Written by: Jeremy Van Wert MFT MBA, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Unstable, unpredictable, and full of unwelcome surprises. The post-pandemic economy is different in so many ways including a very difficult job market and companies downsizing. Many of these downsize efforts have created two distinctively unique situations. Firstly, there are more people looking for fewer jobs. Secondly, the brain drain this creates in companies is saddling those left over with more work fewer resources and a lower knowledge base in the work environment. On both sides of the fence, there’s a need and a yearning for change.

For those hunting for jobs, the competition is ferocious and in most cases, simple experience isn’t getting people the jobs they want. For those with jobs, the expansion of responsibilities requires an enlargement of skills and a learning curve to cover more responsibilities and a higher workload. Either way, this has many people exploring new paths and new concepts of what they might do to reinvent their lives, skills, and personal missions. Some who’ve never considered the transformative discipline of personal reinvention are now thinking about how to create more professional opportunities and a more dynamic life.
The most creative and dynamic high-level professionals I’ve interviewed have pivoted, reinvented, and retooled periodically throughout their careers. Reinvention is a full-on professional requirement for people engaged in building a meaningful and dynamic life and career. That said, this is not a tool taught or even emphasized in school or professional training seminars. The skill, open-mindedness, and discipline necessary for a personal reinvention should be among the many tools carried by any person who wishes to win despite the myriad of setbacks life naturally takes.
There are five major important mindset and action items critical to self-reinvention that will set you up for success on what can be a very exciting and rewarding journey.
Self-reflection and clarity
Reinvention takes courage, daring, and a willingness to break personal barriers. At the beginning of this journey, reflect on the following things:
What led to whatever situation in which you find yourself?
Are there aspects of your life that need to change? (Habits, relationships, finances, or behaviors)
What moral injury might you be suffering due to current circumstances?
Clarify what you want in your life. (Values, goals, and time)
Get real about what you want out of your life. (People, tasks, or environments).
This is a paramount first step in a journey that needs to include personal honesty, clarity, and a full reconsideration of personal direction. Get real about sitting down and mapping this out with some kind of concrete documentation for yourself. Examine what kind of negative emotions may be involved. These might include fear, ego, rigidity, or self-doubt.
Embrace change and openness
Personal reinvention requires discipline on several different fronts, not the least of which is openness to ideas, skills, and realizations. This process, if done correctly, needs to push you outside your comfort zone. This is where the “every change is an opportunity” mindset is most critical. Sometimes changes cause panic, destabilization, fear, and anger. Look, you might have very justified reasons for things like panic and anger, but it’s not going to help you here. While it’s not possible to simply flip a switch and get rid of harm done to you by others, the process of reinvention is fed by creativity, wholeness, and optimism. Focus mainly on those three things.
Growth and self-discovery are the primary drivers in this process. What do you love doing and why are you good at it? Like “suggested artists” on your music app, consider the adjacent skills to your greatest attributes. Consider working with a coach or consultant in this process. You’d be amazed at what others see in you that you have difficulties seeing in yourself.
Set realistic goals
That doesn’t mean not to set big goals. It means creating obtainable milestones, an organized process, and a structure for accountability. Dream big. Dream with long-term goals in mind. Dream also with the knowledge that large goals are obtained through a step-by-step process. Look at large goals as a culmination of a weekly formula for building success and sustainable progress. Think of this sustainable process as a roadmap for your success and even consider using a web-based platform for marking tasks and milestones done in stages.
The goals you make need to also be consistent with who you want to be in 10 years. These goals need to be consistent with your capabilities, track record, and realistic time management. If you have historic issues with calibrating realistic goals and time management, consider working with a mentor or coach.
Continuous learning and skill development
If you haven’t been continuously developing your skills, certifications, and knowledge base, it’s time to start expanding. Beyond developing your skills, this provides hope, self-confidence, and empowerment. Whether you’re employed or currently out of work, seek out immediate and structured skill development through apprenticeship, interning, certifications, or on-the-job training. Continuous learning is simply a critical requirement for positive mental health, self-confidence, and a sense of momentum.
Good and robust mental health requires positive relationships, meaning in life, and a sense of peace with forward momentum. Training, creativity, and skill expansion are simple elements of hope and a future focus. Structure is the key to successful skill attainment. You’ll find everything in life becomes more hopeful when you can feel your mind expanding and creating new and creative ideas.
Build a support system
The trajectory of your life is heavily influenced by the top five people in your life. Choose carefully and include people who build you up, celebrate your success, and have a net positive influence on your mindset and possibilities. Your network is your net worth! Reinvention requires new relationships and support from several directions. Get around people who are where you want to go and learn as many actionable things as you can! Create boundaries with people who drain energy, speak in negative ways, or do not provide constructive feedback with a sincere desire for your success.
Supportive people increase your self-confidence, offer resources, and can improve aspects of your mindset simply by teaching and encouraging you to keep forging ahead. Treat your network as a mastermind that keeps you focused on where you need to be. Reinvention is hard and requires learning many new things. You’re going to need support.
A note about renewal and mental health
A renewed direction is exceedingly good for the heart and mind. For some, stagnation and a sense of monotony is extremely painful. The reinvention of a life and career positively utilizes nervous and stagnated energy. This increases hope and fulfillment centering your life on purpose and a challenge worthy of conquering. Reinvention is reinvigoration and creates what a human truly needs from time to time, a fresh and renewed direction, function, and purpose.
Reinventing yourself reveals the control you have over your life, placing central control of your destiny into your own hands. This increases your personal sense of accomplishment, resilience, and self-confidence. In doing this, you get to chart a course in your life that breaks any negative patterns that have developed.
Reinvention is something you should be prepared to undertake through structure and strategy. The payoff will be enormous. The world and economy are changing very quickly, forcing more people to think critically about the talents, skills, and personal potential each person may have. Reinvention is a healing and healthy endeavor that can only be done properly with the right structure, discipline, and skill development necessary to emerge victorious and even more authentic on the other side.
So believe in yourself and prove your worth by strategically charting your course for personal reinvention! You owe it to yourself to emerge renewed and to vibrate at a higher level with each year of your life.

Jeremy Van Wert MFT MBA, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jeremy Van Wert is a renowned coach, licensed psychotherapist, and former CEO, celebrated for his transformative impact on personal development and mental health over the past two decades. Originating from a background of adversity, Jeremy discovered his potential in a revered musical performing organization, learning the value of resilience, personal strength, and teamwork. He later ascended to CEO, leveraging his deep-seated positivity and relentless pursuit of excellence to inspire others to transcend their perceived limits.