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Feeling Scarcity In A Season Of Giving

Written by: Kristen Bilodeau, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The Juxtaposition of Abundance and Scarcity

Constantly juggling the demands of our lives; family, children, relationships, jobs, businesses, personal obligations is a practice many of us know all too well. Add to that list the insidious feeling of scarcity; a mindset where you feel a strong sense of lack for something, such as time, money, or love, and can’t seem to focus on anything but that lack.

It can be all-consuming and create a narrow perspective on our lives and leave us crippled with the powerful thought or belief that we have unmet needs.

As we head into the holidays, a time filled with gift-giving and thankfulness, for those who struggle with feelings of scarcity may feel greater conflict. How do we understand and manage the juxtaposition of scarcity and lack in a season of abundance and gratitude?

When we can’t see the forest through the trees

When we feel we are lacking in a physical or emotional need in our lives this feeling can also have intense physical and emotional side effects such as stress, anxiety, depression or a decrease in cognitive functioning and an inability to think clearly. With the holidays comes increased obligations to social functions and family gatherings. These responsibilities can leave us feeling depleted and lacking in time to rest and recharge. It can also leave many without family feeling a deep sense of loneliness.

Being in a state of scarcity can lead us to hyperfocus on our unmet or unfulfilled needs- and our ability to acquire the resources or means to meet those needs - creating blocks in our thinking. We zoom in on what is problematic instead of seeing the resources or means we do have; we see a glass-half empty (or totally empty) approach which leaves us feeling helpless, overwhelmed, or victimized.

For some, feelings of scarcity can help their mind narrow in on a goal that needs to be achieved and help prioritize the steps to accomplish that goal. This is a great way to utilize the power of scarcity mindset to be purposeful and intentional. However, if feeling scarcity at a time when you feel you have many obligations and priorities to attend to; choosing what and how to prioritize can be a daunting task.

Taking time to write down your feelings of scarcity, questioning the truth of your statements, and focusing on small steps towards solutions can help to shift thinking so that you are able to focus on the means and support systems you can utilize to help you as well as feel a sense of empowerment over your situation. Bringing awareness to feeling scarcity in your life is the first step to seeing that it is feeling; not a permanent condition

Feeling from a place of fear, not intuition

Operating from a scarcity mindset can lead us down the rabbit hole of thinking of worst-case scenarios and catastrophizing. When we come from a place of fear and worry, we are blocking our intuition and insight and creating negative vibrational energy.

Quieting the mind when we are in this place of fear and lack is critical to help center and refocus your mind so that you can get in a place where you can reconceptualize your thoughts. Intuition is often described as the “gut” reaction or knowing that something is not right. Our body knows before our mind has time to process; it is that beautiful “one step ahead” that gives us the feeling and knowing of intuition. Listening to our body is an important practice and one that requires time and space to foster. Deep breathing, meditation, and journaling can help to clear the mind of toxic thinking so that you are able to process your fears, accept them as feelings instead of definitions of who you are or where you are headed.

Sacrifice and feeling worthy

Feelings of scarcity can often leave those who are vulnerable or sensitive to their unmet needs feeling as if they are not worthy of having their needs met or that they must sacrifice parts of themselves in order to get this need met.

This is a dangerous and self-defeating mindset to be in. We are worthy of all that we want to be, do, or have; not victims of circumstances we have no control over. In a culture and society where we see so much excess and abundance, it is easy to fall into the trap that we are unlucky, unworthy, or undeserving of what we desire.

The practice of gratitude as a muscle; a habit that must be nurtured and fostered so that daily reminders of the beauty of what we have and who we are become threaded into our everyday thoughts, feelings, and choices, is one that we must all prioritize. Unless we are consciously and deliberately taking time to honor and appreciate what we have in our lives we can fall into a scarcity mindset where we feel helpless to the sense of lack of never being able to be, do, or have enough.

Understanding the juxtaposition of abundance and scarcity comes with the principle of knowing that we can choose how to see ourselves and our lives. It comes from a willingness and attitude towards believing that we have the power to fulfill our needs. We have the ability to make choices daily that get us one step closer to the goals and dreams we have for ourselves. At any moment we can choose abundance over scarcity so long as we are ready to see with a different lens.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Kristen Bilodeau, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

As a Personal Development and Marriage Coach, Kristen Bilodeau leads women through their own personal journey of finding their voice, healing their marriage, and releasing their inner wild woman. As a woman who struggled in her own journey to self-awareness and truth in her life and marriage, Kristen uses the power of a woman’s story as the tool and catalyst for change, healing, and growth. She helps women uncover their truth through questioning and reflection so that they are able to be the creator of their experiences and thrive as the woman they were meant to be.

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