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Four Steps To Help You Destroy Your Self-Destructive Mindset

Written by: Nicole Curtis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Believe It Or Not – Your Mindset Affects Everything In Your Life!

It affects not just your thinking but your attitude, emotions, behavior even your daily habits.

An example of this:

Let's say you started your morning off already being late, so already you feel like a failure. You begin to talk to yourself in a nasty tone while saying awful degrading words that your mind becomes clouded with ugliness and self-judgment, which carries over in a lack of focus on the tasks at hand. You soon begin to lash out at people, especially toward the ones you love, because you are frustrated and annoyed with yourself.

A brain in maze form

A whole other cycle of additional self-critical thoughts, negative emotions, ugly attitude, poor behavior, and habits occur because you are now worried about the relationship(s) you just affected.

Do you see the problems in this example?

Can you see the snowball effect that they are creating?

Your mind can be a powerful tool, and when not used properly, it can be a dangerous weapon toward yourself and others.

In the above example, what would is the main problem?

Feeling like a failure! Having that emotion is what made you spin out, not just at that moment, but it caused a ripple effect of continuous self-destruction.

If you squashed it right away, the self-destruction wouldn't have happened.

Here are four steps that you can start implementing immediately to help you destroy this self-destruction at its core.

  1. Pause – Stop what you are doing and clear your mind

  2. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly (repeat three times) - Control your breathing

  3. Be present within yourself – Look deep inside yourself and listen

  4. Self-Reflect - evaluate the words you are saying to yourself, the actions you are doing, the behavior you are displaying, and the feelings that you are having and replace them with positive, uplifting, and self-loving practices!

Tell yourself I love you,

Smile at yourself,

Listen within yourself so that you can hear others clearer,

Show kindness to yourself so that you can show it to others.

A Powerful Mind Leads A Powerful Life!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Nicole Curtis, Executive Coordinator Brainz Magazine

Nicole Curtis is a leader in coaching professional and entrepreneurial women to become relentless, confident powerhouse women leaders through mindful, personal growth and leadership development. After losing her way in life due to people-pleasing behaviors, self-limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging habits, Nicole created personal methods that helped her reach a new depth of fortitude, self-permission, leadership, and expansion in her life and business. She has dedicated her life to helping women create a powerhouse mindset to awaken their God-given power and strengthen their inner voice so that they rise up, beat the odds, and dominate as a Powerhouse Women Leader in life and business. She is the owner and founder of Kapow Media, LLC which services include Women Empowerment Speaking, Powerhouse Mindset Coaching, and Social Media Mentorship for professional and entrepreneurial women. Nicole Curtis is an author of the book Becoming An Unstoppable Women 25 Strategies To Help You Achieve The Unstoppable Mindset, set to release September 21, 2021. Her mission: Creating a global movement of Powerhouse Women Leaders.



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