celebrity-Lifestyle blog THREAD MB. A Media-Tech Entrepreneur, Wellington is also an Award-Winning Children's Entertainment creator and Author. Critics have called her most recent book "Be Careful What You Wish For" a 'magnum opus. A TEDx Speaker, Wellington's newest venture is called ZNEEX, an app that combines fitness and socializing for users and their dogs in a fun, new way that has partners saying "it's the best idea that they've heard in a very long time" (coming to you May 2022). A mother of five, Wellington was widowed at thirty-five years old. She has won The Forbes Enterprise Award, Multiple Telly Awards, The Buzz Award, and many more.

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