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Harmful Spiritual Information

Written by: Jennifer Bell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Can Spiritual Information Be Harmful?

The answer is yes.

There is a fast-paced superhighway filled with spiritual information.

Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters... Oh my!

Channeled information on galactic wars, star beings, and the evolution of the universe can be found everywhere.

I have been observing the trends as a teacher of authentic body/soul connection and notice how so much of what is out there in the fields of spiritual information is not really helping people be in alignment with their path or healthy and/or balanced growth as a soul operating through a body.

Most people spend more time figuring out which star system they come from instead of facing the trauma of not feeling enough to drive that quest. Knowing that information does not consciously heal trauma.

I have helped people to clear detrimental patterns from their energetic system due to the fields of spiritual disinformation they were trying to create and live through instead of choosing to deal with their traumas, balance their nervous system, and get consciously connected with their soul through their body.

I have watched this phenomenon of spiritual entrepreneurs learning healing methods, client “attraction” methods, akashic record reading methods, intuition building methods in a few hours and then turn around and teach it to others immediately.

No experience, no work under their belt, no self-cultivation or development, and no substance.

This is what I call Empty Fire.

I am a licensed acupuncturist, a bodyworker, and have been helping others to heal their subtle body system for over 20 years. Empty fire is a state of deficiency. The fire element is related to the Spirit/Shen. Relating this to spiritual information means that on this surface, this looks like true spiritual information that will help you grow and evolve, but there is no substance behind it. It is like trying to grow a plant in soil that is completely stripped of any nutrients.

I recognize empty fire within the realm of spiritual information because it is sharing information without recognition of its spiritual origin and without the spiritual development necessary to teach and/or share spiritual knowledge or methods.

This is the same premise as eating empty calories. It tries to sell itself as nutritious food but ultimately taxes your body.

What is the cost of empty fire spiritual disinformation?

  1. Can over-stimulate your nervous system through FOMO(fear of missing out) by sending you on endless searches for “higher spiritual information or beings” while diverting you from your own authentic path.

  2. It can lead people to live through the delusion and illusion of others that have not committed to their own authentic path.

  3. Feeds the model of diluted spiritual information that is pervasive in new age spirituality.

  4. It gives people the illusion of growth and transformation but is really just surface-level spiritual information. It is not the wisdom, knowledge, or experience that is the foundation of growth and transformation.

Those are just a few.

The biggest harmful pattern is that people speak the language of sovereignty, spirituality, unconditional love, and abundance consciousness but choose not to mention where they learned what they know. They do not acknowledge the origin/source of information, which screams lack, screams that they don’t value the source of information, which is sometimes another person, and screams that they are not invested in their own authenticity if they are trying to wear someone else’s authentic expression.

We are better than this, and we truly need a better way of learning what is true in the realms of spiritual information and teachings. We need to treat this evolutionary process with more care for ourselves and others which is why my focus has been on teaching authentic body/soul connection and permission-based healing.

The first and most simple solution that demonstrates that you are on the path of authentic spiritual growth is to honor the person you learned something from by mentioning them as the source of your sharing information.

My teacher, Sadiki Bakari, says you cannot microwave spiritual growth.”

Imagine cutting up store-bought potatoes grown on a factory farm with little to no care, slicing them with a dull blade, and putting them in the microwave to make French fries.

Now imagine growing the potatoes in nutrient-dense soil, nurturing and tending to the potatoes as they grow, pulling them from the ground when they are ready, washing off these potatoes grown with care, slicing them with a beautiful blade, selecting the right balance of seasonings as taught to you by one of your ancestors, frying them at the perfect temperature, and then with gratitude, sitting down and eating them.

Now, which fries do you want to eat?

I do not know about you. I did not come here to experience and share soggy, sad, flavorless potatoes.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or visit my website and YouTube Channel for more info!


Jennifer Bell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jennifer Bell has been committed to the truth of holistic healing for over 22 years as an acupuncturist, massage therapist, and intuitive healer. She observed that most people are struggling because of a lack of conscious connection with their soul and their own inner nature. Jennifer teaches her clients and students that the soul is the primary spiritual teacher and guide. That soul precision alignment through soul connection practices is the foundation of true health that spans physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of all realities. Jennifer’s mission is to help healers, spiritual teachers/entrepreneurs, and people who truly want to commit to their own healing journey to mend conscious connection with their soul so that they can create and express their authentic gifts confidently, clearly, and coherently.

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