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Five Steps That Will Change Your Life

Written by: Katarzyna Dorosz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We create great changes with small steps, small everyday changes that have the power to change our lives for the better. What keeps us from acting is our restless mind. We are constantly in a hurry at work and at home, losing our mindfulness. That's why mindfulness training is so important, and these five steps will help us learn to be more aware of the present moment and make room for real change in our lives in no time.

Young attractive beautiful female girl or university student sit smile look outside window put arm hand back behind head at sofa couch living room feeling relax comfort at cozy home houseplant.

Be happy here and now.

Every place is here, and every moment is now. Did you know that, according to research, we spend 30 to 40% of our time on "autopilot". We live immersed in routine, we are passengers, not drivers, allowing our fate to decide our happiness. Focus on yourself, and be sensitive to your emotions: the best time to pay attention to them is now. Remember that you cannot transfer emotions such as disappointment, anger and irritation to a separate compartment in your brain. We have to deal with emotions and participate in them, take control of this inner world, and not just put it off until later. This is what training to control emotions is about, and even more important is understanding what we feel. Mindfulness training teaches you to stop judging others and focus on yourself.

1. Mindfulness training

Mindfulness training more than anything else, is a philosophy of life, a tool for developing full awareness of the present. Learn to live your life without judging others. People have the right to live as they see fit. Your life belongs to you, be responsible for it and do not judge others. The lack of conflict will guarantee you a sense of inner peace. Stop blaming yourself or even others, that you, anyone or anything made your life meaningless.

Maybe it's time to become independent and take your life into your own hands? Do so with full awareness and responsibility and learn to listen. The sooner you master it, the happier you will be in finding time for yourself. The affairs of others will not distract you, because you will keep your energy without wasting it on pointless things. Another learning tool to be more in the present, the here and now, is better time management. If you want a fuller life, you must learn to use the proper thought filters and focus all your energy and resources to live up to your desires.

2. Practice acceptance

Practicing acceptance in our daily lives does not mean giving up everything that happens around us. It means, first and foremost, accepting ourselves and the emotions we feel. Acceptance also allows us to understand and respect other people's lives. Acceptance is the language of the heart. It means tolerance and understanding. Only by doing so will we be able to make changes.

3. Eat consciously

The world has embraced the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. The Internet is full of dietary recipes. Get interested in your nutrition. Try new recipes ‒ you may be interested in diversifying your diet. Remember, diet affects not only the figure, but also one’s mental health. And most of all ‒ take your time while eating. Don’t hurry. It's healthier that way.

4. Read Books

Books have many advantages: they improve brain function, enrich your vocabulary, and improve your understanding and erudition. It doesn't matter how many books you read. Nobody cares if you like reading classics or biographies. Read to please or improve yourself – there is no pressure. Feel only the pleasure of it. Many people after their school or higher graduation, do not feel the need to read anything at all and do not bother to continue training their brains. Get into this habit of reading every day for 30 minutes.

5. Thanks for everything

You are the only one who is responsible for your thoughts and chooses your attitude towards life. You have the Freedom to choose your reactions because you have free will. And it's up to you whether you choose fear or acceptance, in a given situation. Life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% the way we react to it. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Remembering that peace resides in the silence of the heart, express gratitude. Practice it every morning and evening, and you will see your life change and fill you with the peace you need. Silence lives in you, you just need to find it. By expressing gratitude for your health, family, friends, children, work, home, and love ‒ you strengthen the belief that you are a very lucky one.

“I am very lucky! I am fulfilled! I have silence inside me "

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Katarzyna Dorosz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Katarzyna Dorosz is a leader in the field of brain performance, mental performance, and improving memory and quality of work.

She is a world-renowned expert for senior and mature individuals who also conducts research on longevity. She is also a lecturer and author of several books.

Katarzyna works with many prestigious American universities about attaining meaningful longevity in Life and how to maintain brain function.

She also supports women around the world through motivational lectures. Her attitude and stubborn pursuit of purpose show how important changes and progress in life are. She is also the author of the TV Show "The Power of Life".

During lectures, she uses the "Educational kinesiology and Emotional intelligence" and developed her own methods of exercises that provide excellent memory, concentration exercises as well as relaxation, and a set of physical exercises to improve the condition (adjusted to the age and flexibility of the body).

In business training, Katarzyna uses the popular Japanese Kaizen method, i.e. a philosophy based on changing lifestyle ‒ an endless process of improving and improving the quality of the company.

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