Written by: Lilia Ackerman, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Happy to be here again with all of you. Hope you are on fire and hungry to know the last two keys to be set for success for accomplishing your Vision!

Let’s dive all the way in!
Key No.3 Present State of Being
It is very crucial to be mindful of the present state of your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being before you start working on the Key 4 The Mission-Planning your action steps. It can make a mayor difference in your outcome. There are seven outcomes that you can benefit from, in order to help establish who you are and who you can become before creating your Mission.
1. Personal Growth - Recognize the areas that need attention, so you can make the necessary adjustments to what you want to accomplish. Awareness is a magic tool; it helps you take responsibility for your actions, emotions, and for your life experiences—which is a sign of personal maturity that helps you avoid blaming others for your life experiences.
2. Self-Improvement - The first step is to analyze without self-judgment about unhealthy habits that may be holding you back from succeeding. Something extremely helpful is to write about previous experiences where you were not able to achieve your goals. Determine what the common denominator is. The second step is to create a powerful habit that is going to help you in your daily steps.
3. Metamorphose the system of limiting beliefs related to your vision, that can be transformed into ravishing beliefs.
When you have the truth of what your beliefs are in front of you, you will either see that your beliefs are getting in the way, or they are in alignment with your vision. Facing your limiting beliefs can help in so many ways. First, your life won’t be triggered by them anymore. Uncover where they came from, when you started believing in them, and why you decided to adopt them as your own.
You will come to a crossroads, where you have to decide if you want to keep your limiting beliefs (knowing they can prevent you from seeing your dreams come true). This is a bit of a touchy subject, as these limiting beliefs could come from many previous generations; therefore releasing them causes emotional distress. Or you can decide to muster the courage to say, “No more,” release, and let them go. If you choose the second option, you will have an amazing experience throughout your lifetime because you are shifting from a constricted lifestyle to a life of enlightenment and endless opportunities—perfectly aligned on your path for remarkable success!
Goal: Start a new relationship.
Belief "Love is not for me."
Thoughts: It is really hard to meet someone that wants to commit to a relationship. All the good men/women are taken; there is no one left.
Outcome: Guess what kind of experience you are going to create? A painful one. Because you will attract partners that are not available for you.
With that kind of belief, you are going to attract someone who does not want to be committed to a long-term relationship, or you will see yourself falling for someone that is married. You won’t attract what you want, unless you work on this limiting belief.
“Your beliefs are your experiences.”
4. Set your mindset on success - Create a resilient mindset to achieve what you have set out to do. Once you have clarified your beliefs, you can work more easily on your thoughts—since they are a reflection of what you believe.
5. Learn to control your emotions - When you have set a goal, you simply cannot have the luxury of being constantly angry or disappointed every time something goes wrong. This leads to many disadvantages such as wasted time, energy, and/or stress that prevents you from working efficiently and productively. Eventually, you will end up giving up on your vision and becoming part of the 92% of people that fall asleep to their dreams.
Therefore, if you recognize that you get angry easily when you cannot find the solution to a problem, now is the time to work in that area of your life. That way, when you are in a moment when you are about to lose it, you can approach the situation with resiliency and shake yourself out of the unhealthy pattern. Instead, find a way to regain peace by applying breathing techniques, going for a walk, connecting with God, or doing something else that can help you channel the emotion you’re feeling.
Surprisingly, you will realize that taking responsibility for your emotions will cause your inner genius to start looking for alternative solutions to any problem raised, and it will help you to stay productive, and with a lot of energy.
6. It will serve as a reference of your progress - When doubts like “I haven’t done anything” come in, start by looking back at where you started and how far you are now. It will help you to see the truth. You will be inspired to continue.
7. Peace between you and family – If you are having a rough day due to a project you are working on, rather than blame others for the way you feel, search within to see what is behind that particular emotion. Then, make adjustments as needed to help you back into your brilliant being.
Who I am - An important component of the State of Being is the concept of ‘Who I am.’
Many times, Who you are in the present can be an obstacle to achieving your life’s vision. It is important to know your weakness and strengths. Once Who you are is established, an extraordinary life of transformation and triumph is opened up. Now you are in the position to discover with certainty Who you need to become.” ‘Who’ can execute the daily tasks that are required to concrete the Mission?
So, this is a wide-open door to making wise decisions on what stays and what it needs to go. It is time to declutter your life! Be honest with yourself to see Who you are now. Do it in a constructive way, with no self-judgment. This is not the time to beat yourself up, but to elevate your being.
Making permanent changes helps to improve your lifestyle. This humble action keeps you searching within, and takes your eyes away from others, or past circumstances that interfere with achieving your goals. After all, it is more powerful to change yourself, rather than waste time trying to change someone else.
Let me share a piece of information that is a goldmine! Who you need to become is already installed in you. But somewhere from the time you were conceived until now, that brilliant person got lost within. Dive in to find your true self!
Example: If you recognize that, “Yes, I am a procrastinator,” then perfect! The next is to ask questions of yourself, until you feel in your gut that you have the right answer. Questions like: “Can a procrastinator be committed to daily, weekly and/or monthly deadlines?” The answer is no. So, if you are a procrastinator, you will never be able to complete your goal. You will find yourself among the 92% of people that start every year with the same goals—the 92% that gives up in the first month of the year.
