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Fitness Hustle Culture Is Destroying Women's Bodies – Here’s How To Flip the Tables

 Kayla Brooks is the founder of Flex Your Feminine, a wellness ministry guiding women to honor their God-given feminine design through hormone-aligned fitness and ancestral nutrition. She empowers women to reclaim their birthright by living in sync with hormone cycles and breaking free from the fitness hustle matrix.

Executive Contributor Kayla Brooks

Are you caught in the endless cycle of pushing your body to its limits in the name of fitness and ‘health’? While hustle culture glorifies relentless effort and grit, it’s silently wreaking havoc on our feminine bodies. The grind is a deception; it promises empowerment while robbing us of our vitality.

a woman working out with a barbell in a gym

It’s time to ask: Is the hustle worth it?

Let’s explore the hidden dangers of the fitness industry’s hustle culture and discover a radically different, more feminine approach to health and fitness that honors your divine female birthright.

What is hustle culture?

Hustle culture has become a badge of honor for many women, encouraging the relentless pursuit of success and productivity at the expense of—well—everything else. This mindset is easily recognizable in the institutions of education and corporate America, but it has also infiltrated the fitness industry by promoting the dangerous lie that working out harder, faster, and more frequently while depriving ourselves of vital nourishment is the only way to achieve the “ideal body"—leading many women to compromise their health, well-being, and self-worth in pursuit of unattainable and distorted societal beauty standards that bombard us 24/7/365 in media and advertisements.

This pressure to over-function and perform at peak levels constantly is insidious; it sabotages our results while disrespecting our unique biological blueprint and the inherent wisdom of our female bodies.

Hustle culture values the ego and glorifies endless effort, struggle, pain, constant grind, and sacrifice, while sacred hard work is characterized by intentional and effective actions that align with our values and holistic needs. This distinction is vital for women seeking to break free from the hustle culture matrix while still creating the kind of results their hearts desire.

Sacred strategy means understanding that our fitness journey should honor our body's signals, fostering a polarized approach to movement, nourishment, and rest. It’s about creating a sustainable routine that respects our cycles and allows us to thrive rather than merely survive. By remembering our identity as women and embracing this mindset, we can shift our focus from the relentless pursuit of achievement to a more fulfilling and feminine path toward health and happiness.

How fitness hustle culture disrespects female physiology

Women's bodies are not designed to operate on a 24/7 grind cycle. We are designed with a menstrual cycle that mirrors the moon's phases and the earth's seasons. The menstrual cycle has 4 hormone phases (menses, follicular, ovulatory, luteal) with natural fluctuations in a myriad

of bio-markers that deserve careful consideration and a delicate balance between exertion and rest.

Hustle culture demands an addiction to high-intensity workouts, endless cardio, fear-based restrictive diets, and constant linear progress, ignoring the natural ebb and flow of our biology. This one-size-fits-all approach disrupts hormonal balance, leads to burnout, and can contribute to a laundry list of long-term health issues such as infertility, adrenal fatigue, PMS, or mental and emotional distress.

When we ignore our design today, we pay a heavy price tomorrow.

Why women need a different approach to fitness

Most mainstream fitness programs are designed for men and male biology—specifically, the 24-hour circadian rhythm. While hustle culture glorifies relentless effort, suffering, and high-intensity workouts, sacred hard work is not synonymous with grueling sessions or deprivation dieting.

Women must embrace our unique physiology by aligning training and nutrition with our menstrual cycles—the month-long infradian rhythm. This means leveraging times of peak energy for productive workouts while intentionally embracing rest during lower-energy phases.

Breaking free from the hustle culture matrix allows women to reclaim their biological birthright and blueprint for success—health and vitality rooted in alignment with our natural rhythms, not in constant exhaustion and burnout.

It’s time to recognize that our feminine strength lies not in hustling harder, our pain tolerance, or white-knuckle willpower, but in our devotion to biological truth.

5 signs you're stuck in the fitness hustle matrix

1. You push through fatigue

If you are constantly overriding your body’s signals because you feel guilty for skipping a workout, or you’re afraid of the food you need to recover properly, you’re caught in the hustle trap. Your body is speaking—will you listen? Sustaining long-term health requires honoring your body’s wisdom.

2. You feel guilty for resting

Rest is just as important as movement, yet hustle culture convinces us that rest equals laziness. This damaging mindset can lead to burnout and hormone imbalances, particularly for women.

Rest is sacred; it is not a luxury but a necessity.

3. You’re stuck in a plateau

Are you grinding at the gym yet seeing no results? This frustration stems from a hustle culture that overlooks the vital role of recovery and the progressive overload principle of strength training, leading to plateaus and disillusionment. You are not failing; you’re simply out of sync with your needs for progress (and your cycle).

