Nic BeeGee is a wealth mentor and brand strategist who has generated $2M in revenue on her entrepreneurial journey. She has also helped over ONE THOUSAND clients generate millions in revenue in their businesses over the last decade. On a personal note, Nic is a mother of 4, a union wife, and a multi-passionate in every realm of her life. She has written several books, a best seller on Amazon, and continues to tap into her creative genius while creating the life and empire of her WILDEST dreams. Nic's intellectual expertise and experience lies in the realm of self-power, potent mindset reframe, and breaking through the limiting barriers that come with conventional ways of thinking and implementing. She has helped many women scale to multiple-six and seven figures in their businesses, and has built many avenues of income on her own journey.

Nic BeeGee, Wealth Mentor & Brand Strategist
Tell us about yourself, especially the parts that are not so known from your online presence?
Well, such a loaded question. ha. I am a mom of four, and a trade wife, my husband is a journeyman electrician, a wealth mentor and professional brand strategist.
I’m going to go deeper on the part of me that isn’t really well known in my online presence, because I really feel like it’s time.
There are so many things about me that I like to keep sacredly to myself. Not in a way that I’m fearful or not desiring to share, but experiences that have helped me become the woman I am today, that I don’t want do let define me in my business.
I think we can get so caught up in where we came from, and that becomes a focal point in the business, and I set that boundary a while ago, that’s not how I want my brand to stand out.
However, I am more than open to sharing some of the deeper contributors to who I am today, and how I have manifested the success I have in my business.
For 13 years, I was a very highly functioning alcholic. Obviously not in the way that it didn’t hinder my ability or cause me to make poor choices, but I never gave up. I was always making money, and for the most part...I always took care of what I needed to take care of.
The last five years, it really took a tole, especially when my husband and I lost our baby in 2020. This was devestating and took me to the lowest part of my life. Shortly after, we were blessed with our rainbow pregnancy and she literally lights up our life in the best ways possible.
Bringing this part of my journey forward a few years, in 2022, I took a huge quantum leap. On September 5th, I took my last drink, and September 6th made the decision to completely rebuild my business. the structure, the branding, the website, my services. All of it...and I didn’t touch social media or my mac for a month.
And im sure we will go into more of this with the other i’m going to pause this story haha.
What brought you into the field of personal development?
I really started tapping into this probably five years into having my service-based branding business. I really found myself at a stand still, and realized that I had built a business based on the external, followers, the amount of comments...hustling in the worst ways. So, slowly I started incorporating personal development, but to be honest, it never really stuck until I got sober.
When I got sober, was when I gained the most clarity on who I was and who I desired to become, and I just couldn’t take on that future role until I gave up what kept me small and supressed.
I also spent the majority of my life being told I was too much, too loud, too impulsive, not grateful, always wanting more...moving too much, and so much more haha.
So, to really start to understand myself, I felt like a brand spanking to bare naked baby for the first time. That was when I really started grasping the idea of personal development and really that I had not even tapped into the surface of my potential.
When it comes to your own personal journey of deep healing and liberation, what has been the catalyst for your growth?
100% no doubt about it, my sobriety. This isn’t to say that quitting drinking was the part that was liberating, but more so...the freedom of self. The freedom to really get to know who Nic really is.
But, the biggest explorative phase of this for me was, understanding why I operate the way that I do.
I started investing in mentors who could help me love myself for who I was, while also understanding why I was this way.
I found out, I am a sacral authority 5/1 generator...and when that was explained to me... Everything in my life started making sense. I would have flashbacks of omg that is why I did that...omg this is why I respond like was so liberating and I am grateful beyond measures to understand myself in this capacity.
Like, what a privelage. Right?
So, now that I have a better understanding of how I operate, distractions happen less often. I am so convicted in my movement, because I understand it better and don’t question it anymore.
Advice to your younger self? Other women that are “stuck” in a specific place?
If there is one thing that I could say to my younger self, or women who are stuck in a space of’s this
Trust yourself.
If you don’t know how to do that, or your fearful...take the time to understand how and why you can trust yourself.
We often fear what we don’t understand, but in turn don’t desire to take the time to understand it.
But thats the deepest work right?
That’s what sets us apart from the rest is, we desire to not only become successful, but we desire to understand how we can utilize what we already have within as the vehicle to get us there.
When in doubt, look within, always.
and again, if you don’t understand how...learn the how.
Walk us through your offers and enrolments for women who want to join your space?
Ahhhh so exciting. So, literally the only three ways to work with me right now are:
The Divine Pivot Mastermind, this is really for the woman who has started her business, and has hit a wall, or is unsure of how to scale to $100k.
We work on deeper self-exploration, brand strategy, and embodiment messaging in this program.
The second is The Millionaires Quantum Mastermind. This is for the experienced CEO who has created six figures in her business, and desires to have her first $500k year.
We work on self leadership, pushing through limitations as opposed to over them, potent scaling strategies, and embodiment marketing.
The last way to work with me is 1:1, and I have several ways that can look.
All of these require an application, that is quick and painless, but the integrity of my programs, standards, and values come before transaction.
What are you actively calling in now?
A 1M dollar year ahhhhhh. I am actively calling it in every day!
Your rules/rituals/practices for an abundance mindset?
It is incredibly important for me to always focus or reframe to focus on my bigger vision. I feel like when we get consumed in these little micro things that happen or that we feel make or break our success, it puts us into a victim mindset instead of an abundant mindset.
Really being able to come back to ALL of my resources created abundance in my life and not just specific external things that I desire, like large sums of money haha.
Having an abudance mindset is learning how to utilize what we already have available to us, and understanding that it is valuable...regardless of how big or small it may be.
Balance: how do you intentionally live in it?
I have learned to let go of control. I am confident that everything is working out in my favor. Even if it isn’t I have been really trying to master reframing to ... ok, I can have my pity party, honor my feelings, but then get back on track and live my life.
This is important in every aspect, as a mom, wife, business owner,, if I sit in the pain or dwelling of something, it’s super hard for me to stay focused and fulfilled.
So I have been really working on remembering that everything is temporary, good and bad, so to just enjoy it or take it as it is...and keep moving.
Words to live by.