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Feel It To Heal It – How To Ride The Wave Of Challenging Emotions

Nicoleen, The Flamekeeper is a leader in holistic healing. 10 years bed bound with chronic illness, on life support repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse were released, revealing how energy poisons mind, body and spirit. She is the Creator of the Phoenix Program 1:1 transformational coaching to heal trauma and rekindle your self-confidence.

Executive Contributor Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Do you know that well-meaning friend, the one who tells you to ‘think happy thoughts and stay positive’? Stop listening to them! Although they mean to raise your spirits, when they comment, ‘at least it isn’t as bad as what happened to so and so’, it actually has the opposite effect. When you are encouraged to bypass how you truly feel and pretend that everything is ok, you are made to feel ashamed of struggling. 

large wave breaking over the top of the ocean

We live in a world of picture-perfect insta moments, but nobody is brave enough to let anyone see what’s really going on behind closed doors for fear of being judged or seen as weak.

‘The Angel of the Sea’ Visionary art and ltd edition prints available by Nicoleen Flamekeeper 

large wave breaking over the top of the ocean

I want you to know that whatever your feelings are, you have a right to feel them. They are real and valid! It is through acknowledging them instead of supressing them, that you are able to heal.

Still waters run deep

On the surface, I always appeared calm and unflustered, but deep within me was an ocean of pain I had never allowed anyone to see. I grew up fiercely independent because trauma taught me that nobody was coming to save me, and I can’t rely on anyone else but myself. This meant that nobody knew just how much I was struggling and my belief continued to manifest situations in which I was left to struggle alone.

The truth is when you repress your emotions, they become like stagnant pools festering with every dark feeling. For water to retain clarity and purity it needs to be in flow, so too do your emotions need to be allowed to flow through you.

You are designed to transmute emotion

Water is a strong conductor of energy, and over 90% of your blood plasma is water. You are literally created as a Divine conduit! You are built to channel emotions and energy in motion in order to learn and gain wisdom from them, but you are not meant to hold onto every painful memory until they become rancid within, preventing the flow of Divine consciousness through you. 

Conversely, science has observed that if water is purified, it becomes an excellent insulator, and does not conduct electricity. Pure water doesn’t exist in nature however, as water is a universal solvent, meaning it’s capable of dissolving or dispersing other substances, to provide a solution! 

What this teaches you is that as you purify your emotional body, you will become more insulated from the charge of challenging events and be able to find solutions!

The irony is that scientific studies show the chemical reaction that occurs in the body from an emotion lasts for just 90 secs! However, you can remain crippled by these emotions for decades if you clench up and refuse to feel and release them. 

Dive deep into your emotion

I never used to allow myself to feel my feelings, fearing that I would get dragged away by the current, but I have learned this means you will need to expend all your energy fighting against the flow. Instead, allow yourself to feel the pain, shame, embarrassment, fear, and grief, whatever the emotion is asking of you. Welcome these emotions it into your heart without judging them, they have a right to be there. Stop drowning yourself in the sea of anger or despair, and instead allow it to flow through you to be transmuted by the Universe. When you do, you make way for fresh, pure energy to manifest through you.

How to release painful emotions

I’d like to share a story with you to explain how I learned to let go of painful emotions during an incredibly difficult period in my life. I was fighting with repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and the knowledge that nobody had helped me in my time of need.

One day in meditation, I had a vision of myself in stormy, dirty water, grasping at reeds growing on a mud island. The water was full of debris, and as it sliced into my arms and stomach, I held on for dear life. I thought ‘if I can just hold on and pull myself up onto this island I will be safe’. The truth was the island was unstable and offered no food or shelter, and staying where I was would mean death. In that moment I heard a voice telling me ‘let go and surrender to the flow of the current. You will be taken out to sea where the water is calm and clean and then delivered safely back to shore. I was finally able to let go of the incredible pain I was carrying and find a way to move forward again.

Fear clouds your judgement

My plan was based on fear and distrust because of what I had experienced in the past. I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone to help me and that my survival depended on me alone, but when you surrender and trust the Universe, you can be given a higher perspective and guided to the help you need. 

It’s time to feel so you can heal 

If you would like to learn more about how spiritual coaching can help you heal from trauma so that you can create the fulfilling, beautiful life that you deserve, book a free breakthrough call with me and gain clarity about what may be holding you back.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Nicoleen Flamekeeper, Holistic Healing Coach

Nicoleen Flamekeeper is the Flamekeeper, a holistic healing coach transforming mind, body and spirit. 10 years bed-bound with chronic illness, on life support, repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse were released, revealing how energy poisons mind, body, and spirit. She is skilled at healing sexual abuse, domestic violence and narcissistic abuse, that results in low self-worth, alcoholism, addiction, depression, anxiety and chronic illness. She is the Creator of the Phoenix program: 1:1 transformational coaching. Her mission: help you heal from trauma and rekindle your self-confidence so that you can create the joyful life you deserve.


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