4. You prioritize appearance over well-being

Hustle fitness emphasizes masculine aesthetics—abs, low body fat levels, and unnatural levels of muscle mass—while neglecting deeper aspects of well-being like hormonal balance, mental health, and emotional nourishment. True beauty radiates from a place of health, not deprivation and drama.

5. You measure success by hard work, not by results

The hustle matrix convinces us that if we aren’t always sweating, suffering, or sore, we aren’t making progress. This approach is unsustainable and, more importantly, harmful to female health and results that last. It’s time to redefine what success means in our fitness journeys.

Recognizing these signs and being honest with yourself about whether they are present for you is the first step toward reclaiming your health from the hustle matrix. By tuning into your body, you can break free from the lies you’ve been sold and embrace the truth.

In a world that glorifies hustle culture, women must understand that truly sacred work begins with tuning in to our bodies–not just working out. Alignment with our feminine design means prioritizing our bodily signals over the pressure to push through pain or fatigue day after day. While hustle culture champions relentless effort at the expense of all red flags your body flings your way, recognizing and respecting your body’s needs is a hallmark of genuine progress.

True freedom lies in our ability to listen to our bodies and respond appropriately, with discernment and wisdom. When we acknowledge our energy levels, fatigue, and recovery needs, we cultivate a sustainable approach to fitness that nurtures both our physical and mental well-being. Embracing this mindset empowers women to break free from the relentless hustle and step into a more balanced, fulfilling fitness journey that rewards us with the results we crave.

Breaking free: Feminine fitness in alignment with your body’s cycles

Hustle culture promotes an addictive cycle of short-term gains and immediate results, leading women to feel we must constantly push our limits to avoid being failures. However, sacred hard work is rooted in a balanced mindset that prioritizes long-term health and sustainability over fleeting outcomes. This means recognizing that our bodies thrive on cyclical consistency, sacred structure, strategic planning, abundant nourishment, and recovery rather than relentless effort at the expense of your sanity.

To break free from the hustle matrix, you need a sacred strategy that honors your body’s design. The rightful work involves cultivating awareness and grace for the natural ebb and flow of energy throughout our menstrual cycles. By allowing ourselves time to build strength and endurance over the long term, we not only avoid burnout but also nurture our physical and emotional well-being.

Learn about progressive overload and why it should be foundational to your fitness strategy, then sync your workouts with your menstrual cycle, nourish your body rather than restrict it, and rest hard. This polarity is the feminine path to fitness success and holistic wellness.

Why women deserve better than the fitness hustle matrix

Women deserve a fitness strategy that not only recognizes our biological design but respects it and leverages it to empower us to move, eat, and rest in ways that support our unique physiology. It’s time to step out of the hustle matrix and into a way of living that prioritizes harmony over hustle.

Reclaiming our bodies and health is not just about physical transformation; it’s an act of rebellion against a matrix that only profits if you stay asleep to its existence because you’re too exhausted from ‘hustling’. It’s time to step into a space where the conversation is about taking radical positive ownership of our fitness journey, free from societal pressures and dogma. This reclamation is a conscious choice to embrace the sacred side of hard work that aligns with our feminine design and rejects the egoic mentality that glorifies harmful hustle.

By refusing the mainstream hustle culture narrative and embracing a holistic, feminine-focused approach to fitness, women can cultivate transformational confidence, sustainable success, and personal agency. This empowerment enables us to create a lifestyle that not only respects our bodies but also allows us to thrive in every aspect of our lives.

Your body is a temple, not a trend. Your birthright demands you reclaim it, nurture it, and watch as it flourishes.

You’re invited to trade the hustle for flex your feminine

Flex Your Feminine’s female-focused strength training protocol is designed to help women follow proper progressive overload structure while honoring the natural flow of the menstrual cycle. Rather than forcing women into a linear, grind-it-out approach, this framework syncs workouts with your body’s hormonal phases to promote optimal results, reduce burnout, and support long-term health.

Ready to break free from the fitness hustle matrix and reconnect with your body’s natural wisdom? Join the Flex Your Feminine revolution and learn how to train, nourish, and live in alignment with biological truth.

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Kayla Brooks, Women's Fitness & Femininity Coach

Kayla Brooks is the founder of Flex Your Feminine, a holistic wellness ministry empowering women to reclaim their feminine design through hormone-aligned strength training, ancestral nutrition, and a unique cycle synced strength training methodology tailored to female physiology. With a mission to help women break free from mainstream fitness and diet culture lies, Kayla provides sacred strategies rooted in biological truth and the body’s divine blueprint, inviting women to remember their birthright of strength, beauty, and a legacy lifestyle.



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