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From Tunnel Vision To Open Horizons – The Power Of Possibility Mindset

Written by: Anna Olejnik, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Anna Olejnik

Have you ever found yourself locked into a certain way of thinking, unable to see other possibilities, struggling to acknowledge that there’s more than one side to the coin? Well, the good news is, you’re not alone. It's a common human experience to get stuck in and cling to our version of the truth, convinced that our way is the only way. The not-so-good news is that this tendency, or a mindset if you will, can vastly limit our ability to explore new ideas, options, and perspectives, and by that, hold us back from expressing the best version of ourselves and realising our fullest potential.

rail trail hiking on the mountain

Conditioned Thinking

This limiting and unhelpful propensity is referred to as conditioned thinking – our beliefs and thought patterns that have been ingrained in us through experience, culture, upbringing, and societal norms. These beliefs become our truth, our version of the world, a lens through which we filter out any alternative viewpoints that cloud or contradict that version. It’s like having tunnel vision which only allows us to see one perspective, one that we believe should be, and obstructs our view of any other angle.

But fear not! Things aren’t at all as doom and gloom as they may appear.

As human beings, we are substantially smarter and much more powerful than any conditioning we could ever fall prey to. For there is a different kind of mindset – possibility thinking mindset – and it’s available to us to adopt and embrace at any time if we choose to. We can utilise its power to break free from our conditioned ways in any place and under any circumstance.

Possibility Thinking

At its core, possibility thinking is about challenging our assumptions, biases, and preconceptions. It's about breaking down the walls of limitation, broadening horizons, and opening up to new ideas, experiences, and outlooks. It's about acknowledging that our version of the truth is just that – a version – and that there may be other, equally valid perspectives out there. And most of all, it’s about giving ourselves permission to embrace these perspectives however narrow the tunnel we’ve been walking through.

The Benefits of Possibility Thinking

Why should we adopt a possibility-thinking mindset?

Well, those who’ve embraced its potency already would say that the benefits are endless, and here are a few pretty compelling examples:

  1. It can help us break through mental barriers and restrictions we may have imposed on ourselves.

  2. It can help us open up new avenues for growth, learning, and personal development.

  3. It can help us become more adaptable, resilient, and creative.

  4. It can help us become better equipped to navigate the challenges that life presents to us.

  5. And it can help us feel more empowered to seize opportunities that conditioned thinkers often overlook.

To see these in action, consider the following scenario:

You’ve been wanting to start your own business

  • Your conditioned thinking might dictate that a business requires a lot of money to start and is expensive to run. So, you’d conclude with what you believe to be true, "I can't afford to do that", and that’s it, you’re done, dusted!

  • On the flipside, however, if you allow yourself to think through a lens of possibility, you’ll be taking yourself in a very different direction. You’ll be asking, "What are some creative ways with which I can fund my business idea? Whom can I ask for advice to help me review my options? Who do I know that has a business already and can teach me a thing or two?" and so it goes. You’re on fire!

By reframing our thinking in these ways, we create room for new options and outcomes to unfold. We open doors to a potential myriad of opportunities that may otherwise be hidden from our view.

How to Embrace Possibility Thinking

If you’re ready to put possibility thinking to the test and explore what it can do for you, here are some powerful ways to start:

  1. Challenge your assumptions by questioning your beliefs. Take a step back and ask yourself, "Is what I’m thinking really true? Am I seeing the whole picture?" “Is there something I might be missing?”

  2. Take initiative to surround yourself with other perspectives. Seek out diverse opinions and viewpoints, whether that's through reading, talking to people, or becoming part of groups and communities.

  3. Focus on solutions, not problems. Instead of dwelling on what's wrong or difficult, focus on what you can do to create positive change.

  4. Take intentional action. Possibility thinking isn't just about thinking – it's about doing. Once you've identified a new option, take intentional action to explore it further. This might involve trying something you’ve never tried before, taking a risk, or simply reaching out to someone for help or advice.

Final Thoughts (Possibility Thoughts, Of Course)

Whatever your journey has been so far, remember…

For every problem you have, you have a solution.

For every limit, you have a possibility.

For every truth you own, there may just be another, more truthful one, waiting where you’re not currently looking.

It’s never too late to adopt a possibility-thinking mindset and see where it can take you. Who knows, it might just be an incredible adventure.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Anna Olejnik Brainz Magazine

Anna Olejnik, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anna Olejnik, a holistic wellbeing expert, employing an integrative approach to wellness to help you heal trauma, release stress, and cultivate resilience. Anna believes that true transformation arises from within, guided by the wisdom of one’s body and the power of mindful presence. Drawing from the wealth of positive psychology tools, breathwork, yoga nidrā, somatic practices, and mindfulness, Anna’s passion resides in inspiring healing focused on nurturing both the physical and emotional aspects of you, one wholesome step at a time. Anna is the founder of The Coaching Alchemist, a coaching oasis built upon a conviction that a blend of modern knowledge and ancient wisdom can empower you to conquer perceived limitations and transform your wellbeing beyond conventional boundaries.

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