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Four Essential Keys To Succeed On Your Goals ‒ Take Action Toward Your Dreams ‒ Part 1

Written by: Lilia Ackerman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


A long time ago, I couldn’t even remember setting any goals for my life. I just went along thinking that I had to live with the life I had. I didn’t question myself too much about it, even when I was so unhappy. I thought I couldn’t change anything, so I put my life on autopilot and kept going. What I didn’t realize was that my life was based on false beliefs that I somehow began to embody. Thank God my eyes were opened, and today I am living the life that I want. I am a fearless dreamer who knows that dreams unfold when you act. I am aware that a dream arises from the subconscious to the conscious mind when you are ready to fulfill it. Life is not just offering an invitation; it is bidding you toward personal growth. The outcome of moving on with my dreams exceeded my expectations because the experience I gathered in fulfilling dream after dream gave me the tools to create my "SHIFT" methodology. A strong, accurate, and practical methodology that can help you fulfill your dreams and live your ideal life, just like I do.

Let me show you the way!

When you follow these four crucial keys to fulfilling your goals, you will be set for success and be part of the 8% of people that fulfill their life dreams.

Key No.1 Vision

Key No.2 The Why ‒ Purpose

Key No.3 Present State of Being

Key No.4 Mission

In this article, we will be talking about the first two keys: Vision & Why. In the following article, I will introduce the next 2 keys: Present State & Mission.

Key No.1 Vision

Vision is plain and simple, starting with ONE question: “What do you want to happen in your life?” This question is not about what others want. It only pertains to what you want!

One of the most important characteristics of this key is clarity. In order to create your ideal life, you must be clear about your vision, and the reason why you want what you want. The more defined your vision is, the more you are familiar with it, the more thrilled you will be by the outcome. When you are 80% clear on what you want, life will light up to complete the remaining 20%—like a bright light through your window on a shining morning.

So, how do you know that you are near the 80%? When you see your vision with transparency, when you believe that it is possible, and when you can feel it because it looks so real.

Tip: Don’t get stuck on HOW you're going to get what you want. The How is presented only when you take action. It sounds silly, but that is the way it works.

A great start in finding your vision is to have a deep conversation with yourself about what you want in life. Find out the desires of your heart. What kind of life do you want to have? What is something in the back of your head that you always wanted to do? What do you want to achieve and why? Or what don’t you want to experience anymore? Be brave and explore with curiosity within yourself. After all, you are the only one who knows what you want.

If you are in a relationship, or have children, you should consider that your vision does not affect them. Quite the contrary, they are included in your vision.

Dare to Dream

“If you had a magic wand, what would you ask for?”

Key No.2 The Why

The WHY is the reason people either achieve or fail at their goals.

According to statistics from a study conducted at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania and The Statistic Brain Research Institute, only 8% of people who set goals achieve them. This means that 3 out of 4 people end the year the same way they started it. Through the study, they found that 25% of people involved in the research gave up in the first week of the year, 55% quit their projects in the first month of the year, and 20% gave up after six months.

Let’s find out some of the reasons why the majority of people fail.

1. We have been conditioned to fail.

This happens because you have been influenced by social media, reality shows, soap operas, and music which manipulate, and condition your mind to want what others have. For the last 70 years, we have seen the same stories through soap operas about money. It’s the same messaging about money over and over again: “It is better to be poor than rich,” because people with money are portrayed as greedy, evil and/or selfish.

These kinds of messages set people up to remain poor. Even if they want money, have great ideas, or work hard, they won't be successful because they are already conditioned to be in their world of poverty and need.

Let’s see how this mental programming is carried out!

Through television, we have visualization and sound, together they are a very powerful training weapon for the brain—for better or for worse. Visualization alone has a very powerful impact as 90% of people are visual. To the brain, it makes no difference if what you are hearing and seeing is real or not. An example is when you watch a program (be it horror, happiness, or your favorite sport), the body reacts according to what is being seen; you cry, you scream, you get angry, you sweat, and it literally has the power to change your day, week, and eventually the rest of your life. What you observe has a profound impact on what you do, feel, think, and who you are.

While music uses rhythm and lyrics, the message can be very destructive (talking about suicide, killing, sexual desire with your best friend's partner, etc.). However, an irresistible rhythm prevents people from paying attention to the lyrics.

