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From The Trading Pits To Core Energy Dynamics

Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a Master in Core Energy Dynamics being one of a few in the world. He provides the understanding of how our mind-body-energy connection operates delivering solutions for optimized outcome. Founder of Continuum Core Coaching and an Internationally acclaimed best-selling author of "Ready Connect Grow" Anthology published in 2023.

Executive Contributor Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr.

From the high-stakes world of the trading pits to the transformative field of Core Energy Dynamics, this journey is one of radical shifts and profound personal growth. Transitioning from the chaotic environment of financial markets to coaching others through energetic awareness, this story illustrates the power of inner transformation. Explore how embracing energy principles can lead to greater fulfillment and success in every aspect of life.


A man is sitting at a desk, analyzing financial charts on multiple monitors while working on a laptop.

The thriving and pulsating energy of the trading floor

“When I first walked onto the Trading floor of the New York Commodities Exchange in World Trade Center, I became enamored with the energy and fast pace of the activity of open outcry in the trading pits. The floor consisted of thousands of people with seemingly endless frantic energy in constant motion.

At first glance, it seemed like one gigantic new-wave dance party, with everyone on their feet and dashing from place to place. Yelling and screaming at one another as if it was going to be their last sentence, executing the prices of gold, silver, and copper. The art of multitasking was a must.

Each commodity had its particular trading pit, which was an octagon with eight steps from the top down into the middle of the pit. In each pit hundreds of people stood shoulder to shoulder packed together at times as if in a sardine can screaming back-and-forth to other traders creating world price transactions.

From the beginning

Having started as a clerk and taking a few years to learn the business, I was thirsting to one day own my own floor trading company. From the minute the opening bell sounded to the minute the closing bell rang, the high-intensity energy was action-packed all day long. Having the combination of being an athlete and the understanding of behavioralism I found the floor to be my calling.

After a few years of working as a clerk in various positions, I was ready to embark upon the journey of starting my own business in the world markets, trading gold, silver, and copper futures. It was in this moment that I knew there would be no turning back. I had made a conscious choice to take calculated risks and apply for a substantial loan from the highly regarded private bank Brown Brothers Harriman, which they approved, enabling me to launch my career.


Taking conscious risk

At 28 years old and wrestling with the risk of becoming an entrepreneur in the most fast-paced and financially treacherous industry, I committed to becoming one of the leading independently owned Floor Trading companies in the world. I was fortunate to attract the first billion-dollar fund, “Mint Fund,” as one of my primary clients and kept growing the clientele.

I took to traveling extensively, branding BTG through high-powered meetings, speaking engagements, and conferences. The leadership abilities I had attained to that point in my life were being tested to the fullest. My business development acumen put into action. My massive transition was now in full flow. I grew the company from two employees to over forty-five.

Applying teamwork in building a brand

Upon founding Bruckmann Trading Group I immediately instilled a team atmosphere for the company to collaborate and create growth together. As a leader, I taught my employees to understand what it meant to go from the me, to the we, to the us. This message provided an atmosphere for collaboration and co-creation for all to participate in.

Establishing teamwork became the cornerstone for the company in defining our means of success through conscious well-being and high performance in transition while executing sustainable growth. We held company meetings where all had a voice, participating in expressing their thoughts and ideas to enhance team production and performance, bringing us all together.

Transition hits the road

In 2014 the Commodities industry was the first to be taken fully online. Conscious transition became top priority. I decided to tap into my core understanding of energy in leadership and the behavior it influences. This is when I discovered iPEC, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching which is recognized as a world leader in its field.

iPEC attracted me for their Core Energy Dynamics Program in Leadership, Performance, Well-being, and Transition. I decided to take on all four concentrations to earn my accreditations and certifications becoming one of the few Masters in the field of Core Energy Dynamics.

Having a basic understanding of core energy and its functions from my childhood experiences growing up in a wooded area learning to work with nature on farms, while being an athlete and through my accelerated studies of behaviorism, I was fully equipped to find and execute my mastery.


Energy as a driving force

Working on the trading floor I was surrounded by constant energy of all types. I learned such valuable lessons. For example, in the middle of chaos is calm which is where opportunity lies. When it’s the most difficult time to communicate is when it’s the most important and effective. The understanding that we don’t succeed in isolation. That collaboration and teamwork are building blocks to sustainable growth.

From the trading floor to the methods and teachings of iPEC it all transcended with flow. I was able to embrace all of my experiences and education from iPEC and life learnings into my current company Continuum Core Coaching of teaching, educating, guiding, coaching, and working with the public in all industries as well as athletes and people of all lifestyles.

When it all comes together

As energy would have it, I am fortunate to have an innate understanding of behaviorism and how our mind, body, and energy are connected in each one of us. Energy is in everything we do. It is our conscious choice to maintain anabolic energy fueling our desired growth. I experienced this every moment on the trading floor and through my studies with iPEC, and I continue to carry forward.

Having the experiences of my childhood upbringing, the energy of the trading floor, and the teachings from iPEC, my authentic self is being executed in all I do. By embracing the awareness with understanding of how our core energy dynamics operates brings peace.

Knowing that we are always in transition and working with the continuum of time, we find the action and truth is in the moment. Here is where we create experiences while learning and executing our growth, which all people do.”

“Everyone we meet is our student and teacher too.”

“From Impossible To I’m Possible”

Follow me on Facebook, and LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr., Core Energy Dynamics Master

Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a leader in the understanding of Core Energy Dynamics. As a child, he experienced several untimely tragedies in the loss of his father and other family mentor figures.

He turned to his teachings for them to embrace nature and its ever-guiding lessons of continual growth while in a continuum of change. As his life evolved Kurt went on to build and establish his

own company while becoming one of the world's top precious metals traders on the floor of the commodities exchange in the World Trade Center. He is a two-time survivor of WTC attacks. He delivers his expertise of energy as the founder of ContInuum Core Coaching. Kurt teaches and guides people in understanding their core energy. "From Impossible To I'm Possible"



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