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Four Powerful Keys To Developing Lasting Relationships

Written by: LaVonda McCullough, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We all struggle with how to develop lasting relationships. When it comes to developing relationships, faith is key. And learning how to communicate is essential whether we're trying to build rapport with our colleagues or growing closer to our friends and family. And while conflict is inevitable, faith can help us overcome these challenges.

A photo of connection concepts, ropes and carabiners.

Faith can help us come close to God, and praying is one of the most important things you can do to come close to Him. It doesn't have to be fancy or long, but it should be sincere. We need to have faith to believe; trust sustains us when things are tough. We need faith to nurture and grow, and it's not always easy to do so. But with God's help, we can come close to Him and learn to walk in His ways.

We invest time in getting to our friends and co-workers, and it's just as important to have an intimate relationship with God. A relationship with God teaches you how to develop stronger relationships with others around you. And this transformation occurs when we have faith in God and are willing to be vulnerable with Him and others.

We need to trust that we are capable of change and that those around us are also. Without faith, it isn't easy to nurture and grow a relationship.

Here are some keys you can use to build faith and relationships

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation are two of the most common ways to connect with God. Praying can be as simple as talking to God as if He were your best friend, or it can be a more formalized process, such as reciting prayers from a religious text. In the Bible, we discover David meditating on the Word of God.

Meditation can also involve:

  • Focusing on your breath.

  • Repeating a Biblical declaration.

  • Simply sitting in silence and letting go of all thoughts.


Serving others is a great way to connect with God because it allows you to put your focus on others rather than yourself. You can volunteer at a homeless shelter, help out at your local food pantry, or do something else that feels meaningful to you. It will improve your mental health if you begin to take steps to make a difference in the lives of others. Too often, our focus becomes getting ahead, making a name for ourselves, or acquiring things that are earthly treasures that will soon fade away. But when we focus on God ‒ and living out His purpose for our lives ‒ we begin to see restoration and healing in everything we do.

Connection with nature

Nature can be a powerful source of spiritual connection, especially if you take the time to pay attention to the world around you. Spend time outside in nature, and look for the beauty in everything you see. I find great solitude by listening to the sounds of the birds and the wind and feeling the sun on my skin. Take the time to enjoy all God created for us to enjoy and embrace. God will speak to you through the wind and all you see around you.


We all need community, and connecting with others who share your beliefs can be a powerful way to come closer to God—attending Bible Study or becoming a part of a faith-based community. Prayer walking and Retreats can help you feel more connected to God and His love. We are created for relationships and not to walk our journey alone.

When we serve others, our transformation takes our focus off of ourselves and our problems and instead focuses on someone else's needs. When we do, we fulfill one of the two greatest commandments: love God and our neighbor (Mark 12:30-31). But not only is serving others a way to love God and our neighbor, but it is also a way of transformation connecting with God.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


LaVonda McCullough, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Dr. LaVonda McCullough is a Christian Life Coach that uses her proven strategies to coach women leaders to overcome mindset limitations and emotional overwhelm to walk in their God-given purpose boldly and confidently. She has dedicated her life to helping countless women walk to freedom over shame, anxiety, depression, and unforgiveness. She travels internationally speaking on mindset renewal through prayer. She is the founder of Joyful Journey, LLC, and her signature RefresHER Women’s Retreat is consistently attended by women worldwide who are seeking to reach the divine power within to become confident in their calling. She is the author of “21 Days of Fasting & Praying: The Beginner’s Guide to a Disciplined Life” and the newly released online course “Rekindled: Igniting an Intimate Relationship with God through restoration and renewal.”



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