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Guided Imagery, Hypnosis, And Suggestion Techniques For Working With Children

Written by: Amanda Dounis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Amanda Dounis

I am excited to share the profound benefits of incorporating guided imagery, hypnosis techniques, and the power of suggestion into our therapeutic practices. By combining these powerful tools, we can enhance our ability to guide children towards emotional intelligence, resilience, and growth. Let's explore how these techniques can shape transformative experiences for our young clients.

Young happy boy enjoying the outdoor during summer time

1. Guided imagery: Nurturing inner magic

In our therapeutic sessions, we have the opportunity to guide children to imaginary landscapes where they can uncover hidden strengths and abilities.

By utilising guided imagery, we encourage them to visualise scenes filled with positivity and empowerment. Through this process, children can access their inner strengths, developing emotional resilience, confidence, and authenticity that will shape their journey long after therapy ends.

2. Hypnosis techniques: Unleashing the power of the mind

Imagine creating a safe space that invites children to relax, where their minds become highly receptive to positive suggestions. With hypnosis techniques, we guide them into a state of deep relaxation, opening doors to rewrite limiting beliefs and enhance self-belief. By consistently programming their minds with positive affirmations, we help children visualise success, boost their self-confidence, and embrace their unlimited potential.

3. The power of suggestion: Rewiring limiting beliefs

As therapists, we understand the impact of negative self-perception on a child's emotional growth. By utilising the power of suggestion, we can challenge and rewrite these limiting beliefs. Encourage children to actively participate in replacing self-doubt with self-acceptance, fear with courage, and defeat with resilience. By embedding positive suggestions within their subconscious, we help redefine their self-image and cultivate healthier perspectives.

4. Cultivating inner strength: Empowering children's self-perception

Children often overlook their past achievements and resilience. By guiding them to visualise their strengths, we help them construct a positive and accurate self-image. Through our therapeutic approach, we create rooms of memories, affirmations, and achievements, where children can reflect on their growth and potential. By consistently reinforcing positive self-perception, we empower them to face future challenges with newfound confidence and optimism.

5. Transformative sleep: Nurturing subconscious growth

Sleep provides an opportunity for the mind to integrate the therapeutic process. Educate parents and caregivers about the benefits of hypnotic relaxation before bedtime. By encouraging children to visualise positive narratives and suggestions as they drift off to sleep, they can harness the power of their subconscious mind to nurture resilience, self-compassion, and emotional well-being. A well-rested child wakes up ready to embrace the day with newfound strength and optimism.

Did you know there is power in silence? A wonderful way to quiet the mind to allow pathways of possibilities to be created.


Incorporating guided imagery, hypnosis techniques, and the power of suggestion into our therapeutic work with children can elevate our ability to foster emotional intelligence and resilience. By unlocking their inner potential, we help children navigate life's challenges with confidence and authenticity. Let's continue to explore and refine our approaches, embracing these techniques to shape transformative therapeutic experiences for our young clients. Together, let's empower children on their journey of growth, self-discovery, and emotional well-being.

I hope this article helps you with confidence in your work.

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Amanda Dounis Brainz Magazine

Amanda Dounis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Amanda Dounis, is a leader in kids, tweens and teens coping skills. A professional award-winning leader in the early childhood industry, Amanda has added wonderful tools to her therapy practice. Amanda says it's difficult for these kids working through these challenging years. So she enthusiastically joins their ride to show them to smooth over bumpy roads and keep moving forward. In the end, it's the challenges that give them the opportunity to practice their coping skills. She certainly promotes self-empowerment through courage and curiosity.

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