Written by: Corina Dudu, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We all know that November is a very intense month given the fact we transit the Scorpio season. But for this time, November 2021 has brought us an amplified energy as it was electrically charged on November 4th by New Moon at 12° in Scorpio in opposition with Uranus in Taurus. In addition, the New Moon was infused with the very strong Scorpio energy not only because the Sun and Moon shared their energy in the sign of Scorpio, but also because Mars, the ruler of the New Moon was also in its sign of residence, Scorpio!

Scorpio is one of the most fascinating and powerful signs of the Zodiac and is ruled by Pluto, as the first ruler and Mars, as the second ruler.
Pluto, the first ruler of Scorpio
Before talking about the Eclipses, let’s have a short talk about Pluto who’s assisting behind the scene and continues the transformation process for all of us. It’s important to understand Pluto’s energy considering the following aspects which involve Scorpio, respectively Pluto’s energy:
On November 19th, we are going to have the Full Moon and the Partial Lunar Eclipse at 27° in Taurus, activating the axis Taurus – Scorpio, called in astrology "the financial axis”.
In 2022, we are going to face the energy of 4 Eclipses which are going to happen on axis Taurus – Scorpio
In Greek mythology, Pluto was Hades the God of the underworld. Hades was the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and together with his brothers Zeus (Jupiter) and Poseidon (Neptune), defeated their father’s generation of Gods, the Titans, and claimed rulership over the Universe. Hades received the Underworld, Zeus the Sky, and Poseidon the Sea. Hades is found portrayed by artists as holding a bident and wearing his helm with Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the Underworld.
In astrology, Pluto is considered the higher octave of Mars and has some similar characteristics with Saturn which leads to be called as "The Will of God”. When Pluto comes, significant life changes are going to happen and there is no other chance than to accept them.
However Pluto is the smallest and outermost planet in our solar system, Pluto is the planet of extremes, transformation, renewal, rebirth, power and control and also talk about birth, sex and death. Other keywords: endings and beginnings, intensity, magnetism, destruction, regeneration, occult, mystery, hidden or unseen things, spirits, dark entities, dark magic, taboo, etc.
What are the eclipses?
As a general rule, eclipses are produced very close to the Lunar Nodes (South Node and North Node, The Axis of Fate) when the New Moon or Full Moon events take place.
Eclipses are dynamic cosmic events that activate the lunar nodes. Explained in simple words, the moon runs on an elliptical that is constantly rotating around the zodiac. The highest and lowest points of this orbit correspond with the lunar nodes, which symbolize our past (South Node) and future (North Node) and represent our karmic pathway. Consequently, by activating these nodes within our birth charts, eclipses produce a huge quantity of intense energy and bring events which produce impact on our destiny. Eclipses often trigger destined or fated events to occur, depending on one’s zodiac sign. It’s important to mention here that when an eclipse is produced at
the New Moon, then we have a Solar Eclipse and Sun is opposite of the Moon. During this moment, the manifested actions are external and relationships are going to be reorganized.
the Full Moon, then we have a Lunar Eclipse and Sun share the same grade with the Moon. During this moment, our emotional state is very high and we are going to experience culminations, breakthroughs or breakdowns massive endings, turning points, intense inner fights, fears, awareness and revelations to our lives.
The Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini
Looking over 2021, the following 4 eclipses are on the plate:
Wednesday, May 26th: Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Thursday, June 10th: Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini
Friday, November 19th: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Saturday, December 4th: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Usually, The Axis of Fate spends around 1.5 years on an axis. The Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini started to take place since the Lunar Nodes (The Axis of Fate) moved on these zodiac signs last year on May 5th.
To summarize the transit of the Lunar Nodes on the axis of Gemini and Sagittarius, it can be concluded that our chance to progress comes only through education, self education and awareness to enhance our skills and abilities. The eclipses on the axis of Sagittarius and Gemini where we still have the NorthNode and South Node push us to develop from both mental and intellectual point of view to produce the shift in our mentality and to expand our knowledge, mind, etc.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Friday, November 19th (is conjunct with Algol fixed star) will be the first one from the new season of Eclipses which are going to take place on the Financial Axis of Taurus and Scorpio once the Lunar Nodes will move here starting with December 23rd.
