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From Spiritual Awakening To Empowering Sisters Worldwide – Exclusive Interview With Rukmani Kaur

Rukmani Kaur is a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in Spiritual Awakening and Energy Work. Feeling her gifts as a kid made her feel different and by trying to fit in, she suffered from anxierty, depression, anorexia, bulimia and self-distored image. When Rukmani finally realized all her power was stored in her shadow world, she embraced it awakening her Kundalini Energy and remembering her wisdom. She has since dedicated her life to Empower Sisters around the world. Her motto is: One Heart At A Time.

Image photo of Rukmani Kaur

Rukmani Kaur, Spiritual Awakening & Women's Empowerment Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Rukmani. I was born and raised in Lima, Perú. I love going back home and seeing my family as well as eating the amazing food there. I am blessed that every year I host a retreat in Cusco, where not only I get to share my own culture, but also experience it even deeper. I love my roots. As a kid, I didn’t understand it. As a matter of fact, I wanted to get out of there. Lima was too busy for me and it would intensify my anxiety. However, the older I got, the more I could see the beauty of my own country, traditions, beliefs, and love.


My life is full of love all around. I spend most of my time in nature with my puppy Zeus. He is two years and three months old. We go for walks every day to a forest nearby. I love connecting and hearing the messages of the Earth. It is such a special place. I enjoy so much spending time in our garden and watching our plants and herbs grow. It is such a miracle! I talk to them while I give them water and even sing to them in Light Language.


Family, for me, is one of the greatest gifts. When my boyfriend Derek is off, we try to spend as much time as we can. We often visit his mom who lives about two and a half hours away from us. She lives on a farm, which takes me back to my childhood in Lima. I love learning from her about sewing, gardening, and their family traditions. I also speak to my parents everyday. I know that someday, they will not be present in their human form, so I do my best to communicate with them as much as I can.


One of my greatest passions is to be in stillness and in silence. There is so much information that is around us, so much love and guidance that can be missed when we rush. So, I like to listen. I teach yoga at Yellow Brick Yoga here in Lawrence, Kansas. I absolutely love our community! It is such a powerful and safe space. It is a blessing to guide students through the practice and see their growth.

What inspired you to establish Angelic Guidance by Rukmani Kaur LLC and what values or principles does your business aim to uphold?


Oh man! This is a deep question. The beginning of my Spiritual Awakening wasn’t very easy at all. I felt I was losing myself, losing a grip on reality, yet at the same time, I knew it was happening for my highest good. I trusted very deeply. So, I spent a few years dedicating myself to my own Awakening and learning from my being and also other brothers and sisters. This is why I became so good at working with energy. I sat with every single trauma that would come up, with every single trigger, and I would listen to my being. My own energies guided me every single time to the root cause, to love it and release the tension. It wasn’t very easy at all, but I knew it was a must. So, I did. Then, I had a realization that perhaps many people out there where in the same situation I had been in years prior. So, I decided to dedicate my life to be of service to those who are going through their Spiritual Awakening and need guidance. That’s how Angelic Guidance was born.


Angelic Guidance is a place of love, respect and honesty. I hold deeply every single one that comes to me, honoring where they are, but also letting them know how powerful they are. I don’t sugar coat things, I say them as they are with love and respect. Sometimes we need that. I feel the energies and what my client needs and I give that to them. My work is about letting you see and remember your power. Letting you know that even though things might be challenging at the moment, you DO have the power to create change. It is about empowering others, as I did for myself with the principles of life: the balance of the elements. As well as honoring them.


Sometimes, it can be easily forgotten that we are made out of the elements and that we are part of something greater than what we see with our physical eyes. Yet, when you find yourself in a safe and loved container, you can let go of your masks and walls. You can feel it and you know that no matter what, you are seen and loved. This is what I strive to do every single time for someone, whether we are having a session or not. I love you as you are and I see the truth of you even when you don’t see it. I am here as the mirror, so you can clear the fog and see yourself clearly.


As Spiritual Awakening is expanding more, can you share with us more about your Spiritual Awakening? How was your experience like?


Sure. Wow! Where do I begin?


In 2011, I entered a really deep depression. For about a year and a half, I had massive suicidal tendencies. I remember in one of the really dark moments, I heard a sentence in my head, and it said,


“There’s gotta be more to life than suffering.’


Somehow, I had believed that suffering was normal and our true state of mind. As a matter of fact, I had felt at peace a couple of times in my life and I took myself out of that thinking I wasn’t supposed to feel that way. So, when that sentence popped up when I was feeling super duper low and wanted to end my existence, it made me go like, “Huh..” Then, I became curious. Was there really more to life than suffering? This was the opening I needed. I needed something to hold on to in order to get out of that space. That sentence became my light.


