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Go From Overwhelm To Fabulous, Using Boundaries And Feelings – These 3 Books Will Get You There

Written by: Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Emotional healing and hurt are a mix for overwhelm, and they go together because not only a hurtful situation can cause you pain, but the process of healing is painful in itself. Generally speaking, I am talking here of many invisible hurts we apply to ourselves, like not taking in consideration what our true needs are and being too much available to personal and professional schedules, that clash with our own, with no boundaries or pauses.

You are smart, intelligent, and wonder how did you let that happen and to what extent?

Causing constant attacks on your soul and dreams will not make you stronger but will eventually drain you of your energy and light, leaving you resentful and unmotivated. Not wanting to face the day ahead. This is when you notice that something is not clicking within you, and you start remembering glimpses of how much fun and adventurous you were, and the yearning for having a meaningful day, week, year, start making their way back to your mind and heart. It is like beginning to blow your clouds away with a whisper and your dreams see this as an invitation to come back to your life.

How do you align and dig deeper into learning who you want to be and do – and unlearning what is not bringing you purpose and joy?

Emotions are a big eye-opener so I would say start feeling and imagining and combine them with excellent and truthful boundaries. And how do you understand your emotions and create your wonderful life, by your standards and desires?

Start by reading these three amazing, handpicked books – read them and absorb what they say, feed your mind and thoughts, see what will work for you, and let go of what does not resonate. You can go deeper as well by working with a professional therapist in cases where you feel you need immediate mental help or support.

Time for you to get your super tech reading device, or paperback book (I love those, plus they look comforting and cozy on your bookshelf!) and begin to understand your wounds and hurts, move forward to healing and thriving, one page at time!

1. The Audacity to be Queen by Gina DeVee

If you had to go on a desert island with only one book (or if you live in a very huge metropolis, and are a one person city island, or if you live in a little town, or rural area, or even if you are planning to move to another planet), and want to sit and figure out your life up until now, take it all in and also start dreaming and deciding what is it you want to be, I would say, take The Audacity to be Queen, by my coach and mentor, Gina de Vee. She is the most amazing, in-depth, fast and wise transformational coach, with also a very precise sense of humor, while saying to you all that must be said – clear and directly – and with the most glamourous approach to being your full, glorious self, unapologetically.

This book will be your best friend wherever you go. Gina tells her story from the heart and with full responsibility for her process, both as she goes along and in hindsight, showing us that the way is always forward and towards yourself, which improves all around you. There is so much to learn on the road to finding your power and such a relief, and beauty, in knowing what you want.

2. Boundary Boss – by Terri Cole

So, I thought I had it all sorted out with boundaries, after all, my kids are grown and my husband and I have a good communication, I love my friends, my creative work and pets are in my schedule, and yet… a little pang inside me says that maybe quite a few times I may have postponed things that were important to me or robbed myself of important pauses and recharge time. I went through my then teenage kids’ phase in quite a hurdle, I have to say, and don´t we all?

Which brings me back to boundaries and I wish I had the book back then, yet it is never too late to get your priorities in order and clear limits – at work, family, friends, and just real life, virtual or not. Whether your issues are everyday decisions, or some more in-depth ones, I found Boundary Boss very helpful, with exercises and guidelines. It will help you define your limits intentionally and show that you deserve to be in charge of your days and life, deciding how and with whom you spend your time with.

3. Daring Greatly – Brené Brown

Many of you have read this book, it is a classic already and it is worth rereading and remembering the very human lessons and insights on our feelings and how to name them, while also actually feeling them, with no shame or guilt. It is one of the best healing books, because it shines light into all the little nooks and crannies that one is afraid to access and cure. Maybe in South America we have the daring and feeling a bit more out there in the open, and I suppose some excess drama is part of our traits. On the positive side, it can add a lot of life sauce, joie de vivre and seize the day ingredients that are very useful, specially right now. It does come sometimes in detriment of faster processing and organization, for things tend to fall into place at a different rhythm. Let yourself embrace both – feelings and processes ‒ and work on being all you can be, while never losing your human touch.

Women, dreamers, mothers, millennials, moms and dads, nomads or stay at home parents, wherever you are at and at no matter what age ‒ so get yourself by the hand and be the star on your nomadic journey to wherever you want to go and be!

Get support you on your lovely journey!

I help you connect, thrive, and find more energy wherever you are!

All this fine tuning needs a coach to help you unfold and put into action your goals and plans.

Learn more and meet me at Life Coach Nomads!

Remember to get your “Free 7 Tips to Feel at Home Anywhere” on the site:

Life is nomadic by essence!

You can connect with me also at Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ilaria Storch, a Life Coach Nomad, is the creator of Life Coach Nomads, where she shares her passion for travel and for inspiring people everywhere to access their true center and find more connection and energy on the way to more joy, fun, and fulfillment. She practices that following your emotions, wrapped up in a personal structure that can connect your goals, desires, and love, is the path to all real and true growth. Wherever you are, change is nomadic by essence, and it takes time, support and starts inside you when you absolutely desire to develop yourself and move on. She has a Bachelor´s Degree in Advertising, speaks many languages, won a Fashion Illustration Award during College, and loves coaching her clients towards their expressive life journey.

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