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Groundhog Days

Written by: Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I love movies! One of my fav ourites is the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a ton of truth in such movies.

Do you feel you are in the movie Groundhog Day currently with Covid19? One lockdown and restrictions, then the next lockdown and the same restrictions, then the next lockdown…you got me?

Same, same but different? No!

With the same routine over and over again, people get conditioned and adapt to what's happening to them while their known strategies don't work anymore. We could also call that "learning".

As an NLP master practitioner and health communication scientist, I see it as conditioning by repetition until old, known strategies are adapted with something that works for the current situation, "to get it finally right" (a saying from the movie).

As with children, when we learn something new, we finally get the loving and caring we are longing for.

When do we finally get it right now?

Do we ever get a global crisis and, at the same time, a personal crisis, right?

What could be the positive outcome of such crises, I have wondered for 1.5 years already! You too?

Let's delve a bit into communication and behavioural science.

"How real is reality?" Paul Watzlawick once asked. What we have learned since childhood from others has shaped our reality, and yet it's a part of it. All those values, beliefs, and imprints created our identity and made us who we believe we are today. We act and react out of what we learned, as well as make our choices based on those imprints and that conditioning.

I'll give you an example. The way we behave, even the way we brush our teeth and how we walk and eat, are learned from others who showed us, and we repeated it. The more we repeat and practise, the better we get.

The same has been happening during Covid19 when we had to learn how to wear a mask, what distance is healthy for everybody, that this virus can be dangerous to others and that we can spread it and hurt others when we get too close.

The first lockdown, we had no idea what was going on.

The second lockdown, we knew what to do.

The third lockdown, we did the same and reacted faster.

Like brushing our teeth or learning to walk and run.

We get better the more we practise it.

It's simple.

By getting information and then acting, we connect this information with our new behaviour.

That's conditioning.

So, what about you?

Where were you conditioned and didn't question the truth in all the information you received?

And whose truth is it? Whose reality is this? Yours?

Groundhog days are wonderful for changes in whatever direction you choose. Can such days become awareness days of your blind spots, hidden subconsciously inside you and wanting to be seen, heard, and recognised?

Like in the movie with Bill Murray, the day by day groundhog ended when he truly became himself and listened to his heart. Can you remember the movie's end?

How many groundhog days did you go through in a situation till "you got it?"

Or are we lost in the translation of our subconsciousness?

Love reading from your story!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources, and many other business areas, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over more than 30 years.

Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as a holistic trainer in health, nutrition, and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further development of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence.

Successfully Master’s degree in health management with a focus on public health. International Ph.D. & research in health communication with a focus on psycholinguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics.

International bestselling publisher and author of numerous books in different languages. Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London. 2021 opening my own research center for intuitive science in Austria.

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