Born and raised in Chicagoland, Deanna Radulescu is a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in Business and Accounting. As the former VP of Key Accounts & Business Operations for a $20 million transmission remanufacturing facility, Deanna navigated complex contracts, doubling business size and earning stellar recommendations from major clients.

For over 25 years Fred Talisman a licensed result-based marriage counselor and has shown thousands of his clients how to improve, revitalize and/or to save their relationship and to keep their family together, even without their partner's cooperation or involvement in that process.

Kelli Calabrese, Personal Trainer of the Year and America’s Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle Expert, said about Fred, “Fred Talisman is one of the top marriage counselors in the country and is on a mission to save relationships, keep families together and to show you how to make your relationship fully work for both of you. If your relationship has gotten off track or you just know there can be more, Fred can show you how to turn it all around and take things to the next level.”
Joel Roberts, Former Prime Time Host, KABC Radio, said about Fred, “Fred Talisman, saves and revives a dying relationship. How does he do it? Well, he’s not the stereotypical marriage counselor who sits back and says “uh huh” and watches couples get more and more polarized as they further talk themselves out of their relationship by giving their laundry list of built up hurts and resentments. If a couple is drowning, he’s the lifeguard, and he jumps in and does whatever it takes to save them, to buy them a second chance, or a turning point. I think he’s a brilliant strategist. He uses his strategies to turn around years of pain.
He uses them to defuse years of tension. He uses them to get the couple reconnected to the love and magic that brought them together in the first place. He demonstrates to them a path, a hope, a vision of the possibility of actually thriving together. To me, Fred is The Relationship Wizard. His ability to save dying relationships is his brilliance and magic. He forged it out of the heartbreak he witnessed countless times in his early years as a traditionally trained marriage counselor, experiencing over and over how that training was grossly inadequate in assisting him in saving couples in crisis.
He’s a practical man. He knows from hard experience that by the time most couples go to a marriage counselor one or both may be ready to end the relationship and the window of opportunity to save that relationship is now, or never. When it comes to saving a relationship, he’s a bulldog. If there is a way to do it, he won’t let go until he finds it. I think his strategies are a gift to couples.”
Early Inspiration and training
Fred's journey into the world of therapy and coaching began at the age of 16 when he had a mentor who taught him about communication, relationships, and philosophy. This early influence set him on a path towards becoming a life coach and eventually a licensed therapist.
Fred's turning point
When Fred's first marriage failed he was determined to understand why he, and all the therapists and coaches he knew and knew of, had such a poor track record in helping people to save their relationship and to keep their family together. He determined that they weren’t/aren't adequately trained how to do that and often, without meaning to, became family and relationship enders.
Man on a mission to heal relationships
He became a man on a mission to learn what it took to keep families together, to save romantic relationships and to make them fully work for both people.
He has since remarried, and he diligently applies the skills he created or discovered to help make his relationship with his wife, who he's been with for 28 years now, be strong, lasting, emotionally supportive, kind, and fun, and those are the skills he teaches to his clients and to the Label Free Show audience.
Resident relationship wizard
As the Resident Relationship Wizard of the globally recognized Label Free Podcast C TV show, Fred regularly shares his wisdom and insights to help individuals navigate the challenges of their relationships. Through his guidance and expertise, Fred aims to inspire individuals to think bigger and transform their relationships into the ones they truly desire, and in those episodes, he shows them how to do that.
Fred Talisman's dedication to helping individuals live their best lives through healthy and fulfilling relationships makes him a true wizard in the realm of therapy and coaching. His innovative techniques and compassionate approach set him apart as a beacon of hope for those seeking to heal and strengthen their relationships.
Getting Fred Talisman's help
Fred's passion for helping individuals create loving and fulfilling relationships led him to create a four-part podcast series called "Relationship Magic." In this series, he shares essential skills and tools to revitalize and save relationships. Fred's mission is to empower individuals to take control of their relationships and create lasting positive change.
To get free access to that private 4-episode series, visit here.
Getting Fred's personal help for you
To get Fred's direct help, you can visit here to get a no-cost 45-60-minute discovery call with him.
Deanna Radulescu, Founder & Host of Label Free Podcast
Born and raised in Chicagoland, Deanna Radulescu is a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in Business and Accounting. As the former VP of Key Accounts & Business Operations for a $20 million transmission remanufacturing facility, Deanna navigated complex contracts, doubling business size and earning stellar recommendations from major clients. After a life-changing event, Deanna pursued her passion for fashion, founding Deanna Marie Label and successfully launching three collections, including a Kickstarter campaign raising over $5k. A skincare line and a charity event against Human Trafficking rounded out her fashion journey. In 2019, Deanna ventured into podcasting with Label Free.