I became a Barre instructor which then led me to do my first Yoga Teacher Training. During that training, I realized I had been masking myself and I asked myself,


“How many people out there are doing the same thing I was doing? Pretending everything is fine when their insides are screaming?”


I decided to dedicate my life to be of service. I knew how it felt for me to go through all of that, and if I could be the spark of light in other people’s life, I was determined to be it. Anything that would come my way, I’d try it. I was so hungry to discover other modalities to help unfold more of me; to peel more layers off. One day, in my Reiki Circle someone mentioned they were doing a Past Life

Regression Training and pretty much needed guinea pigs. I had no idea what that was, but I was like, “Sure! Why not!”


The message I received during that session changed my life and for the greatest. The message was “Kundalini.” The brother that had led the session had no idea what that meant. I knew, for I had already had an experience with Kundalini Yoga and to tell you the truth, it had freaked me out. The moment I had entered the studio in Las Vegas, I had felt at home, and it was kinda scary to feel that at that moment in my life, for that I had been searching for “home.”


A few weeks after that session, there was a Yoga Festival in Las Vegas that I attended and went to the Kundalini Yoga Class. As soon as I entered the room, I saw this big sign that said,


“Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training January 2016”


Holy Moly! Ok, I knew I was meant to be there, so I signed up for it. It was the hardest training I had done so far and the most rewarding.

Three months into the training, my Kundalini energy shot up and changed everything. I remember getting home one afternoon, I went to my bedroom and sat on the bed. The moment I did, I felt this energy shot up from the bottom of my spine all the way up. It felt like fire moving slowing yet strongly upwards. It hurt so much but at the same time, I wasn’t afraid. Somehow, I understood what was happening. At one moment, my body began to move like a snake, still sitting on the edge of the bed; moving and feeling my Masculine and Feminine Energies. Then, I began to hear friends talking about me and seeing so many things. I was vibrating so strongly, tears running down my face, and I eventually passed out. I woke up on my bed with my back aching. From that moment on, my life changed.


I began to see energies more clearly, to receive messages, to be the channel that links Divinity with the Earthy Realm. I was different and opening up so much to my gifts. It was hard! So hard! I didn’t have anyone in physical form guiding me. Every single part of me that I had pushed away was coming up and all I could do was sit with it and feel it all. So scary at times! And every single time, I’d go to my altar and collapse on my knees asking to be shown a presence. I wasn’t asking for guidance or anything else. I wanted to see something that would tell me what was happening to me was real not an imagination of my mind. Every single time, a deity or master would appear to me, holding my hand, by my side, or by my feet. It was so beautiful.


Eventually, I traveled to India to do another Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, and I opened even more to other “unseen” things. I remember being in a Yoga Center in Kathmandu, Nepal. I had had a vision with the brother that had checked me in, and he told me to come to him because he had something to show him. The next day I shared that with me and smiling he replied,


“Would you like to meet my Master?” I said to him, “Sure.” Then he added, “My Enlightened Master.”

I swear my heart began to race like crazy. My mind was going in circles saying,


“Did he just say what I think he said?”


When I walked into the room, there were many men in a circle around this orange robe man. I sat next to him and all I could feel from him was love. That is all I saw in his eyes: deep, unconditional love. I hadn’t seen anything like that before. I remember crying in his presence not even knowing why I was crying and all I wanted to do was to bow to him. Which I did. The next day, I had a session with him. We did Raja Yoga together and during the meditation part, he began to talk to me. Honestly, I don’t remember what he said, but I remember my mind. He spoke about me and my parents and I remember thinking,


“How in the world do you know this? Even my brother doesn’t know about this.”

And then, the other part of me said, “Of course, he knows.”

Understanding what was going on. When I went back to Las Vegas, I couldn’t be there any longer. After having met an Enlightened Master, that no longer was a concept, but a reality. So, I moved to Thailand. It was the hardest decision and choice I have made honestly. Leaving everything behind a great husband, our puppies, my family, and my community. But I wanted to know who and what I was. I wanted to let my Spiritual Awakening unfold without feeling shitty and I knew I couldn’t do that there.


I moved to Koh Phangan. I let my heart heal. I let my whole body heal and let my Spiritual Awakening unfold. I went through so many deaths and rebirths, and I met amazing people who had been holding space for those who were going through Spiritual Awakening. I no longer felt alone. As a matter of fact, it hit me so strongly how common that was! I spent almost two years in near isolation getting to know myself. Remembering the Light Language, my Channeling abilities, breaking Ancestral Trauma and patterns. Healing the roots of so many addictions I had had as well as stopping my self-sabotaging patterns. My own energies taught me how to listen and how to travel within my being to see what was going on and make everything at peace one more time. It was such a wonderful, challenging, but rewarding experience. Through those moments, I kept going back to a similar question that arose during my first Yoga Teacher Training:


“How many people are going through this and feel as lost as I had felt at the beginning? How many people need guidance, assistance, and support? How many people feel so lost and alone, as I had?”


