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Feng Shui Your Way Into The New Year

Written by: Diane Hiller, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I first became interested in Feng Shui when a book came to me via a friend. At the time, I was intrigued. I had just bought a house and wanted to do some design, but when I read the book, I wanted to incorporate the principles of energy or “chi” into the home. My first book was Harmony by Design by Nancy SantoPietro and Lin Yun.

Feng Shui

I went out and bought 5-6 more books. Exactly what was this Bagua map, and how do you use it? Then I encountered the Compass School and a Lo Pan, which focused on directionality. I then realized there were two significant traditions, The Chi school, and the Compass school. There are more, but these are the two major ones. The Compass School is more traditional in China. I had the Lo Pan for about 10 min and needed clarification. It took me four months to figure out how to overlay the Bagua Map. I then undertook a formal study.

I felt more resonance with the Black Sect Feng Shui, which incorporates Shamanic and wisdom teachings. There are five sects in Tibetan Buddhism, and each has a color. This school recognizes the synthesis of Shamanic and wisdom teachings and further that there is no separation between consciousness form and intention. There is a constant interaction between them. Creativity arises out of consciousness, intention, and the artist, ‘Qi” or “chi” or “life force energy, “ connects as the message and the medium.

Changing the chi of a person or place changes the clients’ luck/fate/karma. For the Feng Shui Master, the goal is to adjust chi at the most appropriate level: internally, externally or interpersonally.

I studied under His Holiness Professor Lin Yun, who created Black Sect Feng Shui as a system of Tibetan, Buddhist, Daoist, Chinese, and folk wisdom, as well as modern psychology and design principles. The goal is to bring an individual's desire for positive change through universal spiritual laws and principles. We attempt to "do well by doing good,” advancing ourselves by helping others. This form of enlightened self-interest makes the practice of Feng Shui especially magnetic and magical.

Again, this is a calling of a higher nature, and I believe it was written in my soul contract in this lifetime.

The day Professor Lin Yun died, I was sitting at my computer, and my graduation photo floated up out of nowhere on the exact day and time of his death. So yes, I believe in karma and soul contacts.

The pictured Bagua is King Wen Bagua. It overlays the architecturally designed front door of your home, whether you use it or not (And you should) your property as a whole, and each room is based on the “mouth of chi,” which would be the doorway into the room. The map would rotate based on this door. If there are two on different walls, it would be the one you use the most. So, in summary, there are nine energy areas on your property, based on the driveway entrance, nine in your home, and they are in each room of your home.

I will explain the Bagua and some significant concepts you can incorporate immediately. As you can see, this isn’t very easy. Does it work? Yes. Do you need a professional? I would say yes. Even we professionals hire someone for a second look at times. We do not need to be present and can do a consult from a to-scale floor plan and using google earth and looking at a 10-mile radius around your home.

So, let’s look at the Bagua.

The featured Bagua is called the King Wen, (Later Heaven Bagua) and is used for residences.

You will need to read the below text and move clockwise to see what gua is where. Though directions are mentioned, we do not use them.

The bottom is called the three-door Bagua method. Your front door only opens to Helpful People, Career, or Knowledge and Spirituality: one of these three guas. Career is (black) in the bottom center, next to the left is Knowledge (mountain or midnight blue), then Family (green). Your center wall left is your Family area; after that is Wealth, Reputation, then Relationship (romantic love, sister, mother), and then Children, Creativity, and the future ending with Helpful People. The center, or Tai Chi, is the origin of all Yin/Yang energy and health.

Each gua has 50 or more references, family members, specific health issues, etc.

Every qua is associated with an element, color, and shape: Career is black and water, Knowledge is soft earth and blue or midnight blue, Family is wood and green, Wealth is wind and purple, Reputation is fire, the color is red, Love or relationship is red and white or pink, the element is earth, Children and the future is white and metal, Helpful People is metal and grey or black and white, also metal.

There is also the overcoming and producing a cycle of elements taken into consideration when a consult is being done; for example, a fireplace in a metal area is not the best placement; why? Because fire overcomes metal. I know; it is enough to make your head spin.

It is always best to hire a Master. You can anytime, but the best time is before you buy that house.

Here are a few standard fast adjustments; many more powerful ones will not be found in books; they are only passed down orally from teacher to student.

  1. Use your front door. Be sure a pathway connects to your driveway and the road. Or go in and out of it daily. It is the way chi enters your home.

  2. Keep your stove in good working condition; it is how you bring nourishment into your life and is related to your career. Many use only some of the four burners. If so, turning them all on occasionally will help your career.

  3. Ensure your bed is in the “commanding position of the room.” You can see the door but are not in direct line with it.

  4. This school does not like mirrors or electronics in the bedroom; it is a yin space.

The three most significant areas are your front door, bedroom, and stove. There is much fuss about clutter. How bad is it, really? As long as it does not block an entrance or exit, it’s not as bad as you may have believed.

In short,

“Change your chi, change your life.”

You can find certified consultants in this tradition here.

Recommended books:

  • Harmony By Design ‒ Nancy SantoPietro and Lin Yun

  • The Modern Book Of Feng Shui ‒ Steven Post

  • Any book by Sarah Rossbach and Lin Yun

More insight into Baguas and their origin.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Diane Hiller, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Diane is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychic Medium, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive. She has been tested for accuracy. After working in the nursing field as an LPN for 13 years, she returned to college and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She then went on to earn her Master's (MSW) with a Major in Clinical and a Minor in Research, both from the University of Connecticut. She is licensed by State examination as an LCSW. In 2005 she founded Elemental Empowerments, LLC. She is noted in the book “The Top 100 Psychics and Astrologers in America.” She is one of the most well-researched psychics In North America.

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