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Harnessing Creativity With The Laws Of The Universe According To Kabbalah

Written by: Maria-Katharina Richters, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Maria-Katharina Richters

The turmoil of life. As we navigate life, one way or another we will come across times where things don’t go so well, where things don’t go to plan or where we might experience more turmoil, frustrations and pain than we would like.

Light bulb

Life's joy and pain

Life comes in all facettes and challenges us within all areas all the time. I think life is that, the experience of joy and pain all in one. Life can feel very overwhelming, especially when everything seems as if it is all happening randomly, when we feel we are the only one’s going through this and when we think that everything is out of our control.

Discovering the power of thoughts & the shift towards empowerment

These exact thoughts, despite a deep down foundational trust I did feel, for there to be more to life than what we were believing to experience, were running my life until 2009 and I can remember how powerless I felt.

I remember how depressive and destructive my internal states were, as strong as the love I felt and desired to share with the world.

But I succumbed to my negative thoughts a lot, and I spiraled. I thought life happened to me, I thought my thoughts were always right no matter what thoughts – if they appeared in my head they must be true, I didn’t know any better and I didn’t question it.

The importance of connecting with your soul & understanding the nature of miracles

I did not know I could steer my life with my thoughts, I thought I had no control over them. Now, I did not know that the chaos in my life was a perfect order also and how I actually did control it all. Just not to my liking, because it was unconscious.

Just knowing this information, that I had power over my thoughts, and learnt about the ability to choose thoughts, kicked me out of a passive state into a proactive one because I felt like I remembered, I felt like I reconnected to my soul.

This connection to one's soul, is the most important connection in your life. If there is anything you want to build it is this connection to your soul. It will lead you everywhere you are supposed to be and it will help you to create miracles.

Miracles are those exact things that happen for the things that people have 100 reasons and scientific proof to say that it doesn’t work and can’t work, where doctors' opinions tell you it is impossible, but then the impossible is made possible. A miracle is when your doctors tell you, you can’t get pregnant but your spirit shows you otherwise and then you do get pregnant. A miracle is being told you could never walk again, but then you start to walk again. A miracle is being told you have 3 months to live and here you are living 1 more year and are on the healing path. A miracle is what happens all the time when your soul gets activated when one doesn’t listen to the ego anymore.

A miracle is considered a miracle because people believe in only what they can see, the physical reality. But the miracles happen through the shifting of energy in the 99% reality, the metaphysical part of life, the part we can’t see. This reality is the most real part of life that 99% of people thus far, dismissed and currently we are at war between the ego and the soul, metaphorically, but also true on a consciousness level.

The widespread issue of depression

According to the WHO, approximately 280-300 million people in the world have depression and it is considered the most common mental dis-order.

I don’t agree with it being a disorder, although I do understand the clinical explanations and terms for it and understand its gravity, especially without any spiritual guidance. I first believe in the spiritual reasons for any mental or physical health issue.

Depression as a disconnection from the soul

Depression in particular is the disconnection from one's soul.

It is no wonder to me that this is so much the case in the world because with depression comes not knowing or understanding self. The world and its school and work systems haven't catered for the individual and people weren’t allowed to be who they truly are, at least not so they felt truly safe.

Depression comes with a lifetime of pain and a sense of helplessness in the midst of this random and mean chaos, it is a lack of love of the self or lack of love experienced, it is a ‘giving up’, because one doesn’t know a way out, it is many layers of things and individual to everyone, but it is soul disempowerment.

Most likely, though, the soul has not been heard or listened to for a long while, that connection was never nurtured, or it was severed through harsh experiences in life.

I know that Depression, without the spiritual perspective, is a complex and multifaceted condition. While modern medicine primarily focuses on the physiological and psychological aspects of depression, there exists a spiritual perspective on its causes too, which we want to explore in conjunction to harnessing creativity and creating long-lasting fulfillment in your life.

Kabbalistic focus on tikkun and the ego

According to Kabbalistic teachings, depression is often a result of disconnection from the divine, accumulated negative energy, a lack of purpose, and blocked energy centers.

By addressing these spiritual aspects, individuals can embark on a holistic journey toward healing and inner transformation.

Disclaimer and personal background

The insights in this article and the teachings of Kabbalah should be explored with an open heart and mind, alongside the guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher, coach, therapist, or counselor to truly reap the benefits of these teachings.

On Top of that I want to note, this article is in response to the article, where I touched on the impact Kabbalah had personally on my life, see here, helping me to overcome the darkest of times, including abusive relationships, addictions, and healing my relationship to self and family members, causing a ripple effect of healing, and creating life pro-actively, with purpose and meaning. I want to help you understand why Kabbalah has helped me so much that I did 80 % of the work myself through this mindset/consciousness shift and 20% later on work I did with a therapist or coach.

Let’s start with talking about creativity

Creativity is the energy of the balance between pro-activity and allowing. It is the opposite of living a life that is -reactive to inner repeating and unconscious patterns, a core teaching of Kabbalah.