I was certain that the answer was more than I could fathom, and I knew that was the perfect time to get out of my cocoon and begin to share my gifts globally. And here I am!

Can you provide an overview of the products or services offered through your platform, and how they contribute to promoting holistic well-being?


Yes of course. I offer two different kinds of sessions: Alchemy and Integration.


During the Alchemy Session, we do the work, meaning Shadow Work, such as Healing the Mother/Father Wound, Ancestral Healing, Self-Sabotaging Patterns, etc. During the Alchemy Sessions, we dive deep into your energetics to see what needs to be worked through and do a Soul Retrieval, bringing a specific part of your being back to you. In order to integrate a process well and continue to open up, I offer the Integration Session.


Here is about more understanding the mechanics behind the process you just went to or are going through. I answer any questions that you might have and share with you different tools to implement for self-healing and self-love. I often recommend clients to switch from Alchemy to Integration Session just to have a space for yourself before jumping into another deep process.


I also have a 1:1 Mentorship Program, Sacred Heart. This is a 3 o 6 month Program where we dive deep into your Emotional, Mental and Physical Body for healing using different process and practices that I have been learning and practices for the past 10 years. The one thing that all my offerings have in common is that I teach my clients and students different tools and explain how to use them so they eventually can do their own work. This gives them more power in their own journey and eases up the feeling on relying on someone else to bring balance to their lives.


I am constantly reminding them of their power and guiding them on a more conscious way of using words. Especially when they talk about themselves. So, through the whole experience of doing Alchemy, Integration and practicing the use of different tools, they feel more capable of navigating through their Spiritual Awakening which lifts up their Self-Esteem. Therefore, their Self-Love. It is so wonderful to witness.


Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.


Mmm… I think they are all the greatest in their own way. I will tell you my favorites. Of course, mastering my Spiritual Awakening and understanding the languages of being. Another one is setting up my Podcast The Rise of the Feminine to share wisdom about Spiritual Awakening and offer some guidance. Lastly, hosting my first Retreat in Cusco, Perú. Having it in my homeland was super special. Which by the way, I am co-hosting another Retreat in the Sacred Valley, in Cusco this September. This one is all about Spiritual Awakening and opening up more the Heart. I will be holding the space with one of my greatest mentors. I am super excited for it!


Could you share some examples of transformative experiences or testimonials from individuals who have engaged with your offerings, highlighting the impact of your work on their lives?


Of course. Here are some.


“ For the last 12 years, I have endured Horrific episodes that have been diagnosed as Hemiplegic migraines and occasional bilateral." They would happen almost daily. Doctors couldn’t figure out the cause. I was basically a Guinea pig for different drug trials. My girlfriend and I went to a women’s healing circle Rukmani hosted. I received a message that clearly said


“You are not meant to carry all of the pain and suffering of your ancestors.”


I let out some very hard tears and moans. Something I had never felt or done before. As I did this, Rukmani was pulling out everything that I was releasing. By the time I was done, I was out of my episode, which was the shortest I had ever had. To date… I have not had an episode. I feel better than I have felt in I can’t remember how long. It has been 45 days now and I have not had a single episode. “ – Mindy

“I reached out to Rukmani for the first time in 2019, when I was broken, depressed, and I felt like I had a mountain to climb. After reading my energy, she guided me in opening my heart, which I had blocked through years of alcoholism and trauma. I continued to work with Rukmani throughout the years and have come to realize that her gifts, like her heart, are limitless. Even though today I am a Reiki Master and meditation teacher, I still call on Rukmani when I need clarity and I always look forward to our sessions, knowing that I will be receiving divine guidance of the highest light.” Susan Michaud


“ Rukmani possesses a unique and remarkable ability to tap into the depths of one's being and address deep-seated wounds with compassion, grace, and profound insight.


From the moment I met Rukmani, her warm and nurturing presence immediately put me at ease. She approached our sessions with a genuine desire to understand my struggles and create a safe space for healing. Rukmani's empathetic nature and intuitive understanding allowed her to connect with me on a deep level, enabling her to address the core issues that were hindering my growth and happiness.


Throughout our sessions, Rukmani skillfully utilized various energy healing techniques to clear blockages, balance my energy centers, and release emotional pain. Her intuitive guidance was instrumental in helping me identify and understand the root causes of my wounds, allowing me to navigate them with clarity and purpose. Rukmani's expertise in energy work is truly awe-inspiring, and I felt profound shifts occurring within me as she gently guided me towards healing and self-discovery.” Corey Sievers

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