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Five Steps To Release Limiting Beliefs To Create Wealth

Written by: Tonya Rutter, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Limiting beliefs are those negative beliefs that keep us small. They come from childhood, and past lives, and can even be passed down through generations. They can be part of the culture we grow up in. They’re also the bullshit rules that society plants into our minds to keep us from our own power. They’re the “I don't,” “I can't,” “I won't,” “I'm not” ‘I’ll never,” and all those other negative “I” statements, such as: “I'm not as good as everyone else,” or “I don't belong here” or “I’ll never be successful,” or “I can't do this job,” or “I won't finish” and many more.

As soon as you open your eyes to these limiting beliefs and shake them off, it’s like an awakening; a whole new world opens up. Limiting beliefs are a result of electromagnetic charges that get stored in the cells. Thoughts are electrical. Emotions are magnetic. When something happens that causes a strong emotional reaction, thought and emotion come together to create an electromagnetic charge that gets stored in the cells. These electromagnetic charges are then passed down through generations to create your background programming. Releasing the limiting beliefs helps break up and neutralize the electromagnetic charges. Below are five steps to releasing limiting beliefs to create wealth.

Step 1: Know That Beliefs Are Malleable

The first step in releasing limiting beliefs is to understand that it’s a belief, which means it can be changed. Oftentimes, people think a belief is static and cannot be changed, but that line of thinking is false. Beliefs are malleable and can change at any time. What you believed when you were 5 years old is probably different from what you believe today. How many times did you think one statement was true, only to find out later the circumstances were different from what you were told and the belief you originally held was false? You know the statement, “There are three sides to every story – yours, mine, and the truth,” is because perceptions change beliefs.

Step 2: Change Your Thoughts

The second step in releasing limiting beliefs is to change your thoughts. Start thinking positively about yourself and your situation. Beliefs and thoughts are interchangeable in the Creation Cycle, meaning new beliefs can change your thoughts, and new thoughts can change your beliefs. If you hear something often enough, you begin to believe it.

Step 3: Make “I AM” Statements Of Power

The third step in releasing limiting beliefs is to make “I AM” statements of power. Think of the negative “I” statements in the first paragraph. What are your negative “I” statements? List them out and choose one. Let’s use “I don’t deserve to be happy” as an example. Change that negative statement to “I AM happy,” which is an “I AM” statement of power. Say it with conviction, and really feel the energy of happiness come into you. Smile as you say it. Do this numerous times throughout the day, every day, and you’ll notice that not only do you believe it, but you feel happy. You are happy. You operate from a place of happiness.

Step 4: Recognize Your Limiting Beliefs

The fourth step in releasing limiting beliefs is to notice when you have limiting beliefs. Every time a negative “I” statement pops into your mind, catch it. It’s amazing how easy it is for us to talk negatively about ourselves, but saying something positive about ourselves can make us uncomfortable. When a negative “I” statement pops into mind, immediately replace it with an “I AM” statement of power. The more often you do this, the less often those pesky negative statements will come into mind.

Step 5: Perform the Heart Love Exercise

The fifth step in releasing limiting beliefs is to allow your heart to love yourself. Place your hand over your heart and say, “I give my heart permission to love me as I am, at this moment, right now, and forevermore.” Your heart is listening to you and will send love to every cell in your body, even if you don’t feel anything when you do the exercise. Keep doing it, and at some point, you will feel it. Let any emotions you feel come forward don’t hold them back. This is your heart healing you.

You can learn more about Tonya and her work with the Money Pulse and releasing limiting beliefs at and


Tonya Rutter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tonya is an Empowerment and Confidence Coach, powerful intuitive, and Energy Master. She discovered her skills when dead people started coming to her, and she was suddenly able to feel how the living died in past lives, opening her to new experiences with helping others overcome trauma. Now, Tonya empowers creatives, coaches, entrepreneurs, and intuitives into Becoming Limitless by showing them how to tap into the magic they have within themselves for abundance in their businesses, careers, wealth, relationships, and health. She also works with corporations by offering boutique business success strategies to obtain desired results, and coaches employees on how to adjust during trying times for positive mental health, so they don't feel like they're going completely crazy, while assisting in creating a support system for optimal work performance and high personal quality of life, resulting in higher employee morale, satisfaction, retention, and lower company insurance expenses. When she's not focusing on clients' energetic needs, you can find this published author writing the sequel to her urban fantasy, Blood Promise; curling up with a good book and a glass of wine; or sitting outside under a moonlit night.

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