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Feng Shui Tips For Wealth

Written by: Diane Hiller, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Money. I bet I have your attention now. (Smiling.) The three things people ask most about in a consult are Love, Money, and Health. When I do readings, men often ask about stocks, ROI, and the bottom line. “Show Me The Money.” Can you name the movie?

lucky coins hanging on branch

As you may know, your home has nine energetic areas in each room and on the property. If not, please refer back to previous articles. Today the focus is on “Xun,” also called “Hshun,” in the King Wen Later Heaven Bagua. It is the far back left corner of your home relative to the architecturally designed main front entrance of the house on both floors. The color is purple, and the element is wind.

In looking at any home, it is essential to understand the overcoming and production cycle of the elements. Each qua is associated with an element, water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. It is known as the cycle of the five elements. This system is found in acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and the I Ching. The trigrams of three broken or solid lines form 64 hexagrams representing the world's oldest divination system. Feng Shui derives from this system. You can see them on the bagua map.

Before moving on, it is important to note whom you are hiring. If you hire anyone. You do not want someone who did a weekend class. Even after three years of study and more than a decade of practice, I still ask questions. The two primary schools in Feng Shui are the Compass School and the Chi School. The Compass School is the traditional form. They rely more on directionality. I studied at the Chi School.

The Compass school basically thinks we are a bunch of nut jobs and not credible. They are pretty vocal and public about it. We were taught to pay attention to their methodology and not to discredit them. We did entire classes in both schools and came to the same conclusions. The compass school is very protective of this knowledge, and many think those in the west should not have access. His Holiness Lin Yun thankfully disagreed.

We were taught not to overshare. On a spiritual level, Feng Shui is considered a “karmic intervention.” It is for this reason that we accept money in a red envelope. This is protective in the tradition and symbolic of us not taking on the karma of the problems we are trying to solve. Not all practices do this, either. But, I was taught that not doing so could cause me energetic or karmic harm, so I feel I can only share so much.

So, the back-left corner of your home or typical signs of money problems.

  1. Entering the front door of your home and being met with a staircase that is not offset, Indicates money struggles. It can be corrected.

  2. Seeing a wall within 6 feet of entering the front door of your home symbolizes blockages in that area. Correctable.

  3. A bathroom in the wealth area is tough to correct. Not impossible, but difficult. Some people are known to have powerful money chi enough to overcome this issue, but I would not buy a house with a bathroom there.

  4. Seeing straight through the house from the front door symbolizes money coming in and out too quickly. Many well-versed in Feng Shui will not even enter or look at the home if they see this when house shopping. It can be corrected.

  5. A bathroom in the home’s direct center or Tai Chi indicates too much money for going out for taxes. It can be corrected.

  6. A fireplace in the center also burns up the primordial yin/yang energy. It is correctable.

  7. The kitchen stove is not in good working order.

  8. A fireplace in wealth can be corrected.

  9. A fire pit in the wealthy area of the backyard is a terrible idea. Move it to the fire area, the back center of the property.

  10. An exit door in the wealth gua. Correctable.

  11. No walkway to the home that connects to the driveway, road, and the outside world.

  12. A poorly placed swimming pool.

In doing a business consult, we look at the above and if there is a cash register, where it is placed, and how the chi flows to the building. Also, there is Feng Shui for websites, business cards, and logos.

What are some things you can do without hiring someone?

  1. Place live soft-leaf plants in the wealth areas of each room and empower them. No cactus. Use peace lilies, philodendrons, and any delicate rounded-leafed plant. No spikes.

  2. Plant purple flowers or shrubs in the back-left corner of your property. Empower them.

  3. Ensure your front door and the path to it is clear.

  4. Be sure you have a pathway to your front door; one that meanders is best. We like things in multiples of nine. It is the number of completion and money. I had no walkway here, so I added 45 stones and placed Chinese money coins under all of them.

  5. Be sure your kitchen stove is in good working condition, and turn on all burners occasionally if you do not use them. It is a mini representation of the bagua map and how you bring nourishment into your life.

  6. Place a five-flute hollow metal windchime near any entry door. Especially the front.

It is well worth hiring someone. Several years ago, I hired someone to take another look at my home. Feng Shui Master, heal thyself. She found things others had not seen. I did not see them. The corrections resulted in nearly immediate results. I was already busy, but my business literally doubled within two weeks.

Each house can have many different issues. Almost all are correctable without structural changes.

I recently did a radio show, and the host asked about Feng Shui, stating that many do not know what it is. Do your research. Pick a school. If you get books from different ones, you will be totally confused.

Yes, it does work.

The movie previously mentioned was “Jerry Maguire” and that hilarious scene with Cuba Gooding, Jr.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and visit my website for more info!


Diane Hiller, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Diane is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychic Medium, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive. She has been tested for accuracy. After working in the nursing field as an LPN. She returned to college and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She then went on to earn her Master's (MSW) with a Major in Clinical and a Minor in Research, both from the University of Connecticut. She is licensed by State examination as an LCSW. In 2005 she founded Elemental Empowerments, LLC. She is noted in the book “The Top 100 Psychics and Astrologers in America.”In February, she was honored and humbled to be named TOP PSYCHIC MEDIUM OF THE YEAR for 2023 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) "for her outstanding leadership, dedication, commitment, and enlightenment to her field." She will be presented with an award in December at the Plaza Hotel in NYC. Diane is considered one of the most well-researched psychics In North America.

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