Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences.

In my many years of coaching and training, I heard "I'm stuck," "I don't know how to get unstuck," and "I don't know what to do" on countless occasions. Here are five ways to not feel trapped that have consistently worked with my clients. You can implement them immediately to change your life. The first one might surprise you.

Realize that you are never stuck
You are in a holding pattern or what I call a stop-down. These are necessary to allow you time to access and ascertain (not judge or condemn) the next best step (not necessarily all the steps). They often help to prevent you from making a choice that will lead to even more chaos and unnecessary pain. (If you find yourself on a deserted island, you might be seriously stuck. You know what I mean.) In my newly released book, "UnChaos Yourself and Change Your Life," I state that an abrupt stop is a gift, but you don't always get to unwrap it all at once. I genuinely believe that.
Reframe your perspective
What you perceive as problems and burdens symbolize experiences and openings necessary for transformational change. Stuckness usually represents patterns and behaviors (thoughts and feelings) that have prevented you from becoming the next best version of yourself. It could be the "final straw" and the catalyst for change. You could also be at rock bottom, feeling trapped and so uncomfortable that you have no choice but to change.
Step away from the trap
The "trap" is your container of confusion (name the emotions) and typically overthinking the problem. Our thoughts are estimated to be up to 80 percent repetitive and negative. Imagine yourself inside a box surrounded by chaos, trying to find the "light at the end of the tunnel." It's hard to know how or where to start. (Seriously, if this is you right now, take a moment, close your eyes, and observe yourself in your box.) Get out and get yourself up to high ground, literally. Change your surroundings as drastically as possible. Detach from the energy and confusion and recharge. Getting into nature, watching performance art, taking a mini adventure – just get away. Visit here.
Focus on how you want to feel instead of how you are feeling
Are you in a circuitous pattern of re-creating, re-living, and escalating the problem? Visualize and feel your circumstances as if they have already changed and act as if. (Again, do this now. Create all that you want and put it in your box. Let it be your reality for a minute or two.) We energize what we think about. The research is indisputable and will reinforce what I am stating here.
Find radical acceptance
Ask what this is teaching you and why. Be curious about your situation without the "why me" syndrome. This type of acceptance allows our experiences (and burdens) to become wisdom. It's our personal alchemy of sorts. We don't know what we don't know until we do. A stop-down allows us to know more and do better. My guess is that you are being led to do the work you have yet to accept as necessary or fail to recognize, yet it's part of your evolution. What a gift.
In conclusion, I remind you to take the next best step towards the bigger picture if you are trying to get unstuck. (If you don't know what that is, I will address decision-making in the next article.) That might be hiring a coach, taking a class, ending a relationship, getting therapy, etc. Trust your intuition and what makes you feel expanded and liberated when you think about it.
My breakthrough transformational book, "UnChaos Yourself and Change Your Life" is dedicated to clearing out the clutter in your thoughts and helping you get unstuck using five major areas and experiential exercises. I know it could also be a life-changing tool.
Do at least one thing that feels productive, and then re-assess. Maybe getting unstuck in your mind and thoughts is the first step. Maybe physical activity is better for you. It's okay to try different things. That's what we do in a clothing store. Something might look perfect, but it's not when you try it on. The same goes for getting out of a rut.
It's up to us to open our minds and hearts to the entire human experience. We get unstuck when we are ready to progress to the next level of awareness.
Be courageous. Share your story if you can. We are all wounded healers.
For more information about Tina and how she might support you, visit here.
Note: If you are in an unsafe situation or feeling extreme despair, please seek professional help immediately. I recognize that some "traps" require extreme measures.
Read more from Tina Anderson
Tina Anderson, Author, Creator of Unchaos Yourself
Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences. She created and authored the UnChaos Yourself process and book as part of her mission to lessen life’s chaos and facilitate unity consciousness. She is the founder and CEO of ta7productions, and she believes in partying with the Universe every chance you get.