The next question could be something like: “What kind of person can complete tasks?” A DOER – An ACHIEVER. Now that you have the answer, your next step is to intentionally become a doer; because a doer is someone that pursues and doesn’t give up easily, someone that finishes anything they start, regardless of whether they are feeling down or unmotivated. They will stay consistent until the task is done.
Your goal at this point is to get familiar with the characteristics of a doer. What do they do to stay resilient?
How do they act when facing adversities? How do they plan their action steps, etc.? The more you start acting like one, progressively your inner Achiever will find its way out, ready to carry on any given task. In no time, you will move from being a procrastinator to an Achiever.
In the beginning, this might make you feel uncomfortable; but it’s completely natural, because until now, your bad habits—or limiting beliefs—have been a part of your life. Don’t worry. Eventually you will notice that you are becoming less and less resistant, easily acting in your new role. The person you are becoming at the end of your vision will astonish you. You will enjoy a stronger personality, feeling more confident in yourself, resilient, happy, creative, and proud of getting to the finish line. Now, you are part of the 8% that reach their goals. You will never be the same or go back to the old you. The new you won’t allow it because you have felt the full experience of life transformation.
Warning! The old you will show up from time-to-time. This is completely normal. After all, you have sheltered it for so long. When this happens, with love and compassion say, “Thank you for being with me, you served a purpose in my life, but your presence is not needed anymore. I have what I need to move on.” This is just an example. Using your own words is more powerful because it comes from within.
What to do when the old you shows up:
Give thanks.
Be grateful for its purpose in your life.
Give a short explanation as to why you don’t need it anymore.
Let go in peace.
When you elevate the standard of your life, it’s like wearing new glasses that perceive the world on a different level of amazingness!
“Knowing is wisdom, ignorance is a roadblock.” -Lilia Ackerman
By now you are equipped with the three first Keys, which are your foundation, now it is time to start building your bridge to get to your vision by planning your mission/action steps.
Key 4 Mission
Mission/Action is the bridge that connects your beginning to the completion of your vision. You are the architect in charge of building the stepping stones until the bridge is complete. Steppingstones are mini action steps that you are committed to.
In order to build solid and strong stepping stones, you need to be specific, precise, and realistic in your daily, weakly, and monthly actions.
Vision: Write and publish a book in nine months.
To share with the masses a message of love and forgiveness. A guide to face unresolved issues and enter into a ravishing life.What I have found out is that when unresolved issues have not been addressed, people obsessively think about the event or the offender. This drastically affects their relationships with themselves and with their world because of the bitterness and resentment that are carried everywhere they go. Chronic emotional and physical pain occurs, creating vulnerability in health and in spiritual areas. Therefore, people cannot fully embrace or create the life they dream of.
To help people to find their true essence, and happiness.
Create another stream of income.
Use the book to enroll customers into my wellness programs
Attend all Self publishers’ sessions.
Implement the program’s lessons as we go.
Specific/Realistic Action Steps:
I want my book to have around 150 pages.
Which days I can set apart to work: Monday & Thursday
How many hours: 3-4
How many pages do I need to write to meet the deadline: 2 1/2 pages.
What I am not willing to do – How am I going to resolve the problem: Upload the manuscript on Ingram Spark platform. Hire someone from the writer’s program to do it for me.
Complete the book by: September 28th, 2022.
Send the draft to the editor to be reviewed by Nov. 4th.
Publishing date: January 28th, 2023.
Where should I start?: Write about my personal story. Gather everything I already have related to the book and expand from there. Decide what are the main topics I want my book to have: love, forgiveness, health. Complete one topic per month. The End!
This is just an example of how it looks to draft and execute the action steps of your vision. I used my book that I wrote in 2022 as an example. Through the process, I encountered life obstacles like helping my daughter that had anxiety issues due to a medication she was on. It was very painful to see her like that; I went to her house for one month to help her. During the time I was at her house, I couldn’t write much.
Another issue was that I helped my youngest brother relocate to another city. I traveled to Mexico for 3 weeks. The good thing is, when I gave myself the deadline to complete the book, it was 3 months before the publishing date. This gave me time to recover from the time that I was unable to do anything. I do this every time I am planning my goals—give room for life’s surprises.
Now you are completely set for success! Dream Big!
After all, you are the Master Key!
Because I believe in you, I am gifting you with a 45-minute 1:1 Clarity Coaching Session to identify and transform limiting beliefs into a powerful ones to succeed on your vision. Send an email to mycoachlilia@gmail.com to schedule your appointment!
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Lilia Ackerman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Lilia Ackerman aka "The Truth Digger" knows that to change your world and experience the abundance of life, it is neccessary to make changes and adjustments in your personal life. She gets to the core of your troubles using her education, knowledge of more than twenty years in the Wellness Industry, her gifted intuition, effective strategies, personal experience overcomming unresolved issues, and rising above rejection, sexual and emotional abused, and her Methodology SHIFT.