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From Trauma To Profound Freedom

Written by: Evangelia Vensel, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Evangelia Vensel

How do we find freedom from a broken past that keeps us hostage from becoming the best version of ourselves?

Silhouette of a woman break free from chain

As a trauma survivor, now trauma healer and published author of Escaping the matrix oftoxicity which is about my journey of how I escaped trauma and how I can help free other trauma victims from their painful experiences with what helped me, I feel it is my mission and duty to bring truth and awareness about the side effects of unresolved trauma. To offer and hold a sacred space for healing and create unique paths for others to receive freedom from their traumas.

I attempted traditional coping strategies for decades to weather the storms resulting from my childhood negative experiences to no avail. Non-traditional methods allowed me to finally open the locked door that kept me caged within my inner child wounds.

Silhouette of woman and a baby during sunset

Sitting on a couch with a therapist once or twice a week never resolved anything. I was skipping like a broken record and remained compromised. I was a prisoner in my mind, body and spirit. I was constantly seeking ways to stop the repeating tape of traumatic experiences with drugs, toxic substances, toxic relationships and crazy risk-taking. I just wanted freedom and inner peace.

Freedom from the visions, and memories of my physical abuse I was enduring at home every day. Freedom from the emotional neglect and lack of nurturing. Freedom from the yelling. Freedom from being repeatedly molested and sexually abused by family members. Freedom from an environment where I never felt seen or heard. Freedom from a young teen being groomed to be matched up with a sexual predator. Freedom from all the rapes I’d been subjected to. Freedom from all the negativity and negative words that had been spoken over me like curses. Freedom from all the bullying. Freedom from reliving the experience of having a gun pointed to my head as a seven-year-old child.

Freedom from my own mind was what I was truly seeking, but didn’t know it for 30 years.

Woman sitting alone with her head on knee

No one ever told me that what I was experiencing and suffering with were the coping side effects of CPTSD.

Unresolved trauma affects us on a cellular level. Trauma has a vibration that exists within the cell's activity and function. Trauma is a negative vibration that creates a dis-ease, a disruption, dysfunction and disharmonious state within the state of every cell in our body. This is why trauma victims' minds, bodies and spirits become so compromised. Over time, our cells can no longer co-exist with that negative vibration. This is when the internal pain, the dis-ease state of the cellular system begins to manifest itself physically and mentally.

My unresolved trauma over 30 years broke my body to the point my organs weren’t functioning properly. My immune system was weak and compromised. My nervous system was in a chronic state of fight or flight and my joints were on fire to the point I became bedridden. I had cancer cells circulating throughout my body and my brain felt on fire and seemed to barely work. My body was able to co-regulate the metals and chemical exposure during my years as a beautician...until it couldn't. The toxins began to leak into my bloodstream and brain. My neurological system was compromised and I began to have Parkinson like symptoms. Saying it was scary is an understatement. I was bedridden for 4 years. It was like living in a deep psychosis; full of physical, debilitating pain, trapped in my own past. It was a very painful and dark experience that I am grateful to have escaped.

Human cell

My trauma going unresolved for over 30 years broke my body to the point my organs weren’t functioning properly. My immune system was weak and compromised. My nervous system was in a chronic state of fight or flight and my joints were on fire to the point I became bedridden. I had cancer cells circulating throughout my body and my brain felt on fire and barely worked. All the metals and chemicals my body was able to co-regulate from being a beautician began to leak into my bloodstream and into my brain. My neurological system was compromised and I began to have Parkinson-like symptoms. Saying it was scary is an understatement. Being bedridden for 4 years was like living in a deep psychosis full of physical, debilitating pain, trapped in my own past. It was a very painful and dark experience that I am grateful to have escaped.

I do not wish this existence on my worst enemy. I feel a calling to try and prevent this from happening to other trauma sufferers.

