Written by: Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The biggest mistake people often make is they give up too quickly when negative self-talk fills their heads with doubt. Can you imagine if your parents had given up the first time teaching you to ride a bike? Do you think they said “oh no you are not good enough”, or “it’s too hard to try so we won’t bother?” They didn’t and you shouldn’t either, with anything you want to work towards.

It’s at that point when you truly commit and make the decision that something shifts inside. I remembered this clearly each time I chose to step on stage, I had my goal, I knew what the plan was and I switched on to go after it. It’s like a light-bulb is switched on, it provides clarity and connection to the end point, so you start to do what is needed. As your focus shifts, your awareness to opportunities around you becomes heightened.
Making big decisions can often feel scary and daunting, so I always encourage my clients to make small wins first (normally a fitness, eating or health-related achievement), to increase their self-belief with what they are capable of. I have found that by supporting women with these smaller goals, it empowers them to feel able to make bigger more life changing decisions.
There are many different processes to making a decision, some people use mind maps, others write a list of pros and cons, or discuss options with those significant people around them. All of these are good tools when searching for clarity, plus I would always encourage you to go with your gut feeling too, ask yourself does the decision excite you?
You may feel a little nervous about the decision and potential change that is coming with it, as you are stepping into the new, levelling up and about to push forward. Find the reason why you want the end point, then create an emotional connection, so you ignite the spark to take the leap. During the tough times, reminding yourself of this will prevent you from quitting, which will be discussed at a deeper level later on.
One of my most used quotes is, ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it cannot change you!’ Change does not come from staying in your comfort zone, so if the decision feels scary, good, use this positively to take action rather than let it paralyse you into doing nothing.
Most people fail when faced with an obstacle or a small setback as they give up too quickly. More often than not a distraction will occur, a classic example of this I have seen with clients is peer pressure from partners, family or friends to drink at a social gathering or the work birthday cake scenario. Sometimes, when others around you do not understand your goals as well as what they mean to you, it is easier for them to persuade you to just have one more, it won’t hurt.
Part of going all in means becoming steadfast and stubbornly attached to your goal.
Another key factor to consider when going all in, is to ensure you set up the right support team around you. Identifying those around you who can help and support your goals will increase your chances of success. The more people you can get on board the better – not only to provide accountability, guidance, mentoring but also so you can outsource responsibilities and reduce distractions.
I also encourage you to assess your readiness to change as this will identify if now is the right time, or if the goal chosen is the right goal for you. There will be sacrifices made to your current lifestyle, changes will need to be made so you can achieve a different result, take yourself to the next level and amplify your life. During my Alpha Accelerate program, we dedicate an entire module to drilling down on how ready you are as part of the preparation process. Once you are ready, the wheels can be put in motion to move forward to set you up for success and then it’s time to go!
Once your decision is made, the last step is to execute it. For me, it I say I am going to do something I have to do, it just doesn’t sit well with me if I don’t! This is because integrity is one of my highest core values.
The final point to highlight when going all in, is to make sure you give it your best. Even if you do not get the outcome you wanted, not only will you be closer by default yet you are also laying stronger foundations that solidify your self-belief and confidence. Think about it from a sports perspective, you could do all that is required to be in peak physical and mental condition to win yet on the day, one of your competitors’ best day is better that yours! Yes, this can be crushing yet knowing that you have given 100% to everything during the process gives you the mental strength to cope with setbacks.
Can you remember a time that you were failed to do you best and then were disappointed with the outcome? Maybe you didn’t prepare enough for a work presentation or study hard enough for an important exam or maybe you would have won the race if you had not have been out late the night before with friends? Maybe you could have chosen a better present for a loved one’s birthday, yet you didn’t make it a priority to go shopping in time. Knowing you could have done better feels awful, so this is why making a conscious decision to do your best, at everything you do is critical, especially when going all in. How you do anything, is how you do everything.
It’s ok not to win first place every time as long as you know you’ve done your best. Whilst trying your best may not always get you the dream job or accomplish your goal or that people will fully appreciate your efforts, what it does mean is you can be proud of yourself. You can use this self confidence and have no regrets and continue moving forward positively, always learning from any mistakes and growing on your journey.
So, if you want something, really want it go make that decision, choose to go all in and take the leap of faith. Jump in feet first and then hold on tight... yes you may fall, but what if you fly?!

Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine
Claire is an expert mindset, nutrition, and training coach for women, authors, TV presenters, expert speakers, and female empowerment mentors.
Claire is the CEO of The Naked Warrior, which delivers 3 winning online coaching programs and Founder of The Naked Warrior Tribe online female empowerment community plus the author of two books — The Winning Formula: Discover the Secrets to Unleash Your Alpha Female and The Winning Physique: How to Get the Competitive Edge on Stage.