Written by: Andrea Sampson, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Do you consider yourself to be a Thought Leader? Chances are you likely don’t, or haven’t really thought about it. However, I want you to start.
I’m talking to you, yes, you...
…perhaps you don’t have a traditional background, or education, or, maybe you identify on the spectrum of gender, race and/or neurodiversity.

Diversity in our thought leadership is needed now more than ever, in a changing and diverse world, divergent thinkers and leaders are needed to create and contribute to a future that includes and values the spectrum that humanity encompasses. Your thoughts, your ideas are needed to create this solution.
I came to this realization after spending almost 25 years in marketing and advertising as a senior leader working with a client and creative teams developing communication strategies and conducting research. Working with Fortune 100 clients, I gave presentations daily and considered myself a good, sometimes great communicator.
I loved creating compelling communications that changed the way people thought of brands. However, one day, while working on a large campaign, it hit me… I wanted to create a better world, not just create more consumerism, but create an impact that contributed toward a larger purpose. At that moment, I realized I was an idealist in a capitalist world. This realization led me to rethink my career and to look at my life through the lens of purpose and what I was doing to create a better world.
I knew it was time for me to leave advertising, but I couldn’t imagine what else I would do. I was approaching 50 and the thought of starting again inspired terror. So I continued working and I started volunteering, just doing things that made me happy. Through that process, I had the very good fortune to be volun-hired by TEDxToronto, one of the world’s largest TEDx’s at the time. They wanted me to be a speakers coach… I had never heard the term; but presenting was what I did daily in my job, so I figured I could make it work.
The reality was that working in marketing and advertising required that I be a good communicator, however, it wasn’t until I began working with TEDx that I learned the secret to becoming a great communicator. I learned the art of telling a compelling story that holds an idea.
TED speaker training helped me to understand the power of storytelling and of embedding an idea inside of a story. This is what every good TED talk does, it takes your idea, your thought leadership, and embeds it inside of a compelling and engaging story. This creates interest, understanding and connections so you create the impact that you want to make!
So how do you get onto a TEDx stage? I get asked this question often, and there isn’t really one answer. The process to getting onto a TEDx stage is different for each event as they are all locally organized by a voluntary team of passionate individuals.
However, there are some commonalities I have come across as a TEDx organizer, speaker’s coach and as a part of the TEDx Organizers community, I hope these help you on your journey towards a TEDx stage:
Have a well-defined idea that is unique and impactful. Be able to describe this idea in one to two sentences and no more.
Use your voice as a Thought Leader in the subject matter you are an expert or change-maker in. This doesn’t mean you need to be the head of an organization or the leader of a movement (although these can help). It does mean that you have a clear point of view on your subject matter, have established your own personal brand and you have cultivated a community of like-minded individuals who share your message.
You need to be able to engage with an audience, you don’t need to be the best speaker in the world, however you do need to be somewhat comfortable on a stage. It is important that you have some basic public speaking ability.
You will need to be open to coaching. Most TEDx events require you to work with a Speaker’s Coach. Some supply you with one, others ask that you find your own. Either way, they will want you to have support to make sure you are able to take the stage and tell your story with impact.
I hope these help you on your journey to the TEDx stage and I would like to offer you a resource that will help you get started on your journey to becoming a TEDx speaker and ultimately a thought leader our world needs. Here is our Story Spine framework that will help you begin to craft your story with intention so your ideas can create the impact you want.
I opened my business, Talk Boutique, over 6 years ago and in that time me and my team of coaches has helped thousands of experts and change-makers transform into thought leaders by helping them to become storytellers who create the impact they desire and get the recognition they deserve.
We do this because diversity in our thought leadership is needed now more than ever. In a changing and diverse world, divergent thinkers and leaders are needed to create and contribute to a future that includes and values the spectrum that humanity encompasses. Your thoughts, your ideas are needed to create this solution.
So please, share your thoughts with the world, your way of thinking is unique, so share it as the Thought Leader you are!

Andrea Sampson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Andrea helps her clients craft stories from facts and deliver talks that are compelling and engaging. As the CEO and Founder of Talk Boutique, Andrea leads a team of coaches and provides her expertise as an Executive Communication Coach to senior leaders and professional speakers worldwide. Her experience as a TED trained Speakers Coach, with a special skill in understanding technical and science-based disciplines, Andrea helps her clients make their work accessible while maintaining its credibility and uniqueness. As part of the team to bring Singularity University to Canada, Andrea has worked with and trained Singularity University faculty worldwide. Andrea also holds a TEDx license (TEDxCorktown).