Creativity gets you out of depressed and addicted states, and catapults you into a fulfilled state, from within, by putting yourself into creativity stimulating environments and exercises.

This understanding changed my life and millions of others lives.

Today I want to break down into more detail how Kabbalah works and how you can use it to bring healing, fulfillment, and creativity into your life.

Understanding Kabbalah

What is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah, derived from the Hebrew word "kabbal," meaning "to receive,". It is the technology that allows you to receive the light into your life and therefore into the world.

Kabbalah is a mystical and spiritual discipline that seeks to explore the hidden dimensions of reality. It is often associated with Jewish mysticism but transcends religious boundaries, offering profound insights into the nature of existence.

Kabbalah delves into the mysteries of the divine, the structure of the universe, and the interconnectedness of all things. It provides a framework for understanding the spiritual laws that govern our world, offering a deeper perspective on life's purpose and our place within the cosmos.

Kabbalistic teachings posit that the universe is a multifaceted and interconnected web of divine energies. These energies emanate from the infinite and form the building blocks of creation. Understanding these energies and their interactions is crucial to unlocking one's creativity.

Foundational principles of Kabbalah

The tree of life

At the heart of Kabbalah lies the concept of the Tree of Life, a symbolic diagram representing ten interconnected spheres, or sefirot, through which divine energy flows. Each sefirah (sphere) corresponds to a different aspect of the divine and can be seen as a pathway to understanding and harnessing the creative energies of the universe.

The unity of opposites

Kabbalah teaches that opposites are not conflicting forces but rather complementary aspects of the same reality. The interplay between opposites, such as light and darkness, male and female, and good and evil, is essential for creativity. By embracing these dualities, we can tap into the full spectrum of creative energies available to us.

The law of correspondence

According to Kabbalah, there is a correspondence between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual). This law suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected and that understanding the larger cosmic patterns can help us understand our own lives. To harness creativity, one must seek to align their inner world with the harmony and balance found in the universe.

The law of cause and effect/karma

Kabbalah teaches that every action has a consequence, whether positive or negative. Just like the seed of an apple tree will grow an apple tree, our consciousness will plant the seed for what we will see growing in our lives. By recognizing the power of our choices and the ripple effect they create, individuals can become more intentional in their creative pursuits. Taking responsibility for one's actions and their creative output is central to this law. This law is rooted at the heart of Kabbalah that giving and sharing comes before taking and injecting this energy is what makes or breaks everything.

The law of vibration

Kabbalah posits that everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency, including our thoughts and emotions. To harness creativity, one must raise their vibrational frequency by cultivating positive thoughts, emotions, and intentions. This higher vibrational state is believed to attract opportunities and inspiration.

The law of corresponding desires

According to Kabbalah, our desires play a crucial role in shaping our reality. To harness creativity effectively, one must align their desires with their creative goals. By understanding and working with their desires, individuals can overcome creative blocks and achieve their artistic aspirations. Some people stop desiring because they don’t believe in great things being possible for them, and then are reflected with what they don’t desire, which in turn does mirror to the person the things they do desire and could work on.

Kabbalistic focus on tikkun and the ego

Kabbalistic teachings often focus on the concept of Tikkun, which means "repair" or "rectification." According to Kabbalah, the purpose of human existence is to repair and elevate the soul. This involves overcoming the influence of the ego and nurturing the connection with the divine.

The ego is often associated with our lower, selfish nature. It represents our desires for physical and material pleasures. The ego can lead to negative qualities such as greed, envy, and pride. It is seen as an obstacle to spiritual growth because it keeps us focused on our individual desires and separates us from the divine.

The soul, on the other hand, is our higher, spiritual self. It is seen as a spark of the divine that resides within each person. The soul is pure and connected to the spiritual realm. The goal is to elevate and purify the soul, allowing it to reconnect with the divine source.

Kabbalah teaches that one of the primary challenges in life is to overcome the dominance of the ego and allow the soul to shine through. This process involves self-awareness, self-improvement, and spiritual practices. By transcending the ego and connecting with the soul, individuals can attain a higher level of consciousness and draw closer to the divine.

Harnessing creativity through Kabbalah

Now that we have explored some of the fundamental laws of the universe according to Kabbalah, let's discuss how to harness these laws to unlock our creativity:


Begin by reflecting on your desires, intentions, thoughts, and actions. Consider how they align with the laws of the universe as presented by Kabbalah. Self-awareness is the first step toward harnessing creativity effectively.

Mindfulness and meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help raise your vibrational frequency and align your thoughts and emotions with your creative goals. These practices can lead to increased clarity, focus, and inspiration. Meditation has shown to increase the ability to choose your thoughts and feel better.

Setting clear intentions

Use the Law of Corresponding Desires to set clear and specific creative intentions. Write down your creative and life goals, visualize your success, and focus your energy on manifesting them. Be very honest with yourself, so much so you align your actions to your intentions.

