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Feeling Stuck? Reset With These 4 Power Steps

Written by: Susan Barbee, CPC, CCSP, PHR, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Growth happens outside of our comfort zone.”

When you’re overwhelmed, your center of gravity shifts. You’re stuck.

Feeling stuck happens when we don’t know what we really want. Then fear sets in and we struggle to find the energy to move forward.

If this sounds like you, how open are you to learning how to reboot and remove the obstacles standing in your way? To try to see stepping stones, not stumbling blocks? This can happen once you break through the blocks (like fear) and embrace the small wins that, taken together, build momentum. Follow these steps to set your vision into motion and reach a growth breakthrough.

1. Breathe deeply

One thing we as humans do is breathe. Yet, do you tap into its full potential? The simple act of intentional breathing can slow us down and allow us to stay fully in the present. Try this 3-5-5 technique:

  1. In a quiet space – or right where you are ‒ sit, stand or lie down.

  2. Take 3 slow, deep breaths. Count to 5 as you inhale and 5 as you exhale.

  3. Now how do you feel? Try it again. In-and-out.

Now you’re ready to go deeper and see things more clearly. If you want to get even more anchored, extend this mindfulness with experiences like deeper meditation, yoga, or a nature walk.

2. Gain clarity on your vision

I’ve marveled at how a simple visioning technique has brought my clients an instant insight or an intuitive flash as they uncover what comes next or what’s truly important to them.

Try it yourself. Set aside quiet time; give yourself some personal space. Take that deep breath. Then imagine it’s 6 months from now. What does it look like and feel like? Speak in the present tense: say, “I am…”

  1. Now ask, if I had exactly what I wanted, what would I be experiencing?

  2. What beliefs, thoughts, and feelings helped you achieve this visualization?

  3. With your vision firmly in mind, think about where you are now. Then, where do you need to make a change to bring your vision to life? Try writing it down.

As you experience a shift in your perspective, tap into this clarity and set your vision into motion. I’ll show you how with the next two steps.

3. Release your roadblocks

Let’s pause to consider what might hold us back from getting what we want. If you believe that finances or time prevent action, these are called external blocks. Believing you’re not good enough or smart enough are internal blocks. All blocks limit our thinking and filter our perceptions.

If this is what you’re experiencing, it’s no wonder that you feel overwhelmed or stuck. So, how do you start to release what stands in your way? By working from the inside out, focusing first on the internal blocks. This process can help move you from fear-based thinking to new-possibilities thinking ‒ and lead to finding solutions for external deterrents. By focusing not on what is in the past ‒ only on what can and will be ‒ you can create the world you choose. Try this:

1. Name goals or dreams you want to attaineither current goals or long-time challenges that remain unresolved or incomplete.

2. Identify internal blocks. Here are four common ones to look for:

  • Limiting beliefs: a generalization you’ve accepted about yourself, the world or other people that restrict your thinking, e.g, “You can’t get hired without a degree.”

  • Interpretation: a story you create about an event or person that you believe is true.

  • Assumptions: an expectation that something will happen again since it happened before.

  • Gremlin: an inner voice that tells you that you’re not good enough. It’s deeply rooted in fear and keeps you playing small.

3. As soon as you experience a negative thought or belief, try the trick, “Stop and Take Five”: Stop. Breathe. Ask, “How else might I look at this?” “What is really going on here?” Challenge your perspective. Then tell yourself, “Now let it go.”

Regularly raising your awareness of a persistent block and practicing ways to redirect your thinking can lead to new habits over time. New habits can help you flip the script, release the fear, and embrace the new. So, practice, practice, practice.

4. Create an action plan

Now that we’ve gained awareness of our internal blocks, let’s apply the learning to see what’s stopping us from reaching our goals and dreams.

Consider the stumbling blocks you listed. Ask, is fear or self-doubt standing in my way of attaining that vision or goal? If yes, know that fear is normal. Fear’s job is to tell you that you have more work to do. It’s only problematic if it stops you from acting.

One way to gain traction is breaking down your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces. The pay-off? Taking one or more steps helps you feel you’re making progress toward setting your vision into motion. And, the sense of movement builds upon itself and can create momentum.

Ready? These questions can help you consider all aspects of your situation, and all aspects of your life. So, stay open, and embrace curiosity.

  1. Look at what you’re doing now. What’s working? What’s not working?

  2. Think about aspects of life impacted by a change. Consider the reason you want this goal; and what you really want (think of your vision).

  3. Other questions to explore more:

    • How will the change affect other parts of your life or others' lives?

    • What are the short-, mid-and long-term effects of the plan?

    • What is the opportunity cost? That is the cost of the plan in terms of other things that can't be done if you choose to carry it out.

When working to propel your vision into action, be alert for derailers. Let’s say you let the fears and doubts get ahead of you and nothing changes. What will it cost you not to move forward?

Perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best:

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”

I hope these 4 steps help you get past an impasse in your life. I’d love to hear your reset story, and what worked for you to get moving and get what you want.

If you’re ready for a growth breakthrough and want a coaching partner to help make it happen, reach out. Send a note about what you’re currently dealing with or simply schedule a one-hour complimentary conversation with me.

Get in touch…

Visit my website and submit a question from the Connect page; send an email; or schedule time on my calendar.

And take a deep breath.

Follow me on LinkedIn for more info!


Susan Barbee, CPC, CCSP, PHR, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Susan Barbee is a certified leadership development and career coach – and former HR pro. After a long run in publishing, she found herself needing to jump-start a new career in a field with a brighter outlook. Hiring a career coach empowered her transformation into a completely new role as an HR consultant while igniting her dedication to guide professionals to unlock their potential and fuel sustainable growth. She is founder of GrowForward Coaching + Consulting, a boutique practice that builds capacity and support through transformative coaching, facilitation, career management, and leadership development services. Her clients include emerging- to mid-career professionals in transition, new and mid-career managers, and senior executives. Susan is also a frequent workshop presenter, group facilitator, panel participant and podcast guest. Her mission: To open pathways to growth for professionals at every stage in their career.



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