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From Medical Dreams To Purpose-Driven Coaching – Exclusive Interview With Ivy Comota

My passion for greater awareness in feminine energy among high-achieving women and gay men, was sparked by my journey overcoming my own struggle to create more success in all areas of my life from a place of ease, joy and fun.

Combining both traditional and innovative techniques, I have created a 5-step process to guide my clients understand their true power, and transform into the life they've always wanted.

I believe, redefining success through feminine energy principles can propel us towards a more authentic, balanced and sustainable success.

gay speaker gave a lecture to audience at the seminar at the meeting room

Ivy Comota, Personal Coach

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

Even as a kid, Ivy always had this burning desire to help others with their health. She mentioned that she didn't fully understand what that meant or how it would unfold back then. But looking back on her career journey, missing out on a medical school scholarship was a turning point that led her to nursing. She fell in love with the profession as it resonated with her mantra: forewarned is forearmed.

This profession also gave her the chance to travel, live overseas, experience life fully, and get ahead financially. Sure, there were bumps along the way, but Ivy highlighted that she always believed the journey would equip and prepare her for a bigger and higher calling. Not just to get through the next stage of her life and career but to live her purpose of supporting women and gay men who are high achievers like herself, struggling to maintain balance in one or more areas of their lives.

Ivy also added that her ability to navigate life's bumps and knockdowns with flying colours is something she prides herself on. After seeing friends struggle to maintain their health and fitness, their relationship with their kids, their ability to advance in their careers and finances, and having to sacrifice precious time that impacts their mental and emotional well-being. And despite all their sacrifices, Ivy voiced they still didn't feel fulfilled in their success. Ivy was heartbroken.

So, it became her mission to reverse-engineer the whole process and figure out what she'd done to get to where she is now, and who she had become to get there. Ivy also added that it was at the same time, an opportunity to understand her dilemma in creating and attracting a deeply connected and abundant man into her life. Her three happy children have witnessed her joy in creating success while being fully present for them. Ivy believes it's crucial that they also have a good model of how a man and a woman should be in a loving, supportive relationship. And so this is where it all began!

Tell us a bit about your story, how did you build your career until this point?

Ivy gleefully shared that the biggest factor contributing to building her career is her mindset and self-belief that where she is, is exactly where she is meant to be. And just like anyone else, she is worthy of all the good things life has to offer.

She also reiterated that even though her first attempt at getting into the career she envisioned took a different turn, she knew deep down at a young age that she would discover who she was in the process, and it would lead her to figure out her purpose. Ivy also highlighted that her self-belief about what she is worthy of is the catalyst for her career growth. She has always invested in her personal growth through coaching and self-development courses, not because she saw herself as needing to be fixed, but because she knew that as she grew, her wealth, referring to her kids, their lifestyle, her career, her business, attracting highly driven clients, and her circle would also elevate and meet her at a higher level.

Ivy also alluded that it has always been her personal goal to add value to others. She mentioned that she is always conscious of her energy so she can bring positivity to people she encounters. Because of this, people either point her in the right direction or send people her way who will also benefit from the same positive and expansive experience they had in her presence. Ivy emphasized that when you lead with that, you can't help but grow your business or career organically, especially because you attract clients who are self-selecting themselves to take part in her coaching or program.

What are some common challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome those obstacles?

Most of the time, as Ivy recalls, clients find her with pressing issues of either going through some sort of physical struggle, feeling anxious and/or depressed, often feeling lost, unfulfilled, burnt-out, and stressed, or feeling stuck and going through the loop of struggle, doubt, and fear. This could be related to their career, life goals, health or fitness, finances, or relationships.

To help them overcome these challenges, Ivy begins by understanding what her clients truly desire in their lives and how these challenges hinder their ability to create certain successes. She then links them to her framework, which is a self-paced program, to help them uncover their own beliefs and perceptions of their journey and challenges up to this point. Ivy also added that the goal of the first three steps of her framework is to allow space for awareness, healing and understanding. Simultaneously, she connects them to her community called Fem Aware HQ and provides one-on-one and group coaching sessions to give them the community and professional support needed to transition into the growth they so desire.

The last two steps in Ivy's framework involve anchoring into self-worth and strengthening the belief and trust within her clients. For them to see that who and where they are, is exactly what they need to achieve what they desire.

Ivy also pointed out that the foundation of her work is self-awareness and being in touch with one's worth. Adding to the equation is her personal touch of lightness and fun, which high-achieving feminine beings (women and gay men) often forget because they have become so used to the hustle and masculine way of creating success.

Can you share a success story from a client who has benefited from your coaching?

Ivy claimed that, as she often says to her clients, she is not a relationship expert or relationship-specific coach. But when you engage in her program and become more aware of how you are being energetically, you become a magnet for amazing things, including a loving and deeply connected relationship.

Ivy recalled and shared that a client came to her devastated and feeling lost after his boyfriend of five years broke up with him because he was caught cheating. His struggle was not knowing exactly how he would meet someone, fall in love, and then, for some unexplainable reason, the feeling of discontentment would creep in, followed by the need to look for that missing piece from someone else outside of the relationship. After understanding this specific challenge within him and becoming fully aware of what he wanted in his life, they then dove into working on his belief system. This was followed by healing the part that led him to sabotage his relationships for the third time, using the tools that Ivy had incorporated into her coaching program. Ivy also added that her client dove into her 12-week program and continued with one-on-one coaching weekly to bi-weekly. Ivy mentioned that they started the coaching in June 2023 after attending one of her workshops, and her client attracted an amazing man in five months. Eleven months later, which was just on October 8th this year, they got married, and Ivy played a big part in their wedding.

Ivy pointed out that this is one of the biggest successes she has witnessed in her coaching. Not just because her client attracted someone who reciprocated exactly what he was looking for in a loving relationship, but more so because her client healed the part of him that needed constant validation. Most importantly, the client understood that even though he is gay and choosing to embrace his feminine energy, it doesn't mean that in the dynamics of their relationship, he will always be the "woman". This energetic awareness of how he or anyone for that matter as Ivy empathised, should be a moment-to-moment awareness and is paramount to the success of a healthy relationship. Ivy also highlighted that our energetic awareness is key and must be embodied, especially for those who desire success in all areas of their life with ease, joy, and fun. And these are what she offers in both her program, coaching, and community. So if you want to have a taste of it. Feel free to tap in the link here, and experience it for yourself.

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