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Generational Trauma – Break The Cycle And Reclaim Joy And Peace Through Shamanic Soul Retrieval


Generational trauma encompasses inherited emotional, psychological, and energetic burdens from our ancestors, with the potential to impact our lives and well-being profoundly. This unresolved trauma can be transmitted through our DNA. It influences beliefs and behaviours and can lead to patterns of dysfunction and disconnection. Addressing this trauma can liberate individuals from detrimental patterns and create a new narrative for present and future generations.

A woman with broken glass on her place

 Photo credits: IG @isiartsi

The historical and present effects of generational trauma

Historical and cultural impacts of generational trauma shape beliefs, behaviours, and social structures, which affect family dynamics, community relationships, and societal well-being. Generational trauma can have profound mental, emotional, and physical effects, including spanning anxiety, depression, addictive behaviours, and stress- related illnesses across generations.


Understanding shamanic practices

Shamanic practices, which have existed for tens of thousands of years, involve healers bridging human and spirit worlds to bring holistic well-being to those suffering. Soul retrieval, a widespread Shamanic practice, addresses the fragmentation of the soul due to traumatic experiences that lead to feelings of disconnection and loss of vitality. In a soul retrieval ceremony, the Shaman leads the individual to reintegrate lost soul fragments, bringing about a sense of wholeness and deep healing, which positively impacts future generations.


Soul retrieval

Soul retrieval is a crucial practice in Shamanism. It suggests that every traumatic experience leads to fragmentation of the soul, resulting in a loss of energy or illness. Sometimes, the right conditions naturally reintegrate these fragments, while at other times, deliberate action is necessary to bring them back into wholeness. According to Sandra Ingermen, in her book, "Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self," we are called to "collect back our lost pieces and remember why we were born into this world." Although this concept may be complex to understand from a logical and rational point of view, there are modern findings in sciences such as epigenetics and psychoenergetics that support the idea of finding our way back to wholeness after a traumatic event, either generational or situational.


How soul retrieval works

In traditional Shamanism, Soul Retrieval is performed by the Shaman on behalf of the individual seeking to reintegrate fragmented aspects of their soul. In this case, the Shaman lies next to the person and undertakes the journey for them—finding the lost soul aspect and returning it to the individual. Modern Shamans will guide the individual through a meditative journey, allowing them to conduct their own soul retrieval and discover how to be their own Shamans.


Soul retrieval and generational trauma

Soul retrieval can be a powerful tool in addressing generational trauma.

This process brings about a sense of wholeness, restoring vitality and connection. By retrieving lost or fragmented parts of one's soul, individuals can experience deep healing, which can positively impact both past and future generations. When individuals reintegrate the fragmented aspects of the soul, they often report feeling more whole, connected, and resilient.


The cycle breakers guide

Working with a shamanic practitioner can rapidly move energy. After the retrieval is complete, it is essential to cultivate compassion and foster forgiveness for the generational trauma and all affected individuals. It is paramount to remember that when trauma occurs, the traumatized person escapes the ordeal in order to survive. This coping mechanism may lead to destructive behaviours and illness. Once this pattern is ingrained in the generational line, it takes someone with great bravery and clarity to break these cycles. Often, the cycle breaker will face resistance from family members and may even be considered disloyal or insincere. Therefore, compassion and forgiveness are crucial for the cycle breaker to hold, knowing that they are doing what is necessary for the healing of the family line.


The bonus that comes with healing

Healers of all types acknowledge that the individual they are working with is the true healer. Those who possess the knowledge of how to move energy help create the right conditions for individuals to learn how to heal themselves.


By seeking healing and self-discovery, we embrace the potential for both personal and ancestral transformation. This results in nurturing ourselves with more self-love, acceptance, and worthiness, which brings more peace, joy, transformation, and empowerment.


Example of a self-guided soul retrieval

The journey starts with slowing down your breath and centring your energy within your heart. Shamans often say, "You go within to get everywhere." Close your eyes and visualize a journey that begins with walking on a beautiful sandy beach. Whether through the power of your imagination or a felt sense, understand that you are on a vast expanse of a stunning beach, and it's all yours. Picture yourself walking along the shoreline, engaging all of your senses. What do you see, hear, feel, taste, or smell?

Once you feel grounded in the journey, see yourself calling back all parts of your soul with each step you take. Imagine that with each wave you see, parts of you are returning to wholeness. Notice how, with each step, you feel stronger, walk more upright, and delve deeper into the journey, getting the sense of what it feels like when your energy returns home, fragment by fragment. When you feel you have journeyed far enough, remember how your energy feels. Breathe and slowly bring yourself back to the present moment by stating, "I am here, right now, in this time and this place."


After completing the journey, you may wish to journal any messages you received or visions you had. If neither of these occurred for you, tune into how you felt during the journey and write that down, giving you a record of all that has happened.


For some, this will be a one-time practice, and others will intuitively know how to delve into this practice further.



The impact of generational trauma is profound and far-reaching. It affects individuals and communities on mental, emotional, and physical levels. The practice of soul retrieval within the framework of shamanic principles offers a powerful tool for addressing and breaking the cycle of generational trauma. By integrating lost soul fragments, individuals can experience deep healing, leading to a sense of wholeness and resilience. The journey of healing generational trauma requires bravery, compassion, and forgiveness. It ultimately opens the door to personal and ancestral transformation, allowing for more peace, joy, and empowerment. Embracing these practices offers hope for creating a new, empowered narrative for ourselves, as well as past and future generations.


For more information on this riveting topic:

  • Sandra Ingerman, "Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self"

  • Sandra Ingerman, "Welcome Home: Following Your Soul's Journey Home" Shiela Gillette, "Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace"

  • Alberto Villoldo, "Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval” Photo Credit, Isabella Parente IG: @isiartsi

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Laurie Parente, Special Guest Writer and Executive Contributor

Laurie is a Medium, spiritual healer, intuitive guide, and transformational coach dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey of self-discovery and healing. With over a decade of experience in the field, Laurie brings a unique blend of intuitive insights, spiritual wisdom, and compassionate support to her work. Through her workshops, courses, and one-on-one sessions, she guides clients in reconnecting with their inner wisdom, releasing blockages, and aligning with their highest potential. Laurie's holistic approach addresses the mind, body and spirit, fostering deep healing and transformation. Her mission is to inspire and support others in awakening to their true essence and reclaiming their power.

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