Written by: Ginger Carlson, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Your intuition is as powerful a tool as any in your toolbelt, both personally and professionally. It does not discriminate and it can be developed. This article discusses four simple ways to enhance this skill. Doing so heightens your focus, awareness of self and others, and supports your brain being more in sync with your body.

Do not underestimate your intuition when it comes to making things happen in your life. Many high-level creators, leaders, and contributors often cite intuition, or “going with their gut” as how they have been able to be successful. Intuition is that feeling that can lead you to make the right decisions, know where to look, and simply go naturally with “the flow” in a way that guides you seemingly magnetically toward new ideas and opportunities.
Intuition, like play, creativity, and flow, does not discriminate. Yes, some people are considered “highly intuitive” but it is also a skill that can be developed. When you increase or tap into your intuition, you are unlocking your subconscious mind. You become quicker, clearer thinking, instinct-based, and you can solve everyday problems in a way that feels easy and natural. When you develop this skill in a very heightened way, you begin to process (and use) information almost before it even happens.
Even if you feel you are not an intuitive person, there are a few things you can begin to try that will begin to open you up to your natural intuition, and set you up for a more “flowing experience” when it comes to making things happen in your life and work.
Mirror others
One trait of people who are considered highly intuitive is that they are highly empathetic, can perceive others’ feelings, and understand and act on situations with extreme accuracy. Spend a little time mirroring the others you are with (“copy” their gestures, stance, body language, tone of voice, etc). This increases bonding and supports communication, but also makes you more available for an exchange of ideas.
Get into your gut
That “sixth sense” is real. It can be your inner guide and help you make decisions, about what you are creating, who you are hiring or keeping as close confidants, or any number of personal or professional directions you might go. One very “easy” and powerful way to become more intuitive is to begin to bring awareness to the sensations in your body. Ask the question, and instead of your mind giving you the answer, let your stomach be your guide. How does it feel right in the center of your gut when you wonder aloud? Let yourself feel confident that your body knows; there is great wisdom there.
Give yourself the gift of intuition
Give yourself the gift of yourself, and your knowing, a little bit every day, and you will begin to develop deeper intuition. Sit with your palms open in silence for 1-5 minutes and allow your knowledge to arrive. Not only will this technique develop your heightened intuition, allowing you to get more done, but it will also support you in managing your emotions and stress, and make your body able to return to equilibrium faster.
Observe little things
Make an intention to begin to take note of little things in your environment. Notice cracks. Listen for pauses. Begin to try to be aware of white space. When you begin to become hyper-observant, you will also begin to process information differently. You might even find that your anxiety, internal tension, fear, and other general feelings of discomfort begin to dissipate. When you begin to listen and notice more closely, you will find that “more” (ideas, opportunities, knowledge, awareness) will become available to you.
Allowing your intuition is a life-changing skill to develop. You will begin to have greater focus, and awareness of self and others, and your brain will be more in sync with your body. Doing so will open you up to the flow of experiences and opportunities in a deeper way.
Dr. Ginger Carlson teaches about flow and communication, and is the co-founder and CEO of Möbius, where she co-leads The Multarity Project™, uniting people in conversation around diverse topics and deepening understanding of our shared complexities while creating unique AI-generated art together...
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Ginger Carlson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr. Ginger Carlson is an international keynote and TEDx speaker, leader, and award-winning author. She has presented and written widely on the topics of creativity, communication, growth, and transformation, and how to uniquely and positively nurture each of them in our personal lives and organizations. Dr. Carlson is the co-founder of Möbius Dynamics and CEO of The Multarity Project™. She can be contacted through her websites https://www.gingercarlson.com/ and https://www.multarityproject.com/