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From Battling Anxiety To Creating An International Mental Health Platform

Marina Gross is a Holistic Health Coach and mental health advocate, who specializes in stress management and holistic well-being.

Marina Gross Executive Contributor

In a world, where mental health is continuously declining and many experience stress, anxiety, and burnout, it is my passion and mission to make mindful health accessible and attainable for all, cultivating a nourishing life that feels good inside and out. However, it was not by intentional choice that I embarked on this path, but nudged by a powerful force of life that uncovered the road to deeper meaning and heart-driven work through facing trauma and embracing my own journey of self-healing. And lessons learned and experiences gained along the way were not all from the books, but from patching together hidden scars.

A woman covering her face with her hands.

It was not all hearts and flowers

Surprisingly enough, coming from a family that was not particularly invested in health, holistic well-being, or natural medicine, I grew up curious about exactly these things. From early childhood to late teenage years my life was always in creative motion, as ballroom dancing was a major passion of mine, occupying every available minute of my time with classes, practice, or competitions. Since my mid-teens, I loved taking over the kitchen at home, learning how to prepare healthy meals, and experimenting with different foods. Later, one of my first jobs was at a health store, day by day diving more and more into the world of natural and holistic remedies and mindful lifestyle.

However, it was not until my mid-twenties that my true health journey began. I still remember that whole experience so vividly, wishing that no one would ever go through the same. A traumatic situation catapulted me into a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and depression overnight, shaking me to my core and breaking me into a million pieces.

I still remember the nights I woke up from another nightmare, bathing in sweat and gasping for air. I still remember my heart beating so fast, I was afraid it would jump out of my chest. I still remember my body shaking, my head spinning and my thoughts taking me down some very dark alleys with no light visible at the end. My skin broke out, my hair started falling out, and my memory worsened to the point that made me scared. At times I felt no hope, but a tiny voice inside my head told me to keep fighting for my health and happiness.

Those were the times that launched my self-healing journey of soul-searching, learning, and looking for answers in everything I met on my way, step by step leading me to the path that I am walking now.

Healing by going back to basics

As I was paving a trail through the fog of stress, anxiety, and depression, I immediately gravitated towards solid, natural, time-proven, and science-backed habits and healing tools that I found in a good handful of books and the Holistic Health Coach Certification by Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN), instead of chasing quick-fixes or a temporary trends to put my pieces back together.

It was through the ancient wisdom of meditation that I learned to calm and center my mind and soothe my soul. It was through a consistent practice of gratitude that I learned to reframe my thoughts and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel when it was almost impossible to see. It was through leaning on little daily self-care practices that I little by little healed and came out on the other side a healthier, happier, and more resilient and kind human being, proving to myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel that beautifully illuminates an even healthier, happier and thriving version of oneself.

Embarking on a mission greater than myself

In my search for inner peace, healing, health, and joy I could not help but notice that I was not alone in my struggles. In fact, based on current mental health tendencies, research predicts that approximately 1 in 2 people worldwide will struggle with some type of mental health challenge over the course of their lives, be it stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, burnout, or overwhelm. To me, it is absolutely heartbreaking.

So as I was healing my invisible wounds, I set out to create a platform that inspires, educates, and empowers people to proactively and preventatively take good care of their mental and physical health and well-being in a way that is accessible and attainable for all, embarking on a mission greater than myself. This is how Inspired Change Co was born.

I often think back on the timeless lines from a soulful Hollywood classic “The Holiday”: “I know it is hard to believe people when they say they know how you feel, but I actually know how you feel”. These words remind me of exactly why I set out to create a safe, empowering, and supportive space that emphasizes holistic well-being and provides knowledge, inspiration, and tangible tools to feel good in body, mind, and soul as a new way of living.

Be it through an insightful article, a short podcast episode, educational posts, or a transformative online course experience, it is my mission to make a positive difference in the lives of clients and readers in any way I can, showing a healthier, kinder, and more healed way to take care of yourself and your health, building the foundation for a life of joy, vitality, energy, abundance, and (self) love.

The bottom line

Fighting a battle against stress, anxiety, and depression, and advocating for mental health, one lesson I have learned that will stay with me for life is this: our health is our wealth. It is what allows us to live and experience our lives to the fullest. Let us cultivate it with care, nurture it with intention, and honor it with gratitude by investing in our well-being and taking little right actions every day, in whatever capacity possible, to protect it. It is in your power to make an inspired change one step at a time. And Inspired Change Co is here to provide you with tools, inspiration, support, and motivation to succeed. Because the best investment you can ever make is the investment in yourself and your health.

For more inspiration, please follow Inspired Change Co on Instagram, explore the growing collection of articles on Inspired Change Co website, and subscribe to The Little Right Actions Podcast, to help you proactively take good care of your health, or sign up for the monthly newsletter with holistic advice on all things mental health and well-being delivered straight to your inbox.


Marina Gross, Holistic Health Coach

Marina Gross is a Holistic Health Coach and mental health advocate, who specializes in stress management and holistic well-being. In a world, where mental health is continuously declining and many experience stress, anxiety and burnout, it is Marina's passion and mission to make mindful health accessible and attainable for all. She is the founder of Inspired Change Co, the online holistic wellness and health coaching platform, and her work is purposed to inspire, educate and empower readers and clients to make their health a daily priority and cultivate a nourishing life that feels good inside and out.

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