Embrace responsibility

The Law of Cause and Effect reminds us that our actions have consequences. Take responsibility for your choices and learn from both your successes and failures knowing that they are stepping stones and learnings that teach you about your choices and your internal active energies. This accountability can fuel personal growth and creative development, once you understand that by taking responsibility, your life will change.

Seek knowledge

Dive deeper into the teachings of Kabbalah through resources like & dive deep into understanding yourself, your ego desires, your soul desires, your fears, your dreams, your qualities and attributes, and truly get to know you. Learning to get to know yourself with transparency and openness, together with working WITH the laws of the universe, helps you to move mountains. Expand your understanding of the universe's laws and how they relate to your creative journey.

Be proactive & create

Put yourself into a creative state, whether that is any kind of play, art, art therapy, acting, singing, making music, DJing, sculpting, and have fun, because this aligns with the law of vibration and frequency. When you create joy from within, you attract joy, you attract the energy of joy into your life.

So here is my invitation to you: Embark on a journey to craft your own reality! You only stay where you are if you don’t try something different. Try to understand and follow these transformative laws of the universe to shape your life.

For you to try this out, embrace the 'Creator Within’. The point of understanding the wisdom of Kabbalah is that it empowers you and that it invites you to tap into the 'Creator Within.' It's about adopting a mindset that not only embraces creativity but thrives on it. It gives you the control over your life, by being put on the steering wheel instead of being the effect of it. It frees you from always needing to clean up after yourself, but working within a system that works in your favor and gives you energy rather than taking from you.

At the core of all of these laws, is the underlying heart of it all, which is to be a giver rather than a taker. To create for the sake of sharing, to give for the sake of giving and not to give for the sake of taking.

Understanding the difference between people-pleasing and true giving

People pleasing is not what is meant by this, people pleasing is rooted in a pain inflicted early on in life, that created an energy of lack, of not having been given unconditional love, but learned that love was given in conditions, and in order to receive love, one must please the other.

This is unfortunately not true giving.

This kind of giving comes from this fear and that lack of love and the need to receive love even if it means to give more than one has to give. This concept, that happens out of a survival state, is not true giving. Even if at the core the person is a heartful person, with a desire to give and share, the sharing has to happen from unconditional love to the self and to the person. Sometimes giving can be allowing the other person to give to you. It is a simple yet layered and complex study, which I am excited about sharing with you because it changed my life completely from the moment on that I learned it, as I already mentioned.

Now we understand that Creativity is a force from the creator, from the light that we can harness by channeling it through us, shedding our ego and being vulnerable and sharing for the sake of sharing. When you are in a dark place, make yourself do something creative, it is the force of life purifying you, healing you and helping you remember who you are and what you were meant to create here in this life.


Kabbalah offers a unique perspective on the laws of the universe and how they can be harnessed to enhance creativity. By delving into the mystical teachings of Kabbalah, we can tap into the profound energies that underlie all of creation. Through meditation, proactive action, restriction of the ego, visualization, intention, and the true essence of giving, we can unlock our creative potential and channel it into meaningful and inspired work. Embracing the unity of opposites and the interconnectedness of all things, we can become co-creators with the divine, participating in the ongoing process of universal creation.

About the author: Maria-Katharina Richters

Maria-Katharina Richters, known affectionately as "The Art Alchemist," is a visionary artist, art therapist, and transformational coach whose creative journey has transcended traditional boundaries. With a profound commitment to harnessing the power of art as a catalyst for personal transformation, Maria has touched the lives of countless individuals on their paths to self-discovery and healing. Her unique fusion of art and therapy has created a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of those who have had the privilege of working with her. In a world hungry for deeper connections and self-discovery, Maria stands as a beacon of creativity, healing, and transformation—a true Art Alchemist.

Getting in touch with the author

To get in touch with Maria-Katharina Richters for 1-1 coaching and stay connected for future projects, you can start by reaching out to her via email. You can also check out her website.

In your initial message, express your interest in her coaching services and briefly outline your goals and objectives. Maria-Katharina is known for her personalized approach, so be sure to mention your specific needs and expectations. Building a strong and ongoing relationship with Maria-Katharina can lead to meaningful collaborations and continued personal and professional growth.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Maria-Katharina Richters Brainz Magazine

Maria-Katharina Richters, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Maria-Katharina Richters is a Certified & ICF ACC Accredited Artists Transformational Coach and Art Therapist. Despite her naturally creative spirit, Maria lost the connection to her art as a teen, burying her anxieties and insecurities with years of addictions and difficulty knowing herself. After years of this cycle in 2009, she required the tools that would help her remember her power and win a renewed and deepened spiritual connection within herself changing her life around and in 2017 founding Art of you Coaching & Art Therapy, the Awakened Artist academy and the Born to Create Podcast, helping artists & artists to be to awaken their artist power & cultivate confidence in all areas of their lives.

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