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Guiding Souls To Truth And Healing Through Higher Consciousness – Exclusive Interview With Dorit Kozlovski

Dorit Kozlovski's mission is to discover the truth. She is commited to guide others on a journey of curios Self discovery, healing and reconnecting with their purest Selves. Currently Dorit is a CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy, Reiki Master Teacher and Cosmoenergy healer. Besides natural higher frequency energy channeling, she is dedicated in holistic well-being therapies like quantum healing hypnosis technique, yin yoga, meditation practices.

She loves receiving Higher Self guidance through pendulum and excited to share readings/healing through intuitive tools like Tarot, divination cards, crystals.

Photo of Dorit Kozlovski

Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better. 

Greetings, my name is Dorit.

I am pleased to offer a brief insight into my journey and experiences. 

My childhood years were spent amidst the tranquil embrace of Estonia's forest landscapes, under the nurturing and firm guidance of my grandmother. This precious time spent in the woods formed a bond and deep connection with nature.

An early awakening unfolded as I transitioned to living with my mother in the city of Tallinn under the Soviet regime. Recollections of past lives permeated my consciousness, prompting inquiries into the mysteries of existence. Questions emerged, such as the nature of my current embodiment as a woman and the sudden emergence of memories from distant epochs. The eclectic mix of terrestrial and extraterrestrial recollections stirred within me a profound curiosity, leading to the sharing of a bizarre language with my mother, who, fortunately, embraced my revelations with open-mindedness.

In the tapestry of my familial connections, I was fortunate to encounter a spiritual mentor, notably a soul of very high consciousness, whose insights transcended conventional discussions. The dialogues at home traversed realms of philosophy, meditation, and existential contemplation, fostering a deepened awareness within me. 

2007 traveling to India, I was drawn to meet Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma – “Hugging Mother”. By spending time in her compassionate grace, miraculously wise and energetic presence I embraced her teachings and regained interest in spirituality. She evoked the nurturing feminine aspect within.

Meeting Amma and living in the artistic city of Amsterdam catapulted my excitement about handcrafting and art (my favorite childhood activities) and I decided to form a sustainable art fashion brand DURGA. 

Amma’s positive influence also prompted my daily meditation practice of her I AM meditation technique.

In 2015 I had a profound awakening through an ayahuasca ceremony, which fostered my deeply personal healing journey - taking full responsibility for my thoughts, actions, energy, etc., and renewed excitement to study energy healing, yin yoga, and holistic therapies; rekindling my affinity with Reiki, initially embarked upon in 1996. 

However, it was not until the convergence of my path with that of my first Estonian spiritual teacher approximately six years ago that my awakening found its zenith. Being open to him and his higher consciousness illuminating the truth, automatically heightened my consciousness. Exchanging ideas invoked my interest in understanding and measuring the different levels of consciousness, that extended beyond humanity to animal species and sentient beings of other dimensions.

It was through these private exchanges with him, that I began to assimilate his profound teachings, documenting his philosophies and embracing modalities such as pendulum dowsing to live in truth.

Dorit Kozlovski quote

What inspired you to create Higher Consciousness Energy, and what is the mission behind your business?

In 2018 I completed the Dolores Cannon method of hypnosis course, which further revealed the innate interconnectedness of all beings. 

The barriers of space and time dissolved, facilitating an instantaneous connection of fractals of oneself in other dimensions (past lives or past moments).

Drawing a parallel to the movie "The Matrix" where characters can travel to different dimensions without physically moving, I started to use this incredible tool to assist others in their healing process.

Enabling a journey into the depths of the soul, I now offer these healing experiences of exploring moments of any timeline, other dimensions, and facilitate contact with higher consciousness without the need for substances with the mission to end personal suffering. 

The higher consciousness energy as a business is an outcome of compassion, responsibility, and heightened awareness to share timeless wisdom, spiritual teachings, and all the inter-connected holistic therapies that I have found exciting and of higher consciousness. 

Therefore, I use all the transformative tools I know and have proven to work. These natural and holistic well-being techniques form the bedrock of my healing practice. 

Guided by the ethos of returning to the essence, I employ these modalities to facilitate the shedding of layers of trauma, limiting beliefs, and discordant energies. The culmination of these efforts is the restoration of wholeness, wherein individuals rediscover their innate perfection and interconnectedness with the cosmos.

My offerings, meticulously crafted and validated through personal and collective experiences, serve as catalysts for a profound transformation of understanding and behavior. It is with great reverence that I extend these gifts to those who seek healing and illumination on their journey.

Photo of Dorit Kozlovski

Can you tell us more about the products or services offered on your website and how they align with the concept of higher consciousness and energy?

The products on the Higher Consciousness Energy website are one of a kind and with higher frequency. They range from handcrafted one-of-a-kind clothing from the DURGA brand to precious crystal necklaces, original handmade eye masks, etc. promoting relaxation, healing, and sustainable living.

The services of Higher Consciousness Energy align with the name and concept – all are of pure higher consciousness energetic frequency, natural and holistic. Each service is conducted in private and with full dedication and compassion, considering the uniqueness of individual beings and their current state.

Almost all offerings, like Cosmoenergy and Reiki – energy healing, protection, and enhancement; Hypnosis, Yin yoga with meditations, Tarot, and other card readings, Pendulum dowsing and coaching are possible through distance, online.

Some services require meeting in person, like longer retreats to let go of negative habits or illnesses; Reiki initiations, and therapeutic massages.

Photo of Dorit Kozlovski

In what ways does your business support and contribute to the broader community or movement focused on spiritual growth and consciousness expansion?

As an experienced soul, I have learned to discern the truth from lies and know how to master the healing process across timelines.

I aim to provide as accurate and honest information as I can. 

I constantly receive updates and downloads from my higher Self and through conducting research. 

In addition, I measure and choose to read the highest consciousness literature; and share the wisdom from my spiritual teachers and beings of higher consciousness that I come across through hypnosis.

Furthermore, I can measure the frequency of and channel only higher frequency cosmic energies, which all contribute to healing, purifying, and feeling whole – returning to the true ethereal spiritual core.

It is my mission and joy to uplift the consciousness of anyone open and interested!

Read more from Dorit Kozlovski



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