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Happy Procrastination Week – 3 Tips For Staying Focused | The JOYFull BadAPP

Written by: Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How often have you started the day with a task list that would make Santa Claus blush and end the day with nothing checked off? Or how long has it been since you had an uninterrupted hour to work on a side hustle or important project? You are not alone in your struggle against procrastination. It’s no secret that our productivity goes down the toilet when we get busy. Let’s discuss why we procrastinate and 3 simple tips to help us break this nasty habit.

alarm clock with sticky notes in yellow background

Why We Procrastinate

It’s important to understand why we procrastinate before we try to tackle it head-on. First and foremost, we procrastinate because of fear—fear of failure, fear of success, or even fear of boredom. Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us into inaction if we don’t take action against it. It’s also important to recognize that sometimes procrastination is just a sign of being overworked or overwhelmed. When our brains try to process too much information simultaneously, our natural tendency is to shut down until things become more manageable again.

Try these tips the next time you feel overwhelmed, fearful, and are entering procrastination mode.

Tip 1: Create a List That Motivates You

Creating lists can help us create structure and focus on what needs to be done. Start by breaking down big tasks into smaller chunks, making them less overwhelming. If you’re feeling extra motivated, make sure to include small rewards for yourself after completing each task – like getting yourself an ice cream cone or taking a short break if you hit your goal ahead of schedule! Being able to check off items as they’re completed helps keep motivation high, too, so try using colored pens or highlighting items once they are finished.

I use Sunsama EVERY day to organize the tasks and activities I need to complete. I start with a brain dump – writing down all the shit I need or want to do for that week. Next, I move those into MUST DO’s and NICE TO’s.

MUST DO’s are the things that MUST be done that day or week, or my projects won’t move forward. NICE TO’s are the things I could work on if I get finished with the MUST DO’s and want to get a jump on tomorrow. I usually don’t, though. I focus on the MUST DO’s.

From there, I add the MUST DO tasks to Sunsama during my morning meeting. Planning my day has never been easier. If you want to try Sunsama, use my link for a FREE trial.

Tip 2: Change Your Environment

If your office space feels drab or boring, try changing where you work for a bit! You can add plants, art, music, candles, incense, etc., so your workspace is your own.

Going out for lunch and having a change of scenery can help jumpstart your brain again and give you the motivation boost you need to power through that daunting task list.

Working from home? Put on some clothes (yes, even if nobody will see them) and move away from the bed – sitting up straight at a desk helps signal our brains it’s time to get sh*t done! Plus, having some background noise (like music) can help block out distractions around you so you can focus more easily on what needs accomplishing today.

This is why I incorporate Work Away Days. I need a change of scenery. Sometimes it’s a couple of days alone in my camper – working and planning while my husband works at home. Other times, it’s a day at the Library or a local coffee shop. If it’s nice outside and I don’t feel like going out, I will set up a makeshift office on my patio and work while I listen to the birds and wind chimes.

*I support local businesses, but when I can’t shop locally, Amazon comes in handy. Please note that some links are affiliates and will earn me a small commission.

Tip 3: Take Breaks & Celebrate Accomplishments

Everyone should be taking breaks throughout the day, but sometimes procrastinators use those breaks as excuses not to finish something they don’t want to do (we see what you’re (um, I am) doing). Instead of using those breaks as excuses to avoid working, try setting timers. You can time your break, your focused work time, or both. As a binge worker, I find this technique to be most helpful. The timer helps me STOP and remind myself I need a break.

Once the break is over, return back refreshed and ready for another round of focused work. And do not forget to celebrate your accomplishments. Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back each time you finish something or take a step closer to completing your project. Celebrating small wins can help build momentum and encourage you to keep working towards bigger goals.

Rituals, Routines & Rewards that are aligned with your work styles and preferences help you better manage procrastination. If you need help developing a system, then The JOYFull BadAPP has what you need! Rituals and Rewards will be available by March 15th. Download the APP now: Apple and Google Play.

Procrastination happens – it’s part of being human, after all! But by creating lists with small achievable goals, changing up environments while working, taking breaks strategically instead of letting them become excuses to avoid work, and celebrating accomplishments along the way – even tiny ones – anyone can become better at managing their procrastination habits!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After retiring from teaching, Janifer Wheeler realized she had a bigger calling.

She now brings her 20+ years of experience in education to the production industry to help entrepreneurs and teams find the proverbial work-life balance by following her JOYfully method.

She’s also founded The JOYFully BadAss Academy, where they teach people how not only to do more but enjoy every minute of their workday — without taking any excuses or guilt home with them either (we know what it’s like). Give me 30 days, and you won’t regret it! Click here to learn more.

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