This eclipse is visible for India, America, Northern Europe, East Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Ocean region and takes about 6 hours.
During this transit, our finances and the way how we get and spend money will be totally transformed with the support of Uranus, the planet of „expect the unexpected” which is also in Taurus since March 2019.
The last time when these came around was in September 2012 to March 2014. If you look back in time, what life lessons began for you nearly a decade ago? Is your life on your desired path? Or does this next cycle which is about to start it means finally using your willpower and psychic passion to turn dreams into a reality? As ruled by the warrior planet Pluto and Mars, Scorpio knows how to transform and shed old skin to get what it wants.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse at 27° in Taurus on Friday, November 19th in Taurus, besides the North Node at 01° in Gemini 27° is also accompanied by other strong aspect of tension, respectively Uranus (still retrograde) at 12° in Taurus in opposition with Mars at 13° in Scorpio (and also Mercury at 21° and Sun at 27°). This is going to bring unpredictable events, considering that this financial axis Taurus – Scorpio is also a fixed axis which generates extreme situations that cannot be easily solved if we have a rigid way of thinking and not willing to become more flexible.
Also, as this opposition is related to the financial axis, it is very possible to become excessively worried about personal budget as well as to get news about potential required expenses. To overcome this situation, we may use the unpredictable energy of Uranus in Taurus to work for and not against us, integrating different and innovative approaches and being open to any revelations that may be generated by the eclipse energy.
Take a look at your birth chart. Everyone will be affected by this eclipse, however, the most impacted ones will be the fixed signs, respectively Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Also, even your Lunar Nodes, Rising Sun or inner planets have this placement - your birth Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars you will feel the shifts created by these powerful and extremely intense lunations.
The same pattern will be applicable for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be activated by the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse on December 4th.
Zodiac signs and their sectors of life impacted by the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Aries: spirituality, subconscious, solitude, transcendence, self sabotage, sacrifice
Taurus: appearance, outward personality
Gemini: money, possessions, values, skills
Cancer: mental activity, learning, siblings, communications
Leo: home, mother, roots, inner security, traditions
Virgo: romance, love, children, creativity, fun, gambling
Libra: work, health, daily routine, small pets
Scorpio: marriage and partnerships
Sagittarius: sex, death, letting go, regeneration, others’ people money sharing
Capricorn: higher education, life philosophy, publishing, religion, travel, law
Aquarius: career, vocational purpose, father, reputation, public image, authority
Pisces: friends, groups, goals, aspirations, projects, protectors
2022 Eclipses
Considering that this first eclipse on the axis Taurus – Scorpio will give us a flavor of the new eclipses season, let’s have a look over the eclipses of 2022
Saturday, April 30th: Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus 10° (New Moon)
Monday, May 16th: Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 25° (Full Moon)
Tuesday, October 25th: Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2° (New Moon)
Tuesday, November 8th: Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 15° (Full Moon)
If you ask me about the best way to embrace these life transformational moments, I would say to expect the unexpected, accept the unknown and go with the flow. And remember, life is a journey and we enjoy the ride!

Corina Dudu, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Corina Dudu is an HR Professional & Certified Life and Career Coach specialized in Talent Management and Career Development, with deep expertise in Corporate international HR processes gained over 20+ years across cultures.
Corina is dedicated to delivering transformational change to people and catalyzing individuals’ potential by eliminating mental barriers to accelerate their career growth and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
Corina is also a Certified Astrologist and Numerologist. She is passionate about supporting others by guiding and coaching through the various aspects of a person’s life to fulfill their unique destinies and overcome life's challenges. She believes transformation begins with each individual connected with his higher self and is essential in achieving life purpose through a conscientious and colorful life journey.