Written by: Rev. Lisa Windsor, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Are you tired of feeling trapped in fear and limited by a narrow perspective? Do you want to open your mind to love and experience greater compassion, clarity, and connection with others? Shifting our mindset from fear to love can be a transformative journey that allows us to break free from limiting beliefs, release the need to be right, and cultivate a sense of defenselessness that opens our minds to new possibilities.
Let’s explore six simple strategies to shift our mindset from fear to love and embrace a more expansive, compassionate, and open way of being.
1. Narrow Perspective: When Your Mind is Stuck in Tunnel Vision
When your mind is trapped in a narrow and limited perspective, it's like having tunnel vision, where you can only see one path or outcome. You may feel stuck and unable to imagine that there are other possibilities beyond what you currently see. This limited mindset can be imprisoning, as it prevents you from considering alternative options and choices that could lead to positive change.
INNER-Action Step: Start by becoming aware of when you are caught in a narrow point of view and intentionally open your mind to other possibilities. Practice imagining yourself on a mountaintop with expansive vistas, allowing yourself to see beyond limitations and consider different perspectives. Embrace a mindset of curiosity and openness to unlock your mind from the confines of tunnel vision and allow for more expansive and empowering possibilities to emerge.
2. Closed Mind: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
If you find yourself trapped in a limiting belief like 'I'm not good enough,' 'I'm not smart enough,' 'I don't deserve success,' or 'I'm too old or too young,' your mind may be closed and shut down. In this state, you may not even consider the possibility to open the door and look at things from a different perspective. You might believe that those thoughts are true and valid and that the case is closed. But is it really? Challenge yourself to question the validity of these limiting beliefs and be open to seeing them differently. Take action to release its grip on your mind and embrace a more open and loving mindset.
INNER-Action Step: Reflect on a limiting belief that may be keeping your mind closed and locked, like 'I don’t have enough time,' 'I'm not worthy of love,' 'I’m going to fail,' or any other belief that is holding you back. Question the validity of that belief and be willing to see it differently. Challenge yourself to open the door of your mind and release the limiting belief which is hindering you from embracing a more loving mindset.
3. Questioning Strong Opinions: Stepping into Another's Shoes
When you find yourself strongly attached to a particular opinion and are unwilling to question or challenge it, it can be limiting and even harmful. You may feel justified in your stance, even if it is based on fear or exclusion of others because you believe it is true. However, it's important to remember that opinions can change over time, just as they have in the past. If your opinion is causing conflict within yourself or with others, it's essential to be willing to let it go and consider alternative viewpoints.
INNER-Action Step: Identify a strong opinion you hold and make a conscious effort to step into the shoes of someone who holds the opposing opinion. Try to see the situation from their perspective, even if it's challenging. Allow yourself to feel their emotions and understand their point of view. This exercise can help open your mind and soften your heart, allowing for greater understanding and connection. Practice cultivating compassion and empathy for their perspective, and allow yourself to see the situation from a more open-hearted and inclusive outlook.
4. Breaking Free from the Need to Be Right: Embracing Curiosity
When you hold the belief that you are right about a situation, it can close your mind to questioning or considering alternative perspectives. Even if your perspective is painful, negative or limiting, the need to be right can prevent you from being open to other possibilities. This belief in being right often leads to seeing others as wrong, creating exclusion and conflict that can harm relationships and disconnect us from each other.
INNER-Action Step: Embrace the power of inquiry by letting go of the need to be right. Observe when you are gripping tightly to a belief that is causing negative emotions within you. Challenge yourself to consider the possibility that you may be wrong and there could be an alternative perspective. Ask yourself, "Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps there is another way of seeing this?" Cultivate curiosity and openness to different viewpoints, and be willing to question your own beliefs, even if it feels uncomfortable. This transformative shift has the potential to foster greater understanding, connection, and personal growth.
5. Confusion and Doubt: Embracing "I Don't Know”
When your mind is clouded with doubt and confusion, it's natural to seek clarity and answers amid the chaos. However, trying to find answers in the midst of inner conflict, as you jump between ideas and outcomes, and feel overwhelmed by multiple options, is an exercise in futility.
INNER-action Step: When feeling overwhelmed by doubt and confusion, practice accepting the state of "I don't know" without seeking immediate answers. Allow yourself to sit in the unknown and trust that clarity and answers will come in their own time. Practice letting go of the need to have all the answers right away.
6. From Defense to Defenselessness: Opening the Mind to Fresh Perspectives
You may feel compelled to build walls of defence in order to uphold your opinions, stand your ground, and preserve your sense of self. You might believe that defensiveness protects you, but in reality, these walls can leave you feeling isolated, fearful and disconnected from others. When you are defensive, your mind is closed, and it prevents you from being open to new perspectives. However, true courage lies in shifting into a place of defenselessness, where your mind is open to inspiration and fresh insights. It is in this state of openness that love can enter and guide your perspective, leading to greater understanding and freedom.
INNER-Action Step: Notice when you feel defensive and choose to shift into a place of defenselessness. Practising letting go of the need to protect yourself and be willing to be vulnerable, listen deeply, and be receptive in your interactions with others. Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and openness, allowing love to enter and guide your perspective.
Choosing Love: A Courageous Journey of Cultivating a Mindset of Compassion, Clarity, and Connection
Embracing a mindset of love is a powerful choice that can bring about profound positive changes in our lives and in the world around us. By letting go of limited perspectives, releasing the need to be right, and embracing defenselessness, we can create space for greater compassion, clarity, and connection with others. It's a courageous journey that requires self-awareness, willingness to question our beliefs and openness to new possibilities. As we shift our mindset from fear to love, we can cultivate a more expansive, inclusive, and harmonious way of living, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. So, let us choose love over fear and embark on a transformative journey of cultivating a mindset of love. Download our free PDF guide for the Six INNER-Action Steps to Shift your Mindset from Fear to Love.
Rev. Lisa Windsor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Reverend Lisa Windsor is the visionary founder of Modern Miracles Academy and a leading facilitator of spiritual development programs based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). As an ordained spiritual minister and coach, Lisa's expertise and guidance helps those seeking for inner peace to deepen their understanding of ACIM and live its teachings authentically. Through her immersive minister training program, she empowers aspiring leaders with wisdom, tools, and practices to guide others on their spiritual journeys. Lisa's unwavering commitment to ACIM makes her a respected authority in spirituality and transformational healing. She resides in British Columbia with her four amazing kids.