Juliet Trnka is the visionary behind Direct Knowing, a global coaching company that is more than just a business; it is a revolution in cultivating systemic abundance. Her work turns typical brand-building on its head. Rather than relying on the model of developing trust within her community because she has the answers for them, she elevates every person she touches by helping them draw out their unique genius.
She has supported thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe to shift their inner wealth narrative and create exponential growth in their businesses, by prioritizing and leveraging their divergent leadership.
Her expertise has been sought by global corporate management teams, elected political officials, and Hollywood executives, marking her as a trusted advisor in the realm of systemic abundance. Her bestselling book, Being Medicine: A Shamanic Guide to Mystical Wealth and Manifestation, has made waves in the consciousness community, giving readers a reliable map for manifestation.
Today, Juliet is dedicated to innovating within her communities, utilizing spiritual technology to dismantle scarcity paradigms and normalize systemic abundance. Her goal is to contribute to the spread of high-level coaching for leaders of all stripes, as we enter into a collective time where inner authority, full expression, and unrestrained love become the most important qualities for forging a better future.

Juliet Trnka, CEO, Coach, Founder
Did you ever think that Direct Knowing would become a multi-million dollar coaching company with global impact?
Honestly, I was shocked! My vision for this company has always been to support divergent leaders to manifest abundance by embodying a radical level of inner authority. I am very future-focused. I’m always scanning the horizon for the next creative spark or leadership opportunity to actualize our goal of creating 100 conscious female millionaires. It wasn’t until I sat down with my team and looked at our last three years that I realized that we had surpassed $3.5 million!
What was the inspiration to create 100 conscious female millionaires?
Women are so much more impactful than we realize! One woman who is fully turned on, in full aliveness and abundance, impacts everyone around her, even if it's in the form of others picking up on their energy subconsciously.
The idea for 100 in 2024 was an intuitive hit that aligns with our values as a high-end, boutique coaching company. I see so many gaps in the leadership space where divergent, spiritually grounded, ambitious women are not being addressed specifically. Powerful women are not taught how to relate to their power. They are called ‘rebels’, which is problematic because a rebel is a singular individual fighting an external power. Or, women get the message that their power is dangerous and could hurt others or cause separation, so all that potency gets routed into channels that create the ‘good girl mask’. Or a woman’s native writing for excellence is labeled as ‘perfectionism’. Rather than learning how to leverage that excellence, she’s told to go easy on herself and relax. But for women who came in with a massive purpose, being a ‘rebel’, a ‘good girl’, or a ‘recovering perfectionist’ are boxes that are far too small and unsatisfying.
What I find is that most of the challenges or resistance that women are trying to ‘mindset’ their way out of are actually their inborn wisdom kicking in. Learning how to experience your ‘no’ as a full sentence and fully owning your yes without apologies is revolutionary.
We are calling in 100 of the most outstanding women in leadership and coaching because this is the seed that gives birth to a new world.
Tell us about your new book that just came out, Being Medicine: A Shamanic Guide to Mystical Wealth and Manifestation.
Being Medicine is a protocol for wildly effective manifestation, poetry as self-care and a portal that opens access to one’s native leadership.
Leaders don’t need to be told what to do; they need to be listened to. They don’t want to be surrounded by ‘experts’ who purport to have all the answers. They want to be surrounded by geniuses who spark their genius and allow their natural greatness to emerge. I wanted to write a book that provided that kind of genius-mirror for them.
This book is laid on a Wheel. You may have heard of a Medicine Wheel, but in truth, the Wheel is an archetype of wholeness and creation that exists across all human spiritual traditions. When you work with manifestation as a wheel, you can impact a tremendous amount of change with very little effort. I was trained as an environmental scientist, then a clinical bodyworker, and then as a shaman, so I recognize the importance of testing a theory. I’ve tested this Wheel again and again in my own life and in working with clients. It’s thrilling to give this map to world-building women, supporting them in accelerating their conscious wealth and manifestation.
Interestingly, if you listen deeply to the most successful people on the planet, they are using this Wheel, even if they are not doing so consciously. This is about so much more than money. It’s the capacity to recognize that your body, your personality, your energy, and your mind are not who you are – they are tools and toys for you to create with. Exponential change is a function of learning how to value the qualities we are currently rejecting or trying to ‘fix’ through mindset work. Qualities like disruption, risk-taking, and self-referencing wisdom are qualities in women that they often worry will be perceived as rude, uncaring, or inflexible.
Most people’s manifestation isn’t being slowed down because of bad money beliefs or resistance! It’s because they don’t know how to relate honestly and unapologetically to their own power, or sometimes even recognize it.
Why is it important for the coaching industry to move beyond mindset?
I believe mindset is an important tool. But it comes with inherent limitations. For one, it focuses on the individual, so you still have this perpetuation of the idea that you are a separate entity, ‘responsible’ for your life. When we work with tools of consciousness, we go beyond the story of separation and into genuine oneness. In oneness, life doesn’t come from you or even through you. It IS you.
When you learn how to operate from this place, manifestation is as easy as breathing. You stop giving energy to the efforts of eliminating certain states like anger or vulnerability because you’re living beyond the binary of positive and negative. You become far more open, present, and available to those around you. Manifesting more money is just the tip of the iceberg!
Ritual and ceremony are just a few of the consciousness tools that can move us beyond the separate self and can accelerate even the most practical goals. This is why it was so crucial to include guided ritual in Being Medicine.
How does surrender factor into manifestation?
This is one of my favorite places to work with on the Wheel! When we are in a state of control, we are contracted. Nothing new or more can happen. Really powerful women have unconsciously learned control as a strategy to play the edge of creating a great life while also not ‘threatening’ others around them. But control is the opposite of manifestation. Surrender is what is called for.
So many women who come to work with us don’t even know how to sense surrender in their bodies. And when they start to control, the process can be messy and disorienting. But that mess is a crucial step in a truly quantum leap.
Surrender and victimization can often be hard to tell apart. I say in the book, “Surrender without decision is victimization and decision without surrender.” Real surrender isn’t just surrender to whatever is happening right now. It’s not the same as giving up or telling yourself a story that your dream wasn’t meant to be. I’m a dream enabler! True surrender is synonymous with radical authenticity.
How do we live in full authenticity?
Manifestation is our natural state. We are already manifesting, it’s just that most people are doing so unconsciously, and thus not getting the result they want. To manifest effectively is synonymous with being who you are, living in authenticity.
The Wheel of Manifestation could just as easily be called The Wheel of Authenticity. By working with each of the four core aspects daily, more of the tethers on your essence are undone. You learn the skills of shedding identity to access and live your essence.
Talk to us about the importance of inspired action. Why does this matter?
One of the things I hear most often from clients is that they know what they want, but they just don’t know ‘how it will happen’. This is another expression of a control response to life, as we mentioned earlier.
When you are truly lit up and fully committed to your vision, an action that you can take right now is revealed. And that’s all you need. You don’t need the full 15-step plan. You don’t even need to know if the action you see to take will ‘work’. It’s not about certainty, it’s about learning to skillfully move the energy of your identity in the direction of your vision fulfilled.
So many women are stuck in the grind. Their actions feel like meaningless have-to. Or, they avoid action altogether because they’ve heard manifestation gurus tell them it's all in their mind. When we work skillfully with inspired action, our lives are filled with magic and synchronicity. We feel the important contribution we are making to life. Inspired action, perhaps more than any other aspect of the Wheel, is where we recover a natural sense of self-worth and aliveness.