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From Holistic Health Pioneer To Proactive Aging Advocate – Interview With Dr Lynn Anderson

As my students call me, I am Lynn Anderson, a.k.a. Doctor Lynn. I am a Naturopath, yoga therapist, published author, international speaker, and producer of Doctor Lynn's Proactive Aging Workouts for Every Body with global distribution. I am also a wife, mother, and grandmother to three beautiful grandchildren. I have been practicing, writing about, and teaching holistic health and karma yoga for over thirty years. This path has improved my life, body, mind, and soul.

Image photo of Dr. Lynn Anderson

Dr Lynn Anderson, Naturopath Yoga Therapist Karma Master

Can you provide a brief overview of the services or products offered in your business?

Online consultations regarding holistic health and fitness. Online Proactive Aging and Yoga Therapy classes. I also lecture and publish.

Who is your target audience, and how do you tailor your services/products to meet their needs?

My Target audience is anyone who wants to focus on prevention over cure. It's much easier to prevent ill health than to combat ill health with a cure. How was your business developed, and what features were prioritized during the design process?

Thirty years ago, my profession was sometimes referred to as quackery or witchcraft. Back then, nutrition, herbs, and aromatherapy were considered cosmetic and could not be referred to as medicinal. It was a challenge that required persistence and tenacity. Being adaptable, I focused first on teaching exercise classes part-time in gyms and studios. Teaching gave me a platform to discuss nutrition and other holistic modalities, and that is where I first began to get my clients. It was a great exchange. Those who came to my exercise classes became my clients, and my clients became my exercise students. This exchange taught me the value of being creative and thinking outside the box. To succeed in anything controversial, you must be willing to adjust, adapt, and keep showing up.

What challenges have you faced in running this online platform, and how have you overcome them?

Online has been very successful for me. I promoted it during the pandemic. It allows me to work with many people from many locations.

How do you engage with your customers, and what measures do you take to gather feedback?

The best way to engage is to be present, available, and authentic. There is so much out there that is fake and misleading. We are losing trust within our institutions, so it is essential to develop trust, especially regarding health. How do you envision the growth of your business and its impact on the target audience?

Today, I am so happy to see holistic health and yoga therapy taken seriously. Both modalities are natural methods for improving health on all levels: body, mind, and soul. We have made a full circle back to Mother Nature, our true healer and health giver.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

My most outstanding achievement is to have my work put into book form. My book, Master Your Karma, is a practical guide that, if followed, will improve every aspect of your life, and that, to me, is my most outstanding achievement and gift of all; I get to help people stay healthy and happy every day.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing about the Holistic health industry, it would be the continual hawking of products such as supplements that are useless. Misinformation and commercialization of words such as natural and organic can be misleading.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

My burnout, breakdown, and collapse were the most pivotal points that led me to where I am today. It made me examine my life and decide what was important to me. I concluded it was my health, body, mind, and soul, for without it, nothing else matters. And so, I set about to heal myself holistically because, as the saying goes, you can't help others unless "Physician heal thyself." Although this phrase appears in the Bible, it is attributed to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. Like Hippocrates, I believed that If I could heal myself, I could teach others how to do the same. Bringing my health back to a state of balance, naturally, was the pivotal point that set me on the path of holistic health and karma yoga.

I am still teaching, practicing, lecturing, and writing at seventy-one. As Confucius, the Chinese Philosopher, said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I am truly blessed to be doing what I love: helping others stay healthy and happy and finding balance and peace in a chaotic world. That's my karma!

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