We also see how love is represented with drama, suffering, betrayal, and abuse. So, what do you see in today’s world? Exactly! So many dysfunctional families. Social media gives a false sense of reality. As an example, let’s look at success; success is portrayed as driving a luxury car, wearing a particular brand, and living an excessive lifestyle. In reality, it is all for show because to keep up with that kind of lifestyle takes a toll on people, psychologically, emotionally, and financially. The reason being is that they are living a lifestyle that has been masked by social networks representing a false idea of what success is, and this diverts them from following their true desires. The most shocking is that people are not consciously aware of what is happening. When you are conditioned to do something, you don’t question anything; you just live like a zombie.

2. Most of us want what others have, not what we truly want.

We are conditioned to have what others have. This is because we are disconnected from ourselves. And we are terrified to look within. The movie “Keeping up with the Joneses” is an example of how people want what others have and the lengths they will go to get it.

Sadly, more people than you think fall for this false reality. It is like seeing the mirage of water in a desert landscape. They don’t realize it isn’t real until they jump into the water and hit nothing but sand.

3. Being the extension of parents’ unfulfilled dreams.

You end up in the wrong field of work, buying a house you don't like, or marrying a partner that your parents consider ideal, based on the partner they did not choose for themselves for whatever reason. Their wishes are imposed on you. You may possibly end up in divorce, or in an unhappy relationship. All of these wrong life decisions happen when you fail to choose your vision; instead choosing to fulfil the broken dreams of your parents.

4. Not knowing The Why.

When the vision you follow belongs to others, it will be impossible to know why you are doing what you are doing. You will find it very hard to stay motivated, because true passion is when you are pursuing your life vision, not another’s vision. If you get to accomplish your vision, you most likely won’t find fulfilment. Deep down, your inner voice will whisper to pursue your true vision. So, when you are not clear on your vision, the WHY can’t be created.

Why am I telling you this?

So that you consciously choose what you want to do with your life from your authentic self.

What is the WHY?

  • The reason behind what you want to do.

  • The reason why you want to have what you want.

  • A driving force.

  • It is the engine that will take you to your destination

What is the role of your WHY/Purpose?

  • It will motivate you when you feel weak.

  • The why is the heart of your vision giving you the courage to overpass resistance, doubts, and it gives you the strength you need to continue.

  • It gives a sense of direction towards your vision. Otherwise, you would be lost.

  • It propels you to act.

  • It awakens your creativity to confront adverse circumstances and create solutions to problems that are in your way.

Tips to find your WHY:

  • Have clarity on WHAT you want.

  • Get clear on WHY you want it.

  • Follow your heart.

  • Be open to knowing the depths of yourself. Remember that no one knows you better than you.

  • Follow your intuition.

  • Don't be afraid to explore your inner self with curiosity. Then, you will clearly see the WHY of what you want to do.

Example of The Vision and The WHY:


I want to buy a house close to work, with a big yard, swimming pool, and waterfall.


  • For my children to do outside activities, have fun, and to stay away from electronics.

  • To have a dog for my kids, and to protect the house.

  • When I come from work, I want to sit on the patio and relax while listening to the sound of water, so I can unwind from work and be more present for my family.

  • Exercise in the pool, so I can lower my cholesterol, while also saving money by canceling the gym membership and putting those savings towards our next family trip.

  • Rather than wasting time on the road, I can spend more time on new ideas to be able to start my own business working from home.

Now you know that your Vision is your destination, and your Why is the motor that drives you there.

Don’t forget to read the next article where we will discuss Key No.3 (Present State of Being) and Key No.4 (Mission). Mastering all four keys will allow you to conquer your Vision! In the meantime, I leave you with the million-dollar questions:

“What do you want, and Why do you want it?” Take 2-4 minutes a day to meditate on this. Don’t worry if nothing comes up in the first days. Keep doing it, and you will be surprised when your inner person starts giving you the answers you seek.

“Without Vision in your life, there is no Mission to create—there is not a destination to arrive to.”

Because I believe in you, I am gifting you with a 45-minute 1:1 Clarity Coaching Session to identify and transform limiting beliefs into a powerful one to succeed on your vision. Send an email here to schedule your appointment!

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Lilia Ackerman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lilia Ackerman aka "The Truth Digger" knows that to change your world and experience the abundance of life, it is neccessary to make changes and adjustments in your personal life. She gets to the core of your troubles using her education, knowledge of more than twenty years in the Wellness Industry, her gifted intuition, effective strategies, personal experience overcomming unresolved issues, and rising above rejection, sexual and emotional abused, and her Methodology SHIFT.

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