Two women holding hands

Much was revealed to me seeing my own cells on a flatscreen from a blood sample under a dark field microscope. This shook me awake and I realized what was actually taking place in my body on a cellular level. My compromised state of existence was killing me and allowing pathogens, toxins and metals to take over my entire body and cellular system. Talk about a wake up call!!! What shocked me the most was that I thought I had done trauma work. I thought

I was eating the right foods and doing the best to take care of myself, but my unresolved traumas were affecting my body's ability to receive or absorb anything good.

So I ventured outside the box to change the state of my cells and entire system, mind, body and soul.

Woman rejoicing during sunset

I had already tried hypnotherapy, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, DNRS, EMDR, NLP, GRUPTA, SILVIA, talk therapy, but nothing was sticking…until I read the book by Dr Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, “The Biology Of Belief“ which lead me to energy psychology for reprogramming of my subconscious mind and the retraining of my nervous system. I call it “the renewal and reset of the system." It is considered “epigenetics." A method that allows us the ability to turn off our negative gene expressions and rewire the self-limiting and self-sabotaging belief system. The subconscious mind is the part of the brain and the mind that controls our outcome, how we perceive reality/circumstances and what controls the fate of our cells. We are only as healthy as the state of our cellular activity.

Genetics illustration

What is epigenetics and energy psychology?

  • a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 30 years!

  • a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging

  • a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom

  • a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.

  • a process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction ¹

Most of us were not taught that we had this ability. We weren't given the proper knowledge about how our entire cellular system responds to vibrations. Light, sound, water, words, thoughts and beliefs all have a vibration and their own frequency. Yes, words, thoughts and beliefs have a frequency. Those that are living a compromised existence within the body are just trying to coexist with the negative vibrations of their unresolved traumas. Eventually the internal pain turns into physical pain and starts to shut down the organs.

Genetic example

By the time I was 40 years old, my unresolved trauma manifested in diagnoses of seemingly all autoimmune and chronic-pain conditions known to conventional medicine. I was taking every pharmaceutical medication that the allopathic doctors were prescribing. I was continuously using toxic beauty products as a beautician. Due to my lack of awareness and knowledge of how the body functions, I was leading my own body to an untimely death. Ultimately, gained knowledge was the only power available that would lead to the recovery of my well-being. It ended up transforming my life.

Live blood and cell analysis along with energy psychology was a game changer for me. The ability to communicate and witness the state of our cells was intriguing to me to say the least! This propelled me to become certified to facilitate these transformative methods on others that are suffering with CPTSD, PTSD, and chronic illness. Witnessing the transformation on a cellular level under a microscope by releasing the traumas and rewiring the subconscious mind is a miraculous experience. I would love to give the same feeling and transforming experience to all trauma victim survivors that are led to me. It is empowering to discover which traumas and beliefs are sabotaging us on a cellular level without the torment that reliving those traumatic events would bring. Energy psychology can truly change lives. Victims become victors. The process is painless, shooting quickly straight to the root cause, without a series of sessions. Major work or exercises are not needed, only your willingness for change.

Jumping break free

I am now a facilitator with the ability to help free others from their traumas. I offer 4-7 day trauma healing retreats in an off-grid sacred space. Clients are able to focus on their trauma release. This experience can deliver miracles for transformation in the mind, body and spirit. Trauma victims need to be seen, heard and embraced to fully let go of their pain. If you are seeking the root cause to your pain or need to release what has happened to you, I am here for you.

You are not what happened to you. You are what you make of it. – Evangelia Vensel, Cellular Health & Beauty expert
Silhouette of a woman spread arms near ocean

Visit my website for more info!

Evangelia Vensel Brainz Magazine

Evangelia Vensel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Evangelia Vensel, is an influencer for transformational change through the renewal of the subconscious mind, the importance of detoxing the body and coping with the side affects of unresolved early childhood trauma and abuse. This led Evangelia down many paths to find and discover real solutions to heal and change the mindset of a victim of abuse. After Evangelia's own personal battle with debilitating illness and how trauma healing and subconscious reprogramming transformed her life, it is her mission as a trauma and illness survivor to share awareness, knowledge, wisdom, teach the methods that helped her take her power back and offer solutions to those still suffering. She is dedicated to help change lives.



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