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Get Strategic About Lifestyle – Exclusive Interview With Susy Natal

Susy Natal is a mindset coach who specialises in lifestyle strategy, stress management and bandwidth optimisation. She believes that we only keep the achievements that we can recover from, and accordingly believes that for all things we say "yes" to, there is an often hidden "no" somewhere to balance that equation if we do not choose our "no" deliberately. Too often physical or mental health, peace of mind and rest are the unspoken sacrifices that ultimately do not make for a fair trade. She utilises this approach to guide hundreds of clients over the past decade to sustainable success.

Image photo of Susy

Susy Natal, Strategic Mindset and Lifestyle Coach

Please tell us a bit about what has led you to be here today.

Like everyone else I am a product of my story – I have always been fascinated by how storytelling has shaped society through the times, and the impact that a well-told story has on the lives of both the person telling the story, as well as its audience. In the same way that we are a product of our habits and choices, we experience our existence as a product of how we narrate the story of our lives back to ourselves and to other people.

This, I found to be pivotal to our outcomes, and sure enough, the more I learned to be in charge of my story, the more I also became the architect of my lifestyle. I love to share what I have learned with my clients to help them also start to get strategic about their lifestyle. Following that philosophy consistently for several years has led me here.

What is unique about your approach to the work that you do?

My business is in mindset coaching at its core, and the story-telling piece is a cornerstone of the work that I do. I like to help my clients reconcile the parts of their story they might be at odds with, and to become aware of where their language choices might be directing them away from the outcomes they truly want. I then help them to raise awareness and practice in harnessing their language towards their personal definition of success.

I also spend a lot of time working on rest and recovery with my clients. In the same way that athletes need deloads and rest days, it makes no sense to just flog yourself hoping that retirement arrives before that looming breakdown does. I do a lot of work with nervous system regulation and learning how to reconnect with the animal within – we are more akin to mammals than computers, and sustainable success must work with this inevitable truth rather than in opposition to it.

Who are your services for?

I do not work with any one particular demographic, and my clientele is quite diverse, which I really enjoy. I do however seem to attract high-functioning recovering workaholics who finally want to implement a permanent change and to shift from surviving to thriving - that is not all the work that I do, but there is definitely a trend there.

I highly value authenticity, so you can expect professionalism, but you can also expect some dark humour and unusual hair colours. I like my clients to feel at-home so it will not feel like you are in a job interview. My best work happens when everyone feels like they are relaxed and telling a story to a circle of friends around a campfire. To the people I work well with, this sounds relieving and refreshing. To those who it sounds a bit too informal, we are probably not the right fit, as there is no single coach who is right for everybody.

What are your upcoming plans for your business?

I have enjoyed and still very much love working directly with clients. I will continue working with clients but in the coming months I am planning to expand to start delivering courses. I have spent some years refining my approach and finally feel ready. This is very exciting, but I also do not want it to consume me. I believe that had I tried this some years ago it might have swallowed me whole - the approach that I take is all about how our work is not our identity, and so I need to be able to live that in order to be able to successfully help others with defining themselves separately to their output.

What are some of the most valuable lessons that you have learned so far in life?

The best lesson I ever was told is that strategy is about what you say “no” to. I did not really listen at the time and then life taught me the same lesson repeatedly until I started to pay attention. That is the short version of how the foundation was set for my own interest in this work, which has led me to where I am today.

Thank you so much for your time today, Susy. Where can people find out more about you or get in touch with you?

You can see more about my philosophy of life on my YouTube channel.

It is currently in rebuild, but you can sign up for my mailing list and visit website.

If you would like to get directly in touch to find out more about my services, you can book an info call HERE or book a